Has there ever again be something like the crossovers and cross-references between Buffy and Angel...

Has there ever again be something like the crossovers and cross-references between Buffy and Angel? Two shows airing in the same timeframe, sharing the same timeline and the viewer seeing these crossovers "in real time"?

Because that shit was super cool.

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pls respond

Flash and Arrow do it

Stargate and Stargate Atlantis

Family Guy - American Dad - Cleveland Show

Hercules and Xena

Boston Legal and Boston Public. All of the Law & Order shows.

Bones and Sleepy Hollow had a crossover episodes


The Marvel Netflix shows will soon crossover.


Is it really that common? I'm especially talking about the "real time" aspect.

for what purpose

what the fuck does that even mean?

Star Trek did it a few times.

I saw the episode of sleepy hollow with bones in it and I still can't answer that question.

Angel > Buffy

fite me

why would anyone fight you for being right?

If by "real time" you mean the continuity between the two shows is perfectly in sync, this has never been accomplished. Even in Buffy and Angel they're mostly separate from each-other, for example how two apocalypses were going on at the same time which is incredibly stupid when you think about it.

The continuity was perfectly in sync though (even if it lead to some stupid developments).
You'd have characters bouncing between the shows just as they were airing.

It means the shared timeline gets developed by both shows simultaneously as the episodes air.

>You'd have characters bouncing between the shows just as they were airing.

And being completely inconsistent in characterization while doing so. It's just as dumb as apocalypses happen on both.

I think that's a pretty safe opinion on this board.

Buffy was my first crush, Angel was a pedo.

I respect your opinion

even though it's completely objectivelyWRONG

>The continuity was perfectly in sync though
Not really, there are discrepancies though, too lazy to look for my copies but the unofficial guides point out several of them

Everybody already knows this. Angel had the better cast, by far.

>stereotypical black dude
>ripoff willow: fred
>attempted to ripoff Buffy but failed: cordy
>angel himself is a batman ripoff
>wes starts off good but turns into an angel ripoff

The only better character was Lorne, who was great. Anyone is better than Xander, though.

How are you this plebeian.

Its not that they're ripoffs, its just that Joss Whedon only knows how to write a few different characters. Waifish superpowered girl, waifish awkward girl, waifish awkward superpowered girl...

But even if they were all ripoffs of something else, that's not a bad thing. The ripoffs infinitely better than the originals.

>But even if they were all ripoffs of something else, that's not a bad thing. The ripoffs infinitely better than the originals.

Except they're not outside of your head.

If you seriously think Angel is a ripoff of batman, and Wesley is a ripoff of Angel, then either you didn't watch the show or are just being contrarian for the sake of it.

either way theres something wrong with your noggin m8

Wesley did nothing wrong.

Letting the girl of your dreams get blacked is kind of wrong

>the in-joke of dark crusader was totally irrelevant
>they don't make the comparison several times
>Wes didn't turn into a brooding asshole making use of gadgets from S3 on

Maybe you are the one who didn't watch it.

Friends did it one time. Actually, the shittiest friend, Phoebe, had two shows at the same time or something and NBC did a blackout night event where all the shows set in in New York experienced a blackout on the same night so you had to watch three shows in a row about people without power. Friends, Mad about you, and something else I think I forget, it was a long time ago and mad about you fucking sucked and friends was just decent.

>guy fights things at night
Clearly a rip off of batman, you're right.
>guy loses all of his friends and turns bitter
Jesus what a shameless rip-off of Angel.


Angel didn't even fight things at night most of the time. He always wandered around in the middle of daylight like a hoser. In the episode where Faith attacked him, he was in a courthouse at midday, and she didn't even press her advantage.


Law & Order did this with like 5 series going on at once

They do this all the time. It's really annoying when marathoning shows because you have to keep skipping between them or you miss stuff like the crossovers.

>the user made an accurate comment that I can't refute
>better ignore everything and made broad generic comments instead of addressing the more detailed similarities that even the writers acknowledged

Like a true Angel fan. I'll bet you think it was super mature, too, because they say "grey areas" even though every time they make a grey choice it ends in disaster.


Vampire Diaries and the Originals does it all the time on the CW.

Probably pretty much a dead art these days anyway. I think everyone being up on television ended approximately with the O.C.

Netflix has the luxury of doing this still

There's was nothing to refute, your post was retarded and probably just bait in the first place.

If you seriously think having one or two minor similarities to something makes it a rip-off, or reducing a character's several seasons over two series growth to "lel ripoff of main character" is an "accurate comment" then there might be something wrong with you.

I'm pretty sure being unable to understand context or nuance is a sign of autism

Actually, you just reminded of the idea I once had of a netflix show fucking with it's own format a lot. Do a sitcom about time travel, but shoot two versions of an episode, so when they go back in time and change something netflix would detect where you are in the show, so you could go back and watch a different version of the episode featuring the alteration that was made. Optional easter egg for people who bother.

>Netflix has them as two separate shows
>not on one Buffy/Angel playlist in order
>have to keep a notepad document with each ep in order and take them off one by one

>angel himself is a batman ripoff
more like Punisher meets Doctor Strange meets Blade

> I have autism

i just dont want to miss any connections.

so yes.

>i just dont want to miss any connections.

Now you don't have to.

Also pic related is literally the single, solitary worthwhile crossover except

Literally the angel and buffy of this decade.

Objectively true.

a CSI case took was a 3 part story in CSI, CSI NY and CSI Miami

I still don't know why Spike didn't walk around that barrel.

He rejected based Lilah in favor of notorious BLACKED Fred

There's a whole lotta wrong in that one sin alone. What was Wes's fucking problem?

>choosing best girl

Yeah ok

He's too handsome for that.

Are these shows actually good? I remember some tv critic used to shill them really hard and insist they were cable-tier.

Son, your own tastebuds will steer you better than anyone else's. Try watching an episode to find out if you like it.

It's okay.
You're just confused by lighting.

They're both great shows, but may not be to your particular tastes.

Their only problem is pacing, a lot of good plot ends too quickly from propulsion and breathers feel like fillers even though they do a good job of character enrichment.

Good story-telling, good acting. The consistency just isn't there. CW has been unusually good lately... iZombie was a welcome surprise

oh god this is so accurate

Friends and mad about you

Once with seinfeld too

its a fred dies in wesley's arms and then later wesley dies in fred's armys

lol this

I prefer Angel but a lot of idiots do believe it's more mature. It doesn't force it, there are a lot of light moments in the show along with the edge. Angel's literally called out on his brooding. I loved that the setting clashed with the tone. I love cello in my opening credits

It's not like it was a long running thing, but Homicide and Law and Order had good crossovers.

Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis did this a few times.


Is Buffy worth watching or has it aged poorly in the regard that it's mallgoth-core?

What the hell is wrong with you?

On rewatches Wesley saying "And since I don't actually intend to die tonight" might be a more devastating line for me than his actual death scene

It's aged poorly but still worth watching for s2-s3.
>It's an "angel would not have been cancelled if whedon didn't pressure the higher ups"-episode

The whole Wesley/Illyria dynamic itself was fucking heartbreaking. Plus, both the actors played it off so well, Alexis Denisof and Amy Acker made the rest of the cast look like shitters

People forget that it was hip to be edgy and the mysterious, brooding type when Angel aired, which is where the show got a lot of its humor from, using him to parody that type of person (the constant cracks about how despite him being mopey for X reason, his hair is still perfectly gelled).

New Girl and Brooklyn Nine-Nine
