Will there ever be a Sup Forums movie?
Will there ever be a Sup Forums movie?
Other urls found in this thread:
>there are newfags who have been posting on Sup Forums for a decade
Holy fuck its already been 4 years since I came to this shithole?
Where has the time gone?
There already is
>Shane Dawson's career is just as dead as it was years ago
Feels so good man.
Solid newfag here.
>2012 was 15 years ago
since 2008 what am I doing with my life
Unfortunately there's a million shitty "Anonymous" news stories from that one time we all tried to troll sillytology and brought a bunch of randos from other web groups onboard and they thought all the V for Vendetta meme bullshit was real and it spiraled away and became the biggest cringe fest our generation has ever seen.
I keep leaving this shit site but I always come back, at least it's openly a piece of shit instead of a painted piece of shit like every other forum out there.
>Cancer who came in 2012 have been here 4 years.
why am I here, I used to post and lurk on warbucket forum before I became stuck here. why can't I stop, send help
Lol moot attempted suicide over this picture
>22 now
>been here since 08/09
Sup Forums raised me better than my dad tb.h
What was everyone's board journey?
>Sup Forums -> Sup Forums + Sup Forums -> /fa/ + Sup Forums -> /pol + Sup Forums
>tfw don't have a home board anymore because I love them all
Bane was a mistake
it's so weird seeing how the mask thing got co-opted
12 Years a Newfag:the return of Snacks
And you're stuck here with me
No, but there's a Sup Forums tv show.
Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /lit/
>2010 newfags
>they think triforcing is an oldfag meme
>they think shitty stick comics are the best thing ever
>they think grinman
>they've been here now for as long as you were here when you first rolled your eyes at their newfag shitposting
>board journey
How about site journey? My first internet home was Gamefaqs forums, then Something Awful, YTMND and finally this shit hole.
Sup Forums > Sup Forums > /fa/ > /fit/ + Sup Forums > Sup Forums + Sup Forums + /lit/
Cesspool reporting in.
tfw originalfag
I'm an '05. It's been a painful decade. For me
How is it even possible to come here after like 2013? How can one person be THIS late to the party?
2007 btw
Sup Forums > Sup Forums > /s4s/ > Sup Forums again
The first time I came here was 2007 and the first thing I see was a woman naked inside a dead horse while holding his hear and a head onf a kid with his spine attached to it
I never came back until 2010 and it was much more tame
>why can't I stop
probably some kind of anti-warbucket hack
Sup Forums, Sup Forums occasionaly /vg/
My first home website was stileproject
now its just a shitty porn site.
What does it mean when these are the only things I recognize?
>How about site journey?
The before time doesn't matter user.
Unless it's Reddit then it's bad.
I miss old Sup Forums :(
Yeah we have 8chn but its just the same you know?
I think it was
Sup Forums + Sup Forums I took a break around 08 and came back to Sup Forums and later /toy/ + Sup Forums
Sup Forums > /fa/ + /fit/ > /lit/ > Sup Forums > Sup Forums > Sup Forums + Sup Forums
Only reason I got into sports was to be able to relate with my father more and spend more time with him.
>been here since 2008
lmao what little of shane dawson's career path just declined so much in the past 10 years
hope ur /alc/o too
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
the fact that there are actually people here who browse Sup Forums regularly concerns me a bit tho
between netfag and cancer
Tell us your secrets senpai
That you're cancer pretending that you're not.
It wasn't randomly co-opted, it was intentionally handed out because a bunch of people in IRC and on /i/ figured we could just get the internet masses to troll that stupid cult. Under the guise of moralfaggotry and some vague sense of p2p decentralized internet superheroism they all hopped on board, until we were outnumbered and realized the whole thing had gotten way beyond our control.
We spit them those memes to get them on our side, and then when the inevitable happened we were somehow surprised. It's like old GOP freaking out about Trump, when they paved the way and should have seen it coming. At this point I just try to never talk about what I did as a teenager and change the topic every time some "Anonymous" current events comes up.
Sup Forums -> Sup Forums -> Sup Forums -> /fit/ + Sup Forums + Sup Forums -> Sup Forums
oops i just realized you said board journey and not just to post the boards you browse
>only browsing one or two boards
How do you figure that m8
Sup Forums > Sup Forums + Sup Forums > /fit/ + /fa/ > Sup Forums > /soc/ > Sup Forums > /p/ > Sup Forums + Sup Forums + /lit/
>start coming in 2007
Sup Forums -> /r9k/ -> Sup Forums -> -> Sup Forums -> Sup Forums -> Sup Forums
Sometimes I pop back just to see what sort of dumb shit is being spammed, so I know what's going to be on t-shirts in Hot Topic 2 years from now.
If you started coming here post-2009 you are cancer.
r9k didn't exist back then you fag
>10 years in this place
>TEN years
I was on Sup Forums for a few years you fag
Jesus, that's hardcore
>2016 was 50 months ago
over 13 years I've spent less than an hour on Sup Forums.
when moot dropped that bomb that most people were starting on Sup Forums and spreading to other boards, I probably should've just given up. But I hate myself, so it works out.
Presumably they stayed on Sup Forums for a few years, idiot.
Remember the first 2ish weeks of /r9k/ when it was actually kinda fun and then relationship comics shit it to hell?
wew lad
Sup Forums, /r9k/, now mostly Sup Forums and /tg/.
>on Sup Forums
>for more than a couple of weeks
But why?
What the fuck is wrong with me.
Also, Godly Luck get
remember how any time anything remotely decent/interesting started up on /r9k/, it was given it's own board to fuck off and die in?
good times
Old fag
I waited 10 years of lurking before posting
That's how you know you're an oldfag
Fuck you, you're just a newfag and not even a gaiafag like the cancer before you. I bet you saw that Fox 11 special and jumped aboard.
the holy trinity of shitposting
Tfw almost at the 10 year mark.
Sup Forums
I'm not sure where I went then.
I think I made some brief visits to other boards, but it took me years until I cared to stay for any longer period.
I was still playing a lot of video games back in the early days so I didn't have time to browse Sup Forums.
Still Sup Forums, /tg/, Sup Forums a bit up to 7 years ago I think. Then Sup Forums.
Sup Forums was my main board, then I didn't have a main board, until Sup Forums became my main board probably only 6 years ago.
Stopped browsing Sup Forums 3 years ago.
Right now it's mostly Sup Forums, some /an/.
I tend to make stay on various boards for a few weeks every now and then.
See Sup Forums as the homeboard with seasonal visits to Sup Forums, /vg/ and /tg/.
This year I've also gone to /soc/, /an/, /sci/, /his/ and Sup Forums(during brexit)
>GarbleGloop born during The Cesspool
Sounds about right.
JUST my life
i think there is no place like this
Because I was 12
Don't even know the years
>Came to Sup Forums when everyone made fun of the angry homo kid, the christian kid who screamed.
>Started browsing Sup Forums when that french mouse browser game was the hip new game
>Came to Sup Forums when TDK dropped
tfw been on here 7 years.
That is bad :(
Sup Forums -> Sup Forums, /fit/ -> /fit/ Sup Forums -> Sup Forums Sup Forums
The once per year on /t/ to torrent a good JAV
I've been here since circa 2006
>there are people on Sup Forums now who don't remember the Invasion board
>Sup Forums->/fit/->Sup Forums->Sup Forums->/fa/
If ever the worship of KEK becomes organized, when they tell the tale you'll be catalogued among the followers of the prophet.
Starting from 2005:
Sup Forums -> Sup Forums -> Sup Forums -> Sup Forums -> /pol?/
>that feel when been here for half a decade but still cancer
Sup Forums -> Sup Forums -> Sup Forums -> Sup Forums
Tried migrating to /r9k/ but it was way too autistic for me.
Kill yourself ~desu
Containment boards are important. There's that moment when every Sup Forumstard has been on other boards for a long while, shitposting vaguely on-topic, and it dawns on them that they lived on a containment board for years so that decent content could exist on the topic boards.
Sup Forums,/mlp/, etc, apparently there's a board called /s4s/ now? All wonderful holes in the ground in which to throw teenagers and autists.
>first came here in late 2013
I didn't go to Sup Forums until after college which I think is weird/unusual. Sure I'm a loser now but I had a lot of fun during college.
>there are people on Sup Forums right now who have never gone to not4chan for /l/
I remember the invasions, but not that board. Then again, I've always only peripherally followed Sup Forums's shenanigans.
>Sup Forums
Holy shit I forgot about /t/.
Also RIP Popcorn Mariachi, god of /r/, Freer of Porn and Father of Faps.
Have I ever told you about WT Snacks, the wise?
Remember when you had to vote threads into the archive? Good threads meant so much more then. You could browse the archives for hours looking at incredible threads.
Now it's overload and there's no finding the good shit through all the bad.
>inferiour alternative /i/
>tfw your thread got archived
Man, Sup Forums used to be where all the memes that spread across the internet came from. It felt like there was OC created everyday.
Now Sup Forums is the cancer but maybe it always was.
Sup Forums >> /x/ >> Sup Forums >> Sup Forums > Sup Forums
I occasionally lurk Sup Forums, Sup Forums , Sup Forums and Sup Forums (Only thursdays because One Piss general thread). I can't really stand /x/ anymore, it is probably the board that became shittier
Congrats buddies, I will hit 10 years mark during January next year
>pretends to be an oldfag
>doesn't recognize "the one who wants to be the little girl"
>tfw here for 8 years and still a newfag