It's time to answer the hardest question of them all.
Which is better, Die Hard 1 or Die Hard 3?
It's time to answer the hardest question of them all.
Which is better, Die Hard 1 or Die Hard 3?
Die Hard 1
Zeus + Mcclane was based
die hard 3 to be quite honest with you, family and friends
I think the first Die Hard is a better made film overall, but I can see why some people would prefer the third one.
Die Hard has Alan Rickman and that black guy from Urkel, but Die Hard 3 has Jeremy Irons and Samuel L. Jackson. 3 > 1
3 is pretty good then 2 but only because i have a fascination of airports then 1
1>3>2>power gap>4>5
The first.
1: 9.5/10
2: 6/10
3: 10/10
4. 5/10
5. 3/10
2 is the best. Action films in snowy environments are always cozy.
>yfw nothing this edgy will ever be made again
Nah, the power gap happens between 3 and 2 in your list. Die Hard II was just this side of average at best.
3 was basically not a Die Hard film to begin with, but it's fun enough. 1 is the superior one though
You should move that power gap, 2 is fucking shite amigo
>3 was basically not a Die Hard film
this. except I would give 4 the 6/10 and 2 the 5/10
>The real sign they used when shooting in Harlem said "I hate everybody" the word Niggers was digitally added in post production
Die Hard 1 is literally a perfectly made film. Your enjoyment of it is based solely on personal taste and not with anything wrong with with the film itself
Die Hard 3 was fun though
John McClane was John McClane. It should count.
I have fond memories in my youth of watching shit like the original Die Hard and The Thing with my childhood friend. I'm going to make my kids watch it too.
It was blank
1 was the better movie for its time, 3 is more rewatchable
It makes sense though. I'm sure Bruce Willis would have been willing to do it, but the studio would not have been willing to take that risk. Why would they?
Its because it had a finnish director, isn't it?
>Its because it had a finnish director, isn't it?
Goddamn no wonder
2 = 1 > 3. The rest don't count
2 is shit
deal with it
I don't think Finns even qualify as people, really.
2 is the best film
Goddamn, she's hot
>tfw no cute Finn gf to help you murder Russians
Because it's a bad movie.
Why does he wear a shirt in one pic and doesn't in the other?
she's shit
>tfw no qtie Mongoloid girlfriend to drink Vodka with and go nude to the sauna together
I like both of them almost as much but 1 just a little bit more.
1. 3 doesn't even come close to it.
Not a fan of blondes but she'll do
Life is suffering