>that guy who watches films with an imdb score below 8.7
That guy who watches films with an imdb score below 8.7
That would limit you to 18 films.
>paying attention to imdb scores
>even paying attention to them ironically to shitpost on an Estonian cicada appreciation website
>that guy who wears baseball caps in the cinema
>that guy who goes to the movies alone
IMDB is about lowest-common-denominator as you can get.
I'm curious how many actually paid shills tip the scores on there.
>actually believing this
not sure what to tell you my dude.
What's wrong with what I said? I think it's a rational view to take.
I like the site, but at the same time I know that everybody in Hollywood knows about it too.
>watch a random movie you never heard of
>fucking love it
>go to imdb for more info
>turns out it's above 8
Feels good man
Tell me about boogie. Why does he wear the mask?
You got me, user. I was expecting basketball shorts and you impressed me.
>watch a random movie you never heard of
>fucking hate it
>go to imdb for more info
>turns out it's below 6
Feels good man
>that guy who goes to the movies in basketball shorts
>Watch Suicide Squad
>fucking hate it
>go to imdb for more info
>turns out it's a 9.8
>wall art of Planeswalkers
Fat faggot can't even like Magic correctly. Planeswalkers as both a mechanic as characters in the lore are complete fucking cancer now. Liking Chandra and Jace is basically outing yourself as a newfaggot.
It's lower now that the shills have been balanced out
>watch a random movie you never heard of
>fucking love it
>go to imdb to know about people behind this masterpiece
>turns out it's 4.2
Fucking kill me.
even rateyourmusic has a better film system than imdb
If he doesn't lose weight, will he die?
IMDB scores are pretty reliable for movies made before the mid-2000s. Anything after the advent of smartphones is tainted by people leaving the theaters and instantly scoring whatever they viewed as a 10 because they didn't hate it.
>his top ten movies aren't in the imdb top 250
You sure are a unique snowflake
imdb is total fucking garbage
if you actually think any marvel/dc film belongs in the top 100 you might actually be a flailing autist
That's a reflection of the exact thing I described.
I know I'm agreeing with you
apart from the notion that it's good for films at all (i.e. shawshank #1)
>tfw my favorite movie is close to perfect
Shawshank isn't a bad movie though- not at all deserving of #1 but it's not terrible
I use the scores more to decide whether or not something is worth a watch. No 'top movies' list is ever going to be anywhere near correct.
it's not bad but it's not good
although not perfect (how could it be) this is way better rateyourmusic.com
except some of the best films I've seen have shitty imdb scores
there's like no in-between
>Pulp Fiction
yeah, I know. But it's a better film than Shawshank, and at least there's no cancerous marvel movies even touching the top 100 (I don't think)
>Most recent movie in the top 10 is from 1994
That alone proves their validity to me.
what are you implying
>They have taste that coincides with IMDB scores
FUCKING LOL. Plebs are bad, but plebs who think they aren't are the worst.
Liteally all enyoable movies are in 6.5 to 8.2.
Imdb score?
>check Boogie's twitter
>he's friends with a bunch of food reviewers and goes to places like CraveCon and FoodCon
Boogie won't live to see 2020
they have no grip on experimental cinema whatsoever
boodie is so out of controll when he went to a con he SHIT HIMSELF and then just sat in the corner for the whole thing
>That guy who consumes 11,000 calories a day and is upset and complains about being overweight
He claims to go there to give talks on dieting and moderation, but thats obvious bullshit. A drug addict doesn't go into a crack den surrounded by needles and bags of smack to talk about why you shouldnt use drugs
>That retard friend who doesn't because he thinks that makes him "smart"
>mfw a 550lb man shows up to a food con to lecture me about dieting and moderation
>mfw a 550lb man who consumes at least 12,000 calories a day has the fucking nerve to talk about dieting and moderation
>the Independent
I sincerely hope you live in the UK and appreciate the irony of the publication you just cited.
How do people eat enough for this to happen? I'm a fat fucker, but I've never been able to get myself fat enough to be a big, round blob. I just have a nasty gut and thunder thighs. I tried intermittent fasting as part of my diet, and found that eating my daily 1500 kcal in one sitting was hellish. I can't imagine how people eat like 3 meals that size per day.
He justifies it to himself over and over again and lets it get out of hand. Muh depression, muh stress, muh childhood, muh genetics
I mean, to stay that size, you have to be eating so much goddamned sugar. If he even cut down to normal, adult male caloric intake for a month, there'd be noticeable loss like magic. You have to TRY to be that much of a fat bastard.
Is this better for you Einstein?
>So-called ‘trash films’ do not stand in opposition to taste and education. Quite the contrary, they are often watched by people with an above-average education and interest in culture. In a survey performed at the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics in Frankfurt, film scholar Keyvan Sarkhosh investigated why certain viewers actively seek and enjoy films which they themselves describe as cheap and trash.
He knows that if he became slim, he'd lose his audience
He stays fat for views
I disagree, with an extreme case of obesity like Boogie, there is definitely a point of no return, related to his weight, diet, and maybe most importantly, his age. Boogie is like fucking 40 isn't he? At that point he's absolutely fucked, and has no hope of any significant drop in his weight. Not to say it's tragic, he did inflict it on himself.
>fat guy goatee
imdb scores Conan the Barbarian as 6.9
Fuck imdb. Fuck you. Fuck the world.
>has no hope of any significant drop in his weight.
I don't see why not. I'm not saying he hasn't irrevocably fucked his health, but he could totally drop weight down to normal fat fuck levels at least. All he'd have to do is eat like 2k kcal per day like a normal human. He's so fat that it's fucking hard to stay that fat.
Shit, he could get medical help for it. I knew a big fat fuck who went to his doctor with his sweet ass new insurance, and the doc put him on the hospital's in-house diet of nutrition shakes and a very strict meal plan. Dropped 30 lbs in a month, with slower but steadier loss after that.
Even if you need a doctor's help, you can lose weight.
If he ate 2000kcal a day he'd lose hundreds of pounds in a year or two.
I love how he cites toxic avenger as a shitty film
fucking moron
Also his wife must be big time into him being that fat, he can't really walk anymore IIRC as his leg bones are a nightmarish patchwork of stress fractures.
She buys the food, she feeds it to him.
Could he consume 11k calories a day if he didn't have it in the house? No. It's his choice to consume 6ltrs of Soda a day.
In addition, I think someone pointed out here, he could eat (on his own) 2 Pizza-hut large meat feast pizzas a day... and he would lose weight. He's eating the equivalent of 4 or 5.
He's a big guy.
>Also his wife must be big time into him being that fat
No that's what her black bull is there for.
>that guy who coughs loud as hell every 30 seconds in the cinema