Do Storm Troopers regularly question the ethics of their job? Did they not train them from child-hood to be prepared for conflict? Wouldn't they be psychologically profiled periodically to check their combat effectiveness? Did Boyega just manage to weasel out of tests? Was he overlooked due to his janitorial position? Was it his first time in a real battle? Why was he brought into combat as personal advance troops of KYLO REN on his FIRST mission? Why would he suddenly decide the New Order as a whole is bad and want out when growing up he knew of nothing else? Are Storm Troopers supposed to be emotionally suppressed or brainwashed and the effects had worn off/been switched off? If he's so pacifistic that he chooses to run away why is he instantly okay with slaughtering the men and women he grew up/ate/trained/worked with for most of his life? Did he resent them for his janitor job? What was his relationship with Tr8r?
Eli Jenkins
he was a nigger
Luis Torres
Ah, now I've finally heard why the nignog was staring like that. I just naturally assumed he saw a banana tree and turned back into his natural ape form.
Brandon Kelly
This. Movie is just plain shit.
Jeremiah Young
He's force sensitive but doesn't know it. That's why he has a higher moral ground than others.
Carter Ramirez
Fuck off back to pol. If he was white you wouldve loved the film.
Thomas Bell
I like him.
Matthew Turner
this, it's the force. ain't gotta explain shit.
Camden Kelly
He was there for the trailers. To create controversy. So people would not notice that the main character is a Mary Sue chick until too late.
JJ is a clever bastard.
Sebastian Hughes
Who cares as long as Rey gets BLACKED.
Luis Price
So what do you expect, that in the whole history of the Galactic Empire, not ONE SINGLE storm trooper ever defects to the Rebellion? Not ONE SINGLE storm trooper ever questions their ethics? It's perfectly plausible and probably happens a lot in fact
Julian Rogers
Not since Disney trashcanned the EU.
Xavier Green
It happened in the old expanded universe, and I don't think Finn is the only defector in new canon
Ryan Rivera
Rey is turning into a manly short haired hambeast. In episode 8 she'll be a wookie's girlfriend. The force is not strong in her family.
Cameron Russell
I thought that as well but the new Stormtroopers are supposed kidnapped children who've been brainwashed.
Jacob Cooper
It's because JJ is a hack and retards who don't want to put any thought into movies eat this shit up. they just look at the cgi, say "wow" and go home.
I like star wars, and people do defect, but they usually don't try to murder all of their friends in the process. Its a shame it was shit and always has been, because I do like the star wars universe
Jace Moore
>kidnapped children who've been brainwashed. Doesn't matter. It's still plausible. Picking little "holes" in the plausibility of the events in a film is literally the lowest form of criticism. Yeah maybe it's implausible that a guy would defect from his life-long brainwash military unit but it's even more unlikely that spaceships would have dogfights like WW1 planes or that you'd be able to see a planet explode from another planet just by looking up into the sky.
Nolan Brooks
>It's because JJ is a hack He's a smart hack, quality film maker and shrewd businessman. >but they usually don't try to murder all of their friends in the process Being in your cubicle the whole day, then being fed growth paste. I don't think they built strong bonds. Why am I debating the merits of a popcorn flick? Hell if I know.
Tyler Thompson
Rey willed it.
Jayden Hernandez
Yeah I went to see the movie expecting him to be the worst part but he was actually the best part
Anthony Young
You're overthinking it man just chill bro lol
Jeremiah Hughes
This argument is dogshit. The spaceships fighting is an established part of the universe. Lack of basic logic is not.
Nolan Jones
None of those points matter to the writers/producers, only that he is black and to portray him as some wonderful ethical good guy to push the narrative that blacks aren't savages.