Peter, why are we filming all my scenes first?
Peter, why are we filming all my scenes first?
Hey how come you don't see him in movies anymore? He was great in lotr and Star Wars
how the fuck did they make him look young? makeup is not enough
Why does Ian McKellen look so bad in that picture
its christopher lee u fucking retard, ian mckellen is gandalf
dude do a 360 and get out of this thread
Because you can die at any moment, you dumb fuck.
Who's trolling who here?
>that day when he actually died
you have to go back
I believe he retired, but is about to do Lord of the Rings audio book for his last work!
>Christopher Lee is going to die in your lifetime
ITT: people pretending to be stupid to make others call them out for being stupid only turn around and say "im not really stupid, and youre stupid for believing me"
Why was the internet created again?
Why does Sir Michael Gambon look so sad in that picture?
Tanner is that you? time for chores
he already did son
>Christopher Lee didn't become an immortal in your timeline
He died
did he die of a runny nose?
of a potty nose
this is b8
>not knowing that Christopher Lee just descended into his dungeon to rest for a century
>he will never play Don Quixote
Best Bond died?
>British Commando Christopher Lee actually died in your lifetime
It's official The Hobbit movies killed him and he was holding on to life just to see them
it's surreal watching people like him in movies growing up and all of a sudden they're just gone
Half of them deserved it.
Jessica Rabbit died? That fucking sucks.
>John Candy
2014 was a pretty bad year.
>yfw you learned he was in winter war
I know he didn't get to do much and got there really late.
>being this new
inb4 >being this new
When does he have a new movie coming out?
Larry King is dead? Shit...
It's the thought that counts. he did what the British government were too pussy to do.
>You now remember that Abe Vigoda died this year
Shit. He was an old guy for like the past forty years I don't know if I was expecting him to have died years or just stay on this plain forever.
Vampires don't die, dumbass.
>Birthday on 9/11
>No one ever remembers
>Everyone hates me for bringing it up.
I don't even know 70% of the people there.
i knew a girl once that had the same problem.
he has become more powerful than we could possibly imagine
by the way, watch The Wicker Man and The Horror of Dracula
leslie nielsen:(
>dat gap between 1999 and 2008
at least we can pinpoint when whoever made that started going on the internet
>it's been three years since James Gandolfini died
It only seems like yesterday that it happened.
Fuck was already old in the Godfather