Every one of us hates someone or something, and this is the thread to let it out.

Personally, I hate the fucking shitty stupid redneck fucking town I live in, and every single cousin fucking retard who lives here. My hometown needs a good fucking tornado to rip through it, and erase at least half the people.

Other urls found in this thread:






Fucking combo breaker

White folk

Come on, you can do better than that! Tell us WHY you hate niggers! Let it out! You're anonymous here, no one can punish you. FUCKING LET IT GO!!!

I hate the sun!!!!

They smell like shit
They have no social skills
They speak and act like retarded apes
They think everyone owes them something
They leach off of the government
They are the most aggressive and violent race

List can go on forever.

I hate people who made really shitty life decisions and then complain when nobody gives them any respect! Felons who think they're owed anything other than the possibility of an entry level job make me sick! You made your bed, fucking lay in it!

Fucking vampires. Get back in your coffin.


I hate people who succumb to online tribal warfare and base a part of their self worth on it.

I hate them too but I also hate the opposite side of the spectrum that wouldn't bat an eye stepping over bodies in the streets if they couldn't afford health care. Free basic health care, out of pocket/insurance based better health care. No coverage for obesity-related health care.

A narrow Fellow in the Grass

By Emily Dickinson

A narrow Fellow in the Grass
Occasionally rides -
You may have met him? Did you not
His notice instant is -

The Grass divides as with a Comb,
A spotted Shaft is seen,
And then it closes at your Feet
And opens further on -

He likes a Boggy Acre -
A Floor too cool for Corn -
But when a Boy and Barefoot
I more than once at Noon

Have passed I thought a Whip Lash
Unbraiding in the Sun
When stooping to secure it
It wrinkled And was gone -

Several of Nature’s People
I know, and they know me
I feel for them a transport
Of Cordiality

But never met this Fellow
Attended or alone
Without a tighter Breathing
And Zero at the Bone.



Studied IT at college, Bsc
Got dream IT job.
I fucking hate it...every minute is like psychological torture...feel like killing myself every fuckng day, but have to keep this job for mortgage/bills etc.
I'm just on a treadmill to the grave - totally pointless waste of time that is life

>ctrl+f "muslims"
>0 results.
What's wrong with you guys?

We have a bona fide faction of evil for the first time since the nazis and you don't jump at the chance?

I prefer to direct my hatred at things that actually affect me, not just bullshit MSM propaganda telling you what to hate
You're a fuckng brainwashed cuck.
I hate you

Bitch, I don't get my hatred from the headlines. I get my hatred from acts that happen combined with what I've learned from reading the quran. Their ways are evil, their treatment of women is evil, the way they behave is fucking evil. Doesn't matter where they are. Grow the fuck up and take that tin foil hat of yours off.

I'm with this guy. I have a hard time working up a good hate for something happening on the other side of the country or the other side of the world. It's the shit that's in my face, day after day, that fully engages my rage.

This fucking liberal ass city only appeals to environmentalists while making everything stressful and unneedably hard to do.

Fuck Canada.

Yeah, we said the same thing with the last big evil from overseas and then a whole bunch of our own died in a surprise attack on our own soil. It's harder to hate stuff you haven't experienced yet but it's better to hate the stuff that deserves it more. Their own holy book demands they either convert or murder everyone until only Islam remains. If it's hard to work up hate for something, you don't have strong enough feelings to hate at all.

I hate my shitty little town, there's nothing to fucking do, the only thing is to try and break into ahit

Yeah but then there's people like my dad who hasn't commited a crime in 30 years and still constantly get fuck by his record

i fucking hate Indian people, i work at home depot and these fuckers and there kids are annoying as FUCK. They smell and all they want is the cheapest shit, but they complain and their fucking ascent is god awful and their kids just look at me like an idiot like you just gonna stand there looking at your phone. Like the little cockroach you are or are you gonna help. fucking Christ can we start another crusade on these fucks and the niggers, sand niggers, and the spics too like fuck!

Oh don't get me wrong, there should be a redemption clause for it, but as a catch-all, I think it works pretty well. Flawed but an effective stop gap until better legislation will be passed.


I don't really hate anything or anyone, but I'm disappointed a lot.

Maybe that's why? Strong feelings will dictate ambition, just as ambition results in strong feelings. Get some drive, man. I recommend adderall.

Those faggots that post that Andy Sixx log of shit crap every goddamn day. Holy fuck.

Amen, brother! Worst forced meme ever.

>I recommend adderrall

I recommend not being a drug addicted pleb.

Hey, no need to hate just because some people prefer to live or just thrive more with chemical assistance. Go suck Andy Sixx's shit logs in the threads with the other faggots.

>Implying your degree in e-psychiatry is better than a log of shit

This. It's why I stopped coming here as often(aside from getting some modicum of a life). It was better before, though only barely. I'd take Milhouse over Andy Suxx shit logs any day.

Who hath summoned me?


Man, you're so edgy you won't even admit that someone can gain effectiveness in various areas of life due to medication. Everyone take a look at this faggot! How is scientology treating your well-used anus? Have they convinced you yet about our benevolent space lizard progenitor?


You sound adopted as fuck.

Ooh, good job! You sure showed me! What's next? You call me some kind of depraved homosexual or, gasp, a newfag? You got nothing. Just because you experienced some shitty degenerate junkies doesn't mean that chemical imbalances and chemical behavior modification doesn't work.

If you want to just devolve into petty insults, go back to your Sonic the Edgehog OCs.

This is honestly the most autistic thing I've seen today. Thanks, user.

Hi, it's me again.

Why are you so mad?

Keep trying to convince me your retardation is correct, user. Surely, it's working and you aren't trying to justify your own backwards beliefs.

He's right. Sometimes doctor prescribed and monitored medication can help people live much better lives. Not everyone who takes meds are doing so for attention or whatever. In some cases, it really is the best thing.


Honestly, I was having an otherwise perfect day. I've recently graduated from a trade school, I've got an interview later in the week for a job that will be giving me at least $20 an hour if I nail it and I received some praise for some writing I did on another board. Life is generally good. The only blemish on my otherwise spotless day is an ignorant guy like you but I'll see types like you anywhere the uneducated exist so it isn't that bad. I'm just killing some time instead of writing up another resume for a different company. I'll get around to it, though. Don't you worry.

In other words, you're a drug addicted pleb.

Take care, buddy. I wish you the best.

School. I hate that I chose the wrong discipline and can't dip out due to my sunk cost complex. Biology is the worst thing I could do and now I'm too tired of it to give a shit about my grades, so I'm slipping where it's most important. Truthfully I'd like to just work for a few years and take a class every now and then but ever since leaving high school my parents essentially condemned the thought of it saying it was just better to get an education then reap the rewards. Well, fuck me and my 6 years of school and nothing to show for, eh? 2 years of EE and now 2 years of Bio after 2 years of community. It's taxing and I'm about at my limit. I'm so very tired of the constant anxiety of the next deadline...when will it end?

Ha! Wrong!

>damage control
You can deny all you want, but nobody on Sup Forums is here because we're stellar people with fulfilling lives. If we were, we wouldn't have been here long enough to learn all the memes and mannerisms. Troll harder.

Same. In AZ they crawl in swarms.

Since I think you honestly have problems, I'll tell you the truth.

I have many friends and family that taken adderrall and almost all of them have gotten addicted and suffered from side effects.

I was in no way criticizing medicine in general. I was just gassing you after I saw your reaction.

Pop some trendies in the microwave and take a few deep breaths.

Take it from an old man who went down that road: Quit. Sunk cost my ass. If you already hate it, get out. Don't commit yourself even further to something you hate. Screw the money, son, this is YOUR LIFE you're talking about here. You can always remake up the cash. If you don't, you'll end up like me: Middle aged and hating your day to day life, just spinning your wheels and basically counting off the years until you die.

Look for something else, something completely out of the box, but don't spend your time preparing to live a life you'll hate.

>don't get hate from headlines
>regurgitates verbatim MSM narrative on why we should intervene in the Middle East

Fucking puppet.
Kill yourself

I have no idea who the MSM is but I've done my own research and read their holy book. Unless they have a secret holy book nobody knows about, I'm pretty sure I have the right idea about them. In a world of live and let live, they can't be let to live. Fuck muslims.

>surprise attack
You had prior warning
Also, you deserved it for thinkIng starting a protracted land war in Asia was a good idea.

High five, faggot!

>live and let live
>kill all the Muslims because of how intolerant they are

You know what I hate more than retarded brainwashed shit-eating MSM puppets? Hypocrites
The worst circle of hell is reserved for you

I never said it was a good idea, but a lot of people were of the mindset that it wasn't our problem, like nazis would just conquer to the coastline and then stop and start planting flowers or something.

I don't take meds, drugs, or anything really. I've just turned into a failing piece of shit because I feel like I'm wasting away in a discipline I don't enjoy. I'm not an alcoholic, and have only smoked/done hard drugs twice in my life. To be frank, I feel like I'd be a better worker if I had access to some stuff every now and then, since I tend to suffer from anxiety 24/7. I've never seen anyone about it cuz my parents are the types that say "you're just making yourself think you're sick" which is funny considering my father is an MD himself.

I'd like to, but I already experienced it once when I dipped from Electrical Engineering. 2 years of school down the drain, and now it'll be close to 4 more if I decide to drop now. Much as I hate to say it, I need something out of my time at school, otherwise I won't personally feel accomplished. Most of it's been paid via military funding, so I'm not in financial ruin, but that's a lot of money wasted on someone who has siblings that could be using them instead.

There have been more instances of domestic terrorism perpetrated by right-wing extremists than by Muslim extremists....and you side with the right wing , like a good little puppet.

There was also far more terrorism in the 80s than now - but that's right puppet, its of imperative national security interests for us to bomb a load of goat herders who happen to occupy oil rich land.

Please cut off your balls so that you cannot breed


Wow, you really don't get it. Yeah, it's hypocritical. No shit. Genocide doesn't really mesh well with most personal creeds and it shouldn't but we live in the real world. People suck and when a bunch of people want to use suicide bombers, fear and acid to the face to control a population and have ideals of world domination behind a veil of religion, you can't just assume they will play nice in the corner. Somebody's hands will get dirty or eventually they will be over that horizon setting the plans on us. How is that so hard to understand? Go ahead, go have a nice chat with them. I'm sure they'd agree with you and only have your best interests in mind.

I'd say i hate hateful people, but i don't hate them, I pity them

i hate humanity and every goddamn moment i exist feels like a grueling never ending fight to eek out a form of existence and although my life is not particularly bad i just cant stomach the fact of how humanity behaves i see it in my family, friends, strangers and just in general everywhere. fuck peta faggots fuck alt right niggers fuck you fuck me fuck everyone!

Squirrels. Furry motherfucking hippity hoppity rat bastards ate my car's firewall a few days back. Fucking pieces of shit. They wanted firewall, they're getting genocide

Yet for some reason it stopped

this image is a textbook image of Tetanus, basically all of your muscles lock up in full flex until you die. If your abs are stronger than your back then you will do the opposite of this pic. it's one of the worse ways to die. The infection can cause severe muscle spasms, serious breathing difficulties, and can ultimately be fatal. Although tetanus treatment exists, it is not uniformly effective. The best way to protect against tetanus is to take the vaccine.

If you want to know who is under threat, look where the fighting is taking place.
America is the one doing the threatening, not the other way around - so anything that happens to you - if some shit skinned rag head starts waving a knife on an airplane enough to cause the entire US to collectively shit their pants like the castrated baby men they are, then so be it.
in fact, good luck to him

Live to work. Don't work to live. Find what you're passionate about and get out there faggot. Also, from one faggot to another, it's never too late to learn something new.


Nothin' personal kid

I hate Brampton, Ontario. Glad the Leafs got raked

>achieved dream
>dream is a nightmare

And your advice is "get a new dream".
You haven't achieved your dream yet, have you....it's the worst thing that can happen to you


Yeah, and domestic terrorists are less organized and cannot be accurately predicted until the next group shows up. As long as somebody gets a shit lot in life, more domestic terrorists will eventually show up. It's like trying to stop murder. It's a side effect of free will and unequal successes in life.

Boo fucking hoo.

I don't side with anyone in politics because politics are garbage and my say doesn't really matter.

All I have is an opinion of what we can do to try to stop human suffering against the truly defenseless and try to reinstate human rights for all. We won't always be successful and we may create some of that suffering in the first place. Any group that brutally maims and murders any who try to leave is pretty fucking evil in my book. Any group that hides among the innocent to avert fire is pretty fucking evil. It doesn't matter how far away. It doesn't matter how much it affects me. Do as much as you can to remove evil and preserve the innocent. It's pretty simple.

I'll admit, I chuckled.

I'll pray for you, user.

I actually have. Been married 15 years, have two kids, I get to bang my wife, go to a 9/5 job every week, and I always have time and money to go do what I want to when I have a vacation. I switched professions five times before I found my dream job and been married twice before. So quit feeling sorry for yourself and sack up. That, or kill yourself in the corner. If your not bettering humanity you're making it worse.

Good. Walk away "happy"

while you pray he should act. Get off the internet and go talk to a real person. Also if you feel all anxious and shit because you don't fit in with the "normies" then get over it and own that shit. It's who you are. You don't have to fit in at all.

Not sure if sarcastic, probably. But I feel like I'm being jewwed out of a happy life. Everything I do is followed by jolts of addrenaline and self doubt.

>If you want to know who is under threat
Oh, you mean the people who aren't an ideal image of a muslim that live there? The gays who are stoned to death, the women enslaved by a system that would see their face melted before they got a say in any aspect of their lives? Oh sure, why should we ever save anyone when evidence of evil is readily accessible. A self-replicating disease that is passed from generation to generation that says it is okay to brutalize your own people for stepping out of social acceptance under the thin veil of a religion is what Islam is and it won't stop regardless of whether a noncorrupt leader is set into power. Morality is subjective but I think any good man or woman can agree that murdering and maiming the innocent is wrong just because they don't follow your faith. I don't want to just prosecute a religion, but when that religion is propagating that brutality on such a large scale, I don't feel we have a choice.

Jesus. Do all you faggots have to write books every time you argue politics or world current events? The point. Get to it nigger.

Uhh, yeah. It's a complex issue with a lot of fine print. Simplifying it means they'll just call you an idiot and prolong the shit even further.

Why does this sound like the first draft of a manifesto?

I look forward to hearing about you on CNN someday, user.

i fucking hate living in this house with shitters and their shitty dog and i fucking hate that i cant afford to move out and get my own place

i hate living with people so fucking much. i like people just not sharing space with them

living with married couple who fucked themselves over with credit card and cant afford their own place either this shit sucks

flea infestation now because of shitty dog

you've got an opinion formed by the rote learning of the propaganda bubble that you inhabit.
You even admit that you are the cause of the suffering , and groups have formed in response to that aggression.
The US has killed many thousand times more innocent civilians than any "terrorist" group you care to name.

Want to stop global suffering ?
Stop killing people on a global scale

Remember what I said about hypocrites?
Clearly not

I hate my father.
He tried to kill me several times, he forced me to watch him rape my mother, and he killed my grandmother.
He got away with all of his crimes.

OK then do everybody a favor and when you talk about anything of the like in the future then use had, proven facts and no feelings.

this, this so much

why the fuck media tries to shit on scientology etc but trips over itself 'respecting' Islam I'll never understand

I don't have the ambition, honestly. Just know it isn't right to let people suffer if you can do something about it.

>wife/kids/9-5 job
That's your "dream"

You're fucking pathetic

I don't like love. I hate simpin and women who think life is a fucking Disney movie that will end well because the power of love and money will fix it all without them getting off the fucking couch and putting off the pounds they gain from all those fucking buffalo wings with pizza glaced ice cream from Starbucks or some shit.

hate this

Unification under a single ruler. That's the answer to your cries for fucking peace. Now how could we accomplish the task. Hmm