Is this the worst-looking Disney movie?
Is this the worst-looking Disney movie?
It's completely unwatchable by todays standards 2bch
No, not even close.
I hope you go to Hell
Have you watched it recently?
There is no lip-synch whatsoever, the character's colours are so pale they stick out like a sore thumb from the backgrounds, which are very plain to begin with, the animations are horrible and really clash with the occasional CG effects.
It's like direct-to-video.
The blueray makes it look even worse.
Which ones look worse?
Direct-to-video doesn't count, although even some of those look better.
Everything about who you are as a person is shit.
I've probably watched it a 100 times already. It's my favourite Disney movie and I watch it everytime I'm sick. So yeah I'm an expert on this. Beauty and the Beast is pure magic and you're retarded.
Seconding this user. Hang yourself, OP.
It looks so bad.
If you watch this movie for the first time with a girl you love, rewatching it will completely break you after she's gone.
WAaah he doesnt like a disney princess movie I like. Cry to your mother you pussy ass bitch.
Heh, all these posts blinded by their emotion. I, for once, am glad that I've been able to master my "feelings" and always see things from an objective point of view.
Trust me if this movie was bad I wouldn't have watched it a second time.
Yeah, teaching little girls it's ok to go back to your abuser.
That's the sequel
I think the Jungle Book takes that one. It's real close though.
If you don't like B&B, chances are that you're a literal faggot, incapable of understanding romance between a man and a woman.
Jokes on me then,
but it looks so bad I couldn't tell the difference.
>watching it for the first time beyond childhood
did your parents hate you?
OP here,
I'm only talking about the visual quality, not the subject matter.
Oh, you better fucking believe she'll be hearing about this.
OP here,
disregard that, I suck cocks.
Post webms.
Or more screencaps. I don't have the movie at hand so I can't shit out a grid or anything.
All the worst disney movies are the ones without white characters.
The Jungle Book has much more fluid animation and better backgrounds.
Its also 24 fucking years older.
>didn't watch the movie
Is Aladdin white?
No, they just had bad taste.
They also have live action, shorts and some non Disney movies, I've used their stuff for grids just croping a little to get rid of the watermark
Jasmin and him have white features compared to the villain
How is this site not murdered by copyright lawyers?
So fucking sad :(
grow some balls retard
Oliver & Company's pretty shabby-looking. So's The Great Mouse Detective, which I have a hard time admitting because it's such a favourite of mine.
But even those look leagues better than B&B.
The original dub was in french you plebian. Beauty and the Beast is animation KINO
are you fucking retarded? jesus christ, Sup Forums has a shittier taste by the day
>tfw watch lady and the tramp for the first time since watching it in the cinema in the 90s
>tfw goat-tier style
>tfw goat-tier scenery
jesus fucking christ, I totally wasn't able to enjoy it that much as a kid. totally underrated