What did Sup Forums think of this movie? Watched it last night with some friends. Friends hated it, but I loved it. Why did Andrew become such an evil dick though? It kinda came out of nowhere.
What did Sup Forums think of this movie? Watched it last night with some friends. Friends hated it, but I loved it...
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Saw it a few days ago, it was alright.
The only flaw i can think of is how he went full 180 from cool to sociopath when he threw up on that chick. It messed with the flow of the movie.
I would probably be way too tempted to start killing people that angered me if I had those powers.
Because his mom was sick and his dad was a major asshole.
He was kind of a loser, wasn't he? It's been a long time since I've seen the movie, but I always likened him to one of those pathetic school shooters, just with a different weapon of choice.
I thought the movie was great, and the found footage style really worked for me. Ending could have been better though. 7/10
this shit was whack
akira is and always will be the better one
and carrie is the original
Dude should have kept a low profile. Could have killed tens of thousands with no chance of detection. Kids are dumb I guess.
One of the best super hero themed films also an amazing actor
seek help
i dont know why those movies always end up with a guy turning psycho and some other guy turning superman.
i would just rape children and some women
The whole movie is about the temptation of power and the calamity that results from the pursuit of power
>watching movies with other people
how pleb can you get?
Yea, him turning compete evil villian out of fucking nowhere was really wierd.
I mean.. I guess they had to have something to fight in the movie, but it just felt badly done.
Like someone couldn't figure out how to finish the script, so they just wrote down
>and then.. HE TURNED EVIL
You niggers do realize the story develops over a period of a year or so, right?
Normies hate this film because it shows them what inhuman monsters they are, picking on easy targets to boost their own sick egos.
As for why Andrew lost it, there are several factors, one of which being that the MOGO (the creature they discovered underground) was likely trying to make him into a slave of sorts, making him dependant on the power and the creature itself.
If you watch the special edition you can see that Andrew is drawing spirals and sticking them on his bedroom walls, and he visits the cave again and it's all overgrown with grass growing in a vaguely spiral shape, and he looks like he's in a trance as you hear that pulsing noise.
Shame they scrapped Martyr.
>came out of nowhere
he's literally just his father with superpowers
i loved it
It's a great movie I liked it. I like the idea of super powers being this telepathic force. Wish he didn't die and there was a sequel where his friend had to stop him
Chronicle is essentially R9K the movie.
Oh of course the anime just has to be the better one...
I hope this is bait, because I don't want to believe there are people who really analyse film on this superficial Marvelesque level.
Forgot it existed until now
Before his career Tranked.
>Why did Andrew become such an evil dick though? It kinda came out of nowhere.
is this a joke topic?one of those things people just keep posting to be annoying?Andrew is a school shooter in the making from the start of the film, he lives with a shit father and a constantly sick mom, has no social skills and his only friend is a relative that has to hang with him and a guy who takes pity on him. if you don't get why he went bonkers than you lack empathy
He wanted attention and admiration and he wanted it now
Not really. its about a kid in a dark place who was given a rare opportunity to turn his life around and be uplifted along with his friends but instead chose to wallow in darkness
t. retard
>publicly using those powers
enjoy getting captured by the government
>evil villian out of fucking nowhere
You're a dull boy, Jimmy
Loved the movie. Beautiful end credits music, I found it more depressing than entertaining. His friends did everything right to try to comfort him. That talent show sequence was sweet
There's always one of you "Here's how I would do it" retards in every thread. I bet you were shitting up The Night Of's livethread too
akira is incoherent garbage with ugly characters, only thing noteworthy about it the animation being very good for its time.also the examination of the post nuke japan but that did not make it into the movie
I hope I never let this board make me turn out like you
This. That was his thing, he was like what Sandy Hook or Virginia Tech would have been like if they had psychic powers instead of guns
They don't call them delusions of grandeur for nothing. apex predator
>It kinda came out of nowhere.
The entire movie is spent setting up that hes a bullied and troubled kid with a chip on his shoulder... And then he gets superhuman abilities that lets him live out his revenge fantasy.
it had a good idea, and i really enjoy found footage films when they're done well. Like Blair Witch, it really made sense for a mysterious video tape to have been found, and it kept in a lot of the mindless bullshit you'd expect. Same with District 9, there was found footage/interviews to camera in that and it was a real neat stylistic decision.
For me though Chronicle fell down a lot on the delivery of everything that it could've been, and made it into a fairly cringe worthy, watered down version of what I'd have really enjoyed.
>t. /film/tard
You would understand his motivations all too well, wouldn't you Satan?
>Shooting black people
>evil dick
This movie if it was done today would feature Snapchat and dog face filters, you just know
Imagine a nig with powers
He'd go ham on whitey
yup. he's an abused child that yearns for control (that's why he wants to film everything, it gives him a semblance of control over his life via framing, editing etc) and then is basically given a gun in the form of superpowers. turns out the feeling of control you get from having a loaded gun is intoxicating. and then there's the bit near the end when he surrounds himself with people's cameras, phones etc, which parallels the way school shooters fantasize about the coverage of their crime, often finding it more exciting that the act of killing itself.
>tfw it all makes sense now
>tfw literally me
hey max