which talk show shill has the most insufferable audience and why is it William Maher?
Which talk show shill has the most insufferable audience and why is it William Maher?
Pretty sure you meant to say Rush Limbaugh or Bill O'Reilly
He was pretty tough on Assange, considering how much he sucked Snowden's dick. I think it's solely because Assange attacks Hillary, honestly.
But that's not the CURRENT YEAR guy?
Any American talk show audience is poisonous. They frivolously clap and laugh at anything.
Whats worse is how the host uses it as a weapon. They dont back up their points with facts, just crack wise and use the audience noise to hammer it in.
Maher, colbert, oliver would all get destroyed in a debate on a neutral court
>I think it's solely because Assange attacks Hillary,
True. Maher is a major shill. He was for Bernie but never really went all the way in the support. And as soon as it looked like bernie was going to lose he quickly jumped ship to shilary and lapped her clit up
I've watched Maher since the 90s and always found him humorous but rarely agreed with him. I had to turn off last weeks episode. He starts out the show with Trump kicking out a baby which was days old and fake "news."
that would be funny to see
I remember the interview the Christopher Hitchens interview.
I never knew Hitch could bitch slap an entire audience.
also the one where he kept referring to Mos Def as Mr. Definitely.
It's not 2006 anymore, it's [CURRENT YEAR]. Have you been stuck in /po/ for the last decade?
whatever you might think, this is the only political discorse on television
>Maher, colbert, oliver would all get destroyed in a debate on a neutral court
Keep telling yourself that, cuckboy.
Based Hitch
Rarely see people btfo late night audiences like this. Facts>popularity
His opening segment is like Conan's, it's nothing but jokes.
Of course he's going to mention the fucking baby, it's funny. Trumpcucks are the worst.
I'd rather watch John Oliver. He's as much an insufferable cunt, but at least he cites his sources.
Maher routinely has a go at his audience for applauding bullshit points or jeering certain jokes
his audience may be ultra liberal but Bill is based.
He cherry picks his sources and takes quotes and statistics out of context m8
One of my favourite moments.
Bill is such a fucking disgusting person.
Damn i was about to post this
>but at least he cites his sources
Only the side of things that fit his narrative
Sup Forumstv/ is so easily triggered
good thing we have a safe space here
I'm a lib and hate Bill Maher. Warmongering pro-Israel shill.
Worst audiences are conservative ones though. Listen to the dummies calling in to conservative talk radio parroting back to their hosts what they just said or O'Reilly's fan messages he puts on his show. Fucking zombies.
They're all pretty cocksuckery.
>Bill Maher/Stephen Colbert/John Oliver says that we should start killing Trump supporters
>audience explodes into loud cheering clapping and stomping and maybe one or two Arsenio hoots
Fuck this faggot world.
Favourite bit from this show was when Bill was sucking Israels dick and saying that USA should always support them and the other guy says "I like Israel but we shouldn't spend a single American life or dollar on it" and the audience cheered. Bill looked like he had been shoahed.
Liberals are the worst
>Basically exposes Hillary for the horrible person she is
IS this the episode where he talks about HURR LE BASED HILLARY KILLING GADAFFI XDDD
Because apparently when republicans war monger and destabilize middle east countries it's bad, but when Liberals do it it's Hella f*cking epic! This is why I have more respect for Bernouts, at least their politician isn't pro intervention, and isn't a war monger.
I assumed OP meant studio audience and neither of them have those.
"I'm here for the lulz, fagget. Fuck your crooked party." - Assange, Julian
>I have more respect for Bernouts, at least their politician isn't pro intervention, and isn't a war monger.
user..I have news for you
Nah his audiences is mostly young and pissed off at being fleeced. The reddit audience called him out on the bullshit sjw episode. His show quality took a huge dive after the first season though. But really he's one if the good guys simply because he's not a shill. You Americans seem to think talk show and news anchor hosts opinions are their own. It's sad really
Conservative television pundits are too scared of their audience to have them there with them.
>He was for Bernie
hasn't this dumbass said he's a libertarian before and then attacked Ron Paul for believing in the scientific method?
>9/11 was not an inside job and you're an idiot if you doubt the official version
Bill "the rebel" Maher
*tips tinfoil hat*
>mentioning anything funny ever
Bill Maher is a black hole of humor, content to get a sea of satisfied claps in lieu of a single fucking laugh.
At least Bill Maher debates people. John Oliver would straight up ignore the leaked emails and would never even give Assange a platform.
Maher is an insufferable shill, but he's still one who believes ideas should stand on their merit.
Bill O the Clown easily. Maher may be a faggot liberal but even he calls out stupid when he sees it. Case in point his rants on Islam
>Assange: You donated a million dollars to Hillary Clinton's campaign
>Maher: I have no response to this, shut up! Why don't you hack Donald Trump, huh, Mr. Hackerman?
>Crowd: Thunderous laughter and applause
fucking idiots
More like "debates"
>who believes ideas should stand on their merit
unless he doesn't have even the most obvious argument and just refuses to stay on subject, like in this interview. Plus he very thinly said at the end he hopes that Assange gets arrested when he said "I hope you get out soon," seeing as how Assange isn't in prison but hiding from the law.
Always applauding after a liberal breathes the air
Current Year is pretty bad too
I'm not saying he's good, I'm saying he's the best of a shit bunch. John Oliver has never been in a single fucking debate on air, ever, of ANY kind. Maher welcomes debate, even if he's a weasel when it's not going his way.
Yeah I guess I should say I do prefer Maher to Oliver, but they're both awful.
Oh yes, agreed. At least with him we get to see him BTFO.
Not that I'd defend Maher, but Oliver has the excuse of "it's just a comedy show therefore I have no journalistic responsibility"
Which is bullshit anyway imo because too many people give weight to his opinions instead of treating it like comedy
>Oh shit Im getting BTFO, better mention Trump
Why do people take Maher seriously again?
because they're dumb and need someone else to act smart and give them opinions to believe
All talk shows with a trigger clappy audience are bull shit, no matter the side. Liberal ones however are particularly aggravating because no facts are presented whatsoever.
To be fair if a similar platform were given to a pro-Rubio Republican they probably wouldn't bother with actual facts either. People will do anything to pretend they're smart.
>All talk shows with a trigger clappy audience are bull shit, no matter the side.
It's pretty much exclusively a leftist thing though. Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, none of those guys have armies of trained seals clapping after their every sentence.
>Liberal ones however are particularly aggravating because no facts are presented whatsoever
The funny thing is that you probably believe this is actually true.
The literal ONLY reason he rants on Islam is so he can make Israel look good. Notice he never criticises zionists.
>Notice he never criticises zionists
No one outside of Sup Forums even knows what zionist is.
The only show worth watching is The Alex Jones show. He is the only one speaking the truth. The MSM will never let him have a show though. The globalist Bilderbergers and Rockefellers don't want the truth to be known!!
Not sure of that's a complement to Sup Forums or a criticism of American average intellect
>Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh,
You're comparing apples and oranges. These liberal talk show hosts are doing late night Carson-esque comedy shows, whereas O-Reilly and Limbaugh are doing straight editorializing on daytime tv
Have you ever went to a youtube/facebook comment section under any video about Israel/jews/Arab-israeli conflict or what ever, It's mostly american retards (and a bunch of edgy shitskins with guyfox masks as profile pics) spamming that word over and over, none of them knows the meaning but they know it's used as a negative term so they spam it all over.
neither sides present facts. what makes liberal ones more aggravating to me is the liberal claim to be more scientific and rational while still using almost every fallacy and data manipulation technique there is.
nobody watches that shit
Lol, fuck off kike. A Zionist is basically someone that thinks it's okay to steal other peoples land and demolish homes cause "muh promised land". Basically a Jewish nazi
>At least Bill Maher debates people.
Bill invites a mixed panel and then allows liberals to make their points in peace while he and his monkey audience constantly interrupt any conservative.
He is also remarkably uniformed even for a talk show host.
His latest stunt is to invite republicans to try and somehow bully them with asking "how could you possibly support trump!!!". As if it matters to Bill at all who the republican nominee is.
Even his opposition to SJW speech policing came only when it burned him - he couldn't care less prior to that.
In short, when it comes to being a partisan hack he's right up there with O'Reilly and the Fox News crowd. Maher is just smarter about it
where did you get the idea that I'm a kike, you underaged Sup Forums lurking piece of retarded shit? The absolute majority of people that throw that word around don't know shit about it, prove me wrong.
liberals are in general more scientific, except when they feel science stands in the way of social progress.
perhaps why liberal retards piss me off more is because i have higher expectations from them. i don't mind it when bill o'reily is an idiot, because that's what i expect.
>kike denies he's a kike
>let's just call him a kike instead of adressing his point
>haha look at those liberals using ad hominem against *right wing key figure* without tackling his policies
How are Sup Forumsacks and mouth breathing liberal retards any different?
zionism is what created israel and initiated more than a handful of wars in the 40s and 50s. its taught in high school history courses. it's a pretty dumb thing what you said
I really want to believe that this is what Assange is saying to himself right at this moment.
Conservatives tend to be stupid or disingenuous persons.
Ben Shapiro approaches the worst type of intellectual cancer.
>In short, when it comes to being a partisan hack he's right up there with O'Reilly and the Fox News crowd. Maher is just smarter about it
At least he makes me laugh occasionally. Well, I admit O'Reilly makes me laugh too, but in a bad way.
first time watching this guy. is he on some kind of medication?, he seems like hes always a second away from falling asleep.
he is a very vocal supporter of legalized weed, and a self professed user. in his latest show he said he practically "urinates (weed) seeds".
so yeah, that's probably why.
>That image
Top kek
That doesn't make Maher any less of a cancer than he is or any less blatantly unfair to his conservative guests. The guy is ignorant, biased and proud of it. Only he hides it behind humor and a smug attitude while conservatives wear it out in the open.
>At least he makes me laugh occasionally.
Which is why his and other liberal shows are effective while the old conservatives are dying.
Personally, I don't much like political comedy. The type that I like are shows like "Yes, Minister" or comedians like George Carlin who mocked the system as a whole. This whole "lel stoopid conservashits" and "lel libshit cucks" and whatever else is just fodder for morons who want to feel good about their team.
Examples please?
that makes a lot of sense. aside from that his show looks boring as fuck.
Because they choose to subject themselves to him
John oliver seems like a good choice too
The entire Trump segment he did, the one where "Drumpf" came from.
damn that's painful to watch
please be more clear in your post. I can't tell who exactly your talking about
Bill is okay. Stop being such a faggot.
Maher gets booed by his audience all the time
I guess you're a revisionist or something. it was more like
>Assange: You donated a million dollars to Hillary Clinton's campaign
>Maher: I actually donated 1 mil to obamas campaign to prove a point that, that's how much money it takes to really make a significant and influential contribution.
>Crowd: Thunderous laughter and applause
All of the sudden liberals consider Russia to be "bad actors"? This fake patriotism from the left is one of the most nauseating things to come out of this particular election cycle.
>Amerifats unironically think by throwing money at politicians it will change anything in a capitalist system
He's talking about that time some years ago that Maher was calling himself a libertarian because he likes pot and fag marriage while also calling himself a socialist when pressed on economics.
tl;dr: Maher isn't very smart.
Liberals a shit
are the altright the new fedora tippers? serious question.
>trying to meme based people into liberal fedora tippers
No, fedoras are exclusively liberal faggots
Basically. Only these guys can actually meme a guy into office which makes them more impressive to me.
>Only these guys can actually meme a guy into office
>a guy
Hillary is a woman though.
Remember when liberals mocked Romney when he called Russia a geopolitical foe?
I never liked political humor. Most of the time it all just boils down to "I'm right and they're stupid!"
4 short years ago. Shorter than Bill "the Manlet" Maher
Anyone that says both sides aren't biased as all hell on TV are just being disingenuous. The only reason it seems like left leaning shows get away with it is because they're usually pretty funny.
That Obama donation was in a previous election cycle. He then goes on to deny donating a million to Hillary.