Help me settle this argument

Help me settle this argument.

I think she is clearly wanting attention but others are saying she can wear what she wants without being judged.

Am I the only one seeing it for what it is?

>women don't always constantly want attention
you're retarded bro. of course she's doing it for attention.

She wants the D, bro

why cant you accept that maybe she just likes the look of the outfit and not wanting to turn men on?

Virginfag detected

>What is reverse image search

Go back to R/eddit, boy.

you're a douche. what makes you think that other than she's an attractive girl

nah you're just a virgin, she's out getting the D by all your buddies and you still hoping she's the one

when you dress, don't you try to look your best? Things that fit your bidy right and make you feel your best image is going on? She's being pretty damn modest btw imho. With her body, if she wanted to make guys crash their car driving by her, she could totally slut it up hard.

Tl;dr she's just fine, and you might have inferiority issues.

what do you mean with her body she can slut it up hard?

>That chin tilt up
>Those breasts pushed out with the halter top midrift
>That skirt desgin worn by every woman that want to be bent over at the club and fucked with wild abandon due to the easy access
>That leg position to acentuate he form

That other user is right, she is the sort of asian girl that goes crazy wild and wet for white guys. 90% probability she let's most of them raw dog her too, she is that slutty.

You prolly her asian brother, or less likely the studious student whose parents think you would be a good match. If you ever end up with her, enjoy the miles of dick traction that have worn down that vag bro

uh, her hair, tits, relatively thin, nice legs. She could wear way trashier and revealing clothes.

If that's your gf you should be happy sge dresses that way and not worse. Hell if the top was a bit longer she could go to church like that.

WTf you on about, how is that skirt any different to every skirt worn by almost every women?

her tits are normal, size Bs or whatever

Uhh... It's pronounced, "vagoo".


im her friend actually... so you're right, i do want to get with her one day, but i am still hoping she's a virgin despite her bigger than average B/C tits.

They're great for asian.

what size are they - silicone?

Hahaha i'm always right about betas like you.

Dude, grow a pair and go fuck some really hot blonds, or at least some other slutty asians. Then this girl will start to see some value in you and probably let you slip it in her one night when all the other better options are not available.

>Your only shot.

how the hell should I know lol. Large B to small C I'd assume. And real. She doesn't look the type.

I take it she's your love interest? Well here's reality for you pal - she's taking cock like there's no tomorrow and she's not waiting for you


the truth! ouch

lol that's not how fashion works

OP sudoku'd already everyone. His girl will not even attend the funeral.