Lactation thread. Porn, inducing advice, general discussion, greentexts, fantasies, q&a, 2D, 3D, you get the idea...

Lactation thread. Porn, inducing advice, general discussion, greentexts, fantasies, q&a, 2D, 3D, you get the idea. I take requests and I can download and webm pornhub vids that are relevant to lactation. (NO COCK MILKING!)

Are we more in a 2D mood?


I don't know who this is.




Jesus I didn't even know I was into this

I miss steffi.

I'm always happy to make a new convert. I can answer any questions you might have. Also do you like Asian, White, Black, or Indian? Or are you more of a hentai dude?






Any lurkers here to give a bump? It's lonely dumping for no one.



Asians are my thing

Open wide user, rice milk coming right up!


What you were hoping for?

Damn dude


This one is incredible she is fine


I wish I knew her name. Sorry user.

I'm into lactation but not into big tits. It's a blessing and a curse


You just gotta find the right girl.


lesbo small tits plz


This may not be the right webm.

Eh, this is the best I can do. Small tits aren't my thing so I would usually not save the video.


thx anyway for the porn, there's not a lot of lactation vids out there

Np, I do what I can.



Ugh. A rather disappointing and uneventful thread. I mean I guess I could post more and ge-

Oh fuck.



Maybe when you were a baby








Kisaki Ema i think



I don't know
What in the actual fuck I nuked the thread where did you all come from?!



No clue.

I was lurking, then I saved the thread.

Damn I guess you did. Thanks user.




More of lactating Milena












Fucking hell, those are pure gold.




God damn she's gorgeous.


All I could do for most of that is focus on the fatass cat that disappeared behind her

What a cow, I love it.


pfft kek.

Nevermind the lactating tits, her beautiful face steals the show.




Those nips are made for sucking.

Do any of you anons have any first hand experience with lactation? Its my top fantasy but idk how to tell my gf i want her to start inducing lactation

To the other user dumping, does the name LordOfLactation or MinisterOfMilk sound familiar? You're posting some stuff that looks like it came from me.


Is that Hitomi Tanaka I see


kek, what does your gf think when you suck her tits that's the first sign.

sure is


yes, although I don't think she lactates in the shoot.


I was breastfed till the age of 4 so I have vague memories of sucking onto my mums gorgeous breasts. I believe that's the reason I have this fetish as an adult.