
I dont get it. It got terrible reviews, nobody really seems to enjoy it, how is it making so much money? When I saw it last saturday night in a packed theater 90% of the jokes nobody laughed at. This movie doesn't deserve to be successful

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>New York heiress with a terrible singing voice
That's savage, what's that?


Every normie friend I have on Facebook absolutely loved it and are planning on seeing it again

>nobody really seems to enjoy it
You need to fuck off right now.

I absolutely loved this film from start to finish! I give it an 8/10.

And you have the nerve to say no one likes it??

Go on the Suicide Squad facebook page and read everyone's comments. 95% praise it

That's literally the plot, moron


Same. I HAVE to see this again. One of those movies that you cannot just see once with how enjoyable it was

>DCuck rant about joker being a truthful adaptation with empty arguments

> Talk shit against Marvel or Nolans movies without reason

> Forced Laugh if someone said some marvel movies are good

> Roll in floor and cry

>Repeat proccess in another thread

B-but it's 92% fresh!

>DCuck rant about joker being a truthful adaptation with empty arguments
I never said truthful adaption. I said Jared's Joker is the truthful take on a true psychotic person and how psychotic psychopaths act.

But I have posted this in a recent thread and you wouldn't want me to post it again.

So, this movie has the same fanbase as the transformers movies?

everyone around me thought that the story is retarded but they think that it's fun and got what they expected. also the harley and joker that the normies ate up

it attracts equal part normies, neckbeards and degenerate cretins

I tried to turn my brain off and all that shit to have fun during this movie, but it still sucked. It wasnt funny enough to be a comedy, there wasnt any memorable or well made action sequences, the story/acting/editing were all garbage. Some underwritten weird looking villains in a sub-par action comedy where every other scene in the movie was cut or poorly edited is what were left with, and I fucking hated it. Worst movie I've seen in theaters in at least 4 years

Bravo DC

Jokes on you though, because if this makes a ton of money, WB won't learn from their mistakes. They're going to make the next one just as big of a mess and just as shitty because they think they're doing nothing wrong.

yeah pretty much very "deep douchebros or edgy autistic dcucks"

because those people not laughing already bought the tickets

>b-but muh 2nd weekend drop
>60%-61% decline

Did you not read the article? Also its not going to beat Deadpool and Guardians


bad word of mouth will kill this movie one way or another

>Hot Topic

You guys didn't count the Echelons in this. Bitches are crazy.

Oh yeah, the Mars fans. If he can fill 20,000+ venues on the reg, he shouldn't have any problems making them go to movie theaters.

>delicious Marvelcuck tears

Sausage party will be #1

>I pretend to like shitty movies on a Chinese cartoon image board

DCbro here I've seen it twice already that's a good $50-60 including the people I was with

They'd show up for a millisecond of Leto.


Damn I thought it would beat both in total but your trips prove otherwise.

David "Shit" Ayer is talking about the sequel...

Every superhero movie has the same fanbase as Transformer movies

>because they think they're doing nothing wrong.

If it will make them that much money, they aren't doing anything wrong

the capeshit meme isnt true exactly. If you cant tell that the Dark Knight is a much better movie than Suicide Squad is, I cant help you

is that a shop or..?

it seems like they want to give joker leto the killing joke backstory which makes me fucking cringe after what they did with that animated feature

I was actually really surprised to find out Leto was an actor before he became a musician.

The first Joker photo was a sign of the wreckage to come...

Not that much difference, GotG drop was 55%. Deadpool's was 57%, Civil War's was 59%


It actually wasn't.
People were hoping the tattoos were for the 75th anniversary.

I'm not surprised. The same friend of mine who hated BvS, said Suicide Squid was "as good at Guardians of the Galaxy", which made me laugh out loud, but he was serious.

How is that not a sign about how stupid it was if some people were even in denial and making stuff up to justify it?

He is funny guy, since both of those are shit

That's because you hang too much on reddit

>GotG was shit

If you hate all capeshit, why even post in the threads?

This movie was tailor made for reddit