So at this point most people (definitely not everyone) agree Beyond was at least a decent movie, but do you realize how easily it could've turned into a complete clusterfuck?
After Into Darkness JJ Abrams was shipped off to Star Wars, Bob Orci the writer of the previous two films was hired to direct and write a 3rd film with Patrick McKay and John D. Payne. According to Orci's twitter his version would've been about a macguffin with the potential to reset the Kelvin Timeline back to the Prime Universe. Orci called it "the Last Temptation of Kirk and Spock". This would've provided an opportunity for Chris Pine and Shatner to be on screen together.
Paramount ultimately rejected the script and Orci was removed as director to merely a producer. However it was JJ Abrams that would find Beyond's director Justin Lin. Lin was hired in December 2014 with no written script. Simon Pegg and Doug Jung were hired a month later.
Pegg and Jung worked 12 hours a day writing and when they weren't writing they were watching TOS in a screening theater doing research. It took 3 days in a hotel room for Lin to convince Pegg to blow up the Enterprise in the first act of the film. Lin was given 76 shooting days to complete principal photography, one of the shortest schedules for any recent blockbuster film - and writing was not even fully completed. Lin claimed they were "writing right up to the end of editing". In fact they were even editing right up to the official premiere. Lin described having to shoot Beyond in "indie mode" due to the speed required to meet the release date and claimed he wouldn't finish the editing until they literally took the film away from him.
The fact this wasn't a disaster is kind of amazing.
Even stranger considering the previous in the series had lots of marketing and made tons of money. They should have expected similar results with similar levels of marketing, and instead they get probably the lowest box office performance out of the best in the (new) series.
Daniel Bailey
I honestly think that the terrible reception from the first awful trailer basically spooked Paramount and they basically decided that the movie was going to flop and it wasn't worth diverting so many funds into marketing for it.
The fact Star Trek Beyond was fucking awesome (and I say this as a Trekkie from the early 90s) was probably a shock to them as it was to us.
Blake Rodriguez
It was a lot better than I was expecting, and I didn't realize the bad guy was Idris Elba till the very end. Even the new girrrrl power original character did a good job, and wasn't annoying or forced like I was expecting. I think I liked this one even better than Into Darkness.
Why was the Yorktown base so advanced compared to everything else Starfleet ever came up with in the original universe? They can't pin that kind of shit on a single diverging historical event anymore
Hudson Gutierrez
Because it's cool
William Lewis
Because it's the future, retard
Josiah Morgan
It's my least favorite of the nu-Trek trilogy but I still enjoyed it.
Anthony Peterson
I loved the movie. It got me interested in the rest of Trek, which I haven't cared about since I was a kid watching TNG. I just have one question: why does the Franklin look so much cooler than the Enterprise?
Wyatt Fisher
Because its a ship like they looked in the Enterprise tv series and those ships looked fucking amazing.
Jose Sanchez
This is the most confusing movie to me.
I have not seen Star Trek BeyonD yet. The trailers looked AWFUL.The STB movie poster ripping off Bob Peak's painted poster for Star Trek The Motion Picture made me fucking furious. Now that the movie is out, some people are saying it is a great movie, some people are saying its bad, and it has a good rating on Rotten Tomatoes. I am so torn about this movie. Opinions about it are all over the fucking place. Some people say it really captures the TOS feel in a Star Trek movie for the first time since The Wrath of Khan. ARRGH wtf
Mason Jones
From a person that hated the two first nutrek movies: This one was pretty good. It actually felt like Star Trek.
Blake Thompson
I never saw the Enterprise tv series. Thinking about watching it, but I heard it was awful. Like Voyager bad.
Aiden Gutierrez
Just watch it yourself then
Jaxon Jones
there were also Yorktown-like bases in the original universe, they just didnt show them
Elijah Brooks
it was excellent senpai
Henry Robinson
>It took 3 days in a hotel room for Lin to convince Pegg to blow up the Enterprise in the first act of the film.
Thus ruining the movie.
Lincoln Reyes
>However it was JJ Abrams that would find Beyond's director Justin Lin
Hunter Sullivan
>hating 09
Hudson Jackson
Why would you base your opinion off of other people? what a turbo pleb
Caleb Moore
>ripping off Bob Peak's painted poster for Star Trek The Motion Picture made me fucking furious
You have autism so don't bother watching it, just commit suicide. You don't deserve good movies like Beyond.
Jayden Allen
>Liking Nemesis 2
Joseph Bell
09 is actually fun and well-made though.
Christopher Diaz
i really liked it. it was a better star wars film than the force awakens.
Anthony Long
I want to write Pegg, Lin and Jung a mail. What's their address?
Lucas Powell
>TFA is nothing but a soulless, boring ANH rehash >every normie and their mother hyped about le geeky SW >after 2009, they deliver yet another all around good ST movie, great cast chemistry, soundtrack, visuals etc >uh user why should we go watch STB that shit is for nerds
What the hell is wrong with people?
Nathan Flores
Just message them on twitter
Eli Evans
Shit, guess it'll have to do.
Colton Robinson
Thrall/Edison was wasted potential. He should've had way more screentime and a chance to spell out his motivations properly, rather than just "I'm angry and hate peace because I wasn't born in the current year".
Also, this is mainly my fault, but I heard "Federation" as "Federations" and thought Thrall was part of some millenia-old group that had lived through countless interplanetary civilisations, and drew their spacecraft into the Nebula to be destroyed and have their tech/people co-opted. Was kinda disappointed when I realised this wasn't the case.
Isaiah Thomas
They should have figured out who he was in the second act when they were dicking around on the Franklin. It's a ship that they learn about in starfleet academy but not a single one of them can be bothered to look at the logs of a mystery ship? Maybe have Kirk look at the captain's logs?
Benjamin Campbell
I dont understand why people suddenly dislike the remake so much.
It was p good, even RLM liked it.
Ayden Green
>this base is impregnable to the point a character who's been established as hardass has a nervous breakdown thinking about it >lol just ride in on a motorcycle bro it's all k >same soldiers who massacred the Enterprise's security forces (despite the latter being prepared for an attack) get rekt by a ragtag group of survivors
Enterprise first two seasons aren't great, but ok.
Funny you mention Voyager. Enterprise is what Voyager could have been.
But, like all Trek series, it basically takes two seasons to even get out the gate. TNG first two seasons were awful. DS9 was horrible until they got both the Defiant and Worf into the mix. Voyager didn't know what the hell they were doing for the longest time.
Trek fatigue had more to do with Enterprise being cancelled than the quality of the show. If it hadn't been the fourth series in twenty straight years of Trek on TV, it would have done amazingly well in my opinion.
Cooper Lewis
>everybody is wrong but me
Most people love TFA and don't think it's a soulless rehash.
Carson Evans
because new things are always bad.
contrarians are cancer
Ian Wilson
Henry Davis
>thinks war is necessary for human advancement >sees incredible technological/social marvel which was created by a peaceful civilisation >tries to destroy it anyway because reasons
Would've been a far more impactful ending if Kirk had talked him out of it.
Sebastian Fisher
Star Trek 09 is still better than Beyond. There's more pathos in the first 10 minutes of that film than there is in the entirety of Beyond
Josiah Davis
Same exact feelings
Cooper Powell
Why is it that the most memorables movies often tend to be the ones shot/edited in atrocious conditions?
Cooper Roberts
Spock/Uhura Jaylah/Montgomery Scotty Kirk/Carol Marcus Now Nurse Chapel needs to show up for McCoy
Justin Gonzalez
Pressure focuses some people
Caleb Gray
Krall was right, progress requires conflict
Parker Brooks the literal only good thing I can say was that it did look and feel like an actual star trek episode. a bad star trek episode is a lot worse than a decent star wars movie, which is basically what trek 09 and Into Darkness were, or at least were demo reels for JJ to get to star wars.
Evan Flores
Was this the last one they're going to make?
Angel Gray
The villain is clearly the biggest flaw in the movie but he wasn't so bad
It almost felt like a heart of darkness thing but they just didn't develop him enough
Liam Lopez
You either need to stop spamming your garbage video or adopt a tripcode so I can filter you.
Brayden Parker
you need to stop being so butthurt that there won't be a trek 4 Mike
Robert Sanders
Jonathan Jenkins
i went and saw this movie with my family while high on weed and don't really remember what happened AMA