What's your favorite little detail about The Sopranos?
I always loved how all the bands Adriana liked and tried to sponsor always had the worst, most cliche lyrics known to man. They were purposely generic.
What's your favorite little detail about The Sopranos?
I always loved how all the bands Adriana liked and tried to sponsor always had the worst, most cliche lyrics known to man. They were purposely generic.
paulie's car horn
Stay out of our way and don't be so gay!
Defiler: could it exist today?
The part where the ghost of Bobby's wife Karen moves a wine glass when Janice starts eating her ziti
I also love how characters will hear lines and phrases and then reuse them later in conversation with other people
This was my favorite scene.
>Bobby's wife Karen moves a wine glass
>ghost Pussy's reflection in a mirror
>The Virgin Mary's reflection in a mirror
So were they real?
Bobby's mourning the death of his wife Karen. Janice pulls some manipulative bullshit and torments his children in order to convince Bobby to move on from Karen and to make him let Janice into his life. She says to Bobby "the dead have nothing to say to us", and as they sit down to eat the last meal Karen made, the wine glass suddenly moves across the table, then back again
The entire last episode tells an entire season if you look at the little details. Fucking pat parisi ordered the hit on tiny
Don't forget the psychic that can see the ghosts of Paulie's victims
Why would he do that
okay will try to youtube it. dont have that seaosn downloaded right now.not sure if i eve rnoticed or forgot heh
>pat did it
this is my favorite theory
Gotchu pham
The Sopranos is so much better after you've already seen it so you can slow it down and pick up subtle things. There's load of great scenes I didn't appreciate the first time.
awesome thanks. couldn't find it. yeah never noticed. good catch
In season 2, we see a "Ulver" poster in Meadow's room, with the cover design from their album "Nattens Madrigal - Aatte hymne til ulven i manden" ("Madrigal of the Night – Eight Hymns to the Wolf in Man").
"Ulver" (literal translation: Wolves) is a Norwegian (at that time) black metal band, and this album is the epitome of the Norwegian wave of black metal.
While this certainly did not seem like something Meadow would like, one of the themes of the album is the dark side of humans, which makes me think it was on purpose.
What I don't understand is that the show alludes to ghosts existing, but Tony fades into nothingness.
holy shit
thanks folks. going to rewatch this show for 4th time or so again.Out of shit to watch anyway
>Nattens Madrigal poster
how did i miss this
Tony fades? You mean the cut to black?
It's ambiguous nigga, the show was literally about the ambiguity of life
My ass jumped in the couch when I saw it
When this played before Don't Stop Believin'
Feels like it's far more connected to the overall premise of the show. Don't know why Chase didn't use it for the entire finale...
Why wouldn't he after being snubbed and passed over the entire time he was part of that crew?
Plus if Butch could do it to Phil then Patsy could just as easily for Tony.
Tony also had his twin brother killed.
this is the same episode where Tony has that creepy dream about his mom at the top of the stairs
- Every time Junior told Tony he never had the makings of a varsity athlete.
Artie Bucco's cooking
In the end, Vito was the downfall of everything.
Nothing too groundbreaking but as I just watched the episode: in S2E01 Janice asks Tony for a couple hundred dollars "to fix mom's car" (which Tony obliges) but when she pulls up to the house for the family gathering, the car is clearly struggling based on the sound effects.
The supernatural shit in this show
Event Planning.
Super cheesy glam rock is still a thing.
I wanted to punch Janice in the face every single moment she was on.
The fact she reminds me (both physically and in personality) of my cousin I fucking hate doesn't help.
What episode was the "gabagool, ova here" bit?
I swore it was early in the first season but I'm 11 episodes into the rewatch and it hasn't happened yet.
I remember one reflection of pussy while he was still alive in a party at tony's (looking all creepy). I don't remember one when he was dead, when did it happen?
I think it's the episode Tony gets shot by the two black guys.
When they go over to his house.
Yes, this one. "It's all fat and nitrates".
That him and christafa werent really related. Chris was a neighborhood kid And carmelas cousin that Tony felt sorry for and wanted to groom for mafia stuff because chris's dad dickie was tonys childhood goomba superhero
That Cheistopher gets mad at Tony at his intervention and tells T he'll die at 50 from overeating and James gandolphininighui died at 50
>That S06E19 panel
Junior always talks about how he and Tony used to play baseball
Last episode Tony goes to see Junior and the only thing he remembers is they used to play cats.
There's this one specific Coal Chamber poster that pops up in like 5 different places. It's in AJ's room, multiple club bathrooms, and Melfi's son's dorm.
watching stupid people constantly spam about the sopranos is staring to make me hate it
It's brought up in one of the first scenes with those 2, when Tony goes to Junior to tell him to kill little Pussy somewhere other than Vesuvio.
>how many fuckin hours did I spend playin catch with you?
Junior (about Livia): She's like a woman with a virginia ham under her arm, cryin the blues because she's got no bread
In the series finale, when the family is moving back in after the threat posed by Phil has been neutralized, Tony is seen carrying a ham inside. Intentional? I don't know, but I choose to think so.
same situation, it's ridiculous how similar my cousin is to her. You Italian as well?
the quality of this show is completely astounding.
so glad you faggots convinced me to watch it
That one scene where Tony goes out to a swampland-esque house and the woman stands in the shadows on the stairs terrified me when I first saw it and still scares me to this day.
Also in season 1 when he's telling Melfi about his father and Junior in their prime, Junior is playing catch with him outside his house in a flashback.
so good
Post the scene you keep coming back to.
Corky Caporale
Love how a throw away character can come in for half a season & steal scenes left & write.
>favorite little detail
How accurate the attire (and italian-american culture and cuisine in general) was. Those big polo shirts with the ugly patterns, etc. As a NY italian-american they absolutely nailed the aesthetic, colloquialisms, etc.
not getting memed today
the scene where paulie sees the virgin mary is more terrifying
I go OH every once in a while when something bothers me now. What did you pick up from the show
The scene where Vito is cuddled in bed with Johnny cakes, and then it cuts to Bobby's trainset plowing through a tunnel.
Paulie's especially drawn out EEEEEEHOOOOOOOHHHHs are the best.