Why was this scene deleted?
Why was this scene deleted?
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Cara's such a dank meme
Why is cara so fucking disgusting
i wonder if cara knew how much margot would embarrass her in a direct feet off when she decided to do this
Margot's feet are so much better than Cara's it's not even funny.
Who's the guy on the right?
Do they know?
Are you retarded? Feet are entry-tier normie fetish. You're not some kind of a degenerate pervert.
is it true harley loses her boot at some point in the movie?
Do they know?
How the fuck did she become a model, rich parents?
Extremely rich
Jesus when she's doing anything other than the expressionless model face she is ugly as shit.
I saw OP's pic, wondered who the dude with tits was, read the thread, and realized once again, how ugly Cara is.
That's 90% of the attraction for me. She's pure uglyhot.
Her family is basically royalty in England
Too far, she not aristocracy. Her family are wealthy though
Is that really Margot's foot on the right or is it Cara's? The position is weird
They must have known the outcome of this, surely
What the hell is up with her eyebrows, bitch looks like Rock Lee
Do you think they hooked up?
>categorizing fetish by type instead of degree
Know how I know you're a tryhard normie faggot who doesn't even have a fetish?
Definitely Margot's on the right, both Cara's feet have tattoos on each sole
can we please discuss how much sexier Margot's foot is
fucking dyke
Of course, Cara is a known playboy. She's turned out every straight girl in Hollywood and isn't stopping any time soon
wowie zowie
Cara is a human piece of shit
that sole on the right is gorgeous.
>Cara made Margot get a tattoo on her foot
fucking bitch
Margot's feet are semen extractors.
me under he soles
>there are people in this thread right now who don't appreciate a 10/10 tomboy beauty
Are you worthy of being her sandal?
Her personality makes her a 1/10. And honestly the resting bitch face itself isn't attractive
Alas, I've but one upvote to give...
tarantino pulled out from directing
Cara looks like Gerard Way kinda
That sole.
Cara is qt as fuck.
YES someone agrees
Looks like Leto with downs.
Neither of those women are very attractive.
I agree with both of you. I love her feet as well
fucking dyke
Cara's feet are boyish.
>Neither of those women are very attractive.