>If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 miles per hour, you're gonna see some serious stuff.
What did Doc mean by this?
>If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 miles per hour, you're gonna see some serious stuff.
What did Doc mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
That Marty was gunna fuck his own mother.
pretty sure it was this
Couldn't get more serious than that
That Doc was a proud member of the NDSAP
his calculations were correct, and when that baby did hit 88 miles per hour the car traveled through time - by anyone's definition serious stuff.
that's what he meant. you should have watched the next scene.
The line was serious shit
really does make you think
He meant the card stand was going to get rekt in the future.
i dont feel like this meme will rise to the level of anybody seen richie anbody know why richie did bobby lupo or so why did marv turn into a skeleton anyway?
Is this the Ultimate Dad-Trilogy?
Keep in mind the third one is set in the West. That gives it atleast +100 Dad points
Yes I love these films cause of the memories I have watching them with my dad.
>"marty, you fucked your mother!? What are you, some kind of nigger!?"
jesus they really captured the old American racial divides back then
>"what are you, chicken?"
>"nah, just not a nigger"
damn shit was radical back then
I have this lantern for you.... It may help
Is this that Vaporwave shit I've heard so much about lately? It's a fucking good listen tee bee aytch.
Synthwave and Outrun are better
What's the difference?
Don't you mean your mom's husband?
Doc was a really crappy scientist.
What if his calculations weren't correct and he and Marty were splattered by the car? Doc's clearly surprised that it works so it's not like he tested it beforehand.
And wouldn't an amp powerful enough to throw Marty across the room completely destroy his earbuds?
And why was Marty so interested in getting back to the 1980's? 1980's Hill Valley looked like a depressing dump.
t. nigger
>The TV version
Jesus Christ.
What was the intended meaning here?
He did test it beforehand, just not with a real living being. Remember the clocks in his lab that made Marty late for school? He sent them through time.
spooky (checked)
>Doc was a really crappy scientist.
But he fucking made TIME TRAVEL