Be me 23 year old neet

>be me 23 year old neet
>haven't left house in months
>ignoring landlords calls
>he forces himself in and demands I clean up the place or get out
>what do?
Baiting with porn

Other urls found in this thread:

clean the place or get out.

have you tried getting your fucking life together?

Clean up the place and get out

nigga you gonna regret things like that when you get older. do something faggot

Nothing you can do but clean your fucking house put down the bong you crusty

How do you clean? What should I start with?

you don't want him breaking in on your baiting time, so clean the place up.

or find some wannabe waifu to clean it up for you.

hire someone through craigslist or off the street corner where the laborers gather. Usually its all guys, but they might know a demi-waifu who will clean for cheap.

Where do I start cleaning? The kitchen? The room?

get some large trash bags. fill them with trash. then climb into a dumpster with one of the empty bags. get into the bag. tie it shut from the inside.

This is what I'm working with

>go to landlords office when they are there
>announce presence
>set hair on fire
>put out flames with icepick
>never shitpost pin Sup Forums again

It's your only option, user


pour rubbing alcohol over all of it to sterilize the dishes. pour it on yourself as well. light a candle to cover the smell.

Fucking put your garbage in a trash bag.

Fill the sink with hot water and a squirt of washing up liquid.
Put dishes in the sink.


turn the fan on high.
spread your ass in front of the fan.

its too far gone. you're going to have to burn that mother fucker down.

First get some bags and fill them with thrash, just collect thrash and fill the bag, throw it away.
After you have gotten rid of all the thrash and useless shit, start to organize stuff, it takes time and patience but just do it don't be fucking lazy, also buy shit load of energy drinks keep u motivated.

Aren't we supposed to recycle cardboard and plastics?

throw out all of your garbage dumbass spray some frebreeze take the dust off that fuckin fan stop drinkin that hawaiian punch that shit puts holse in yer brain

get big heafty bags put all the trash in them bin them then do the dishes and wash your clothes open a window start to hover then mop the floor then just look around anything that looks dirty proseed to clean


Kill yourself

Are you fucking retarded? Just clean the dishes an pick up the trash. It's not rocket science

how does this work? I have 4 days to pay or I get fined $50. I would've been evicted if I were you...

What dishes should I wash first? Is there an order?

Please post a pic of yourself, I wanna know if you're as gross as I imagine you are.

Fucking degen.

Learn your rights as a tenant you fucking NEET

If you live in cuckifornia sure, otherwise who gives a flying fuck. Throw that shit out

I'm going to need a picture of your fridge, OP.




Where's the ketchup and video games?

the easiest way is to throw everything away and then buy new stuff, if you dont want it to get like that again just dont own as much stuff

Clean the place you twat

There's the sour cream I was looking for!

Reminds of that other user a couple o' years ago that didn't clean up and referred to as it's own ecosystem.

Ketchup is gross, and I sit on Sup Forums all day

only buy stuff to put in your fridge if you intend to use it within one week

Why are you putting a bowl with food and a spoon in the fucking fridge? you mong

the drain flies were great.

it really doesn't seem that bad. i know its overwhelming but just get moving and you'll be done faster than you anticipate

are you really this retarded?

Damn dude, clean that shit up. Start with one of the rooms first, then go from there. Google if you need help you got this

You're the cancer that is ruining Sup Forums.

No nigga, put your phone down and start cleaning that shit

He's probably a banana poster

I'm saving it for later

1. Throw away all the garbage and waste food i.e. pepsi can and what not
2. Clean the dishes in the sink first
3. All other dishes so you now can use the sink to clean them
4. Kys


Clean up, you fucking slob. Also, keep your landlords place kempt. It's their fucking house your just paying to sit your fat lame ass down in it. Get the fuck up, get a job, pay your rent, and clean up after yourself you sloppy fucking twit.

Most likely

Work 15 minutes at a time. Break down the work into smaller tasks, don't look at the big picture. Goto the store and buy sponges, all purpose cleaner, 3 rolls of paper towels, trash bags, whisk broom, dish soap, a package of dishcloths, and some air freshener. Pick up trash, don't worry about recycling. Remember your goal is not to be homeless. Wash dishes. Spray down all flat surfaces in the house with all purpose cleaner. Wipe up the crud with paper towels and 1 of the sponges. Fill sink with hot water add generous amount of dish soap, start with silverware and utensils, then cups, then bowls, then plates, then pot and pans. Change water frequently, use dish cloths on the small stuff, sponge/scrubber on pots and pans. Rinse all suds. Go through fridge and throw out all spoiled food, expured foid, clean any messed, drip. Scrub toilet, sink and bathtub. Use damp cloth to dust. Vaccuum/sweep, then mop. Ladt but not least run laundry, fold clothes, make bed. There you are all done. Should take about 4-5 hrs to do all that if you hustle.

You fat, smelly, lazy retard.
Clean up your shit and fuck off.

quit being useless and give me the fucking sauce on that gif

Silverware first

>your mother

i see whats going on here


Put child porn on his pc and blackmail him.

This makes me feel good. If people are seriously having trouble just cleaning or getting out of the house then I am doing fucking great! Well off to work now. Get your shit together OP. It's not hard.

This really helped me become less of a slob OP hope it helps.
Plus once your house isn't a disgusting filthy Stai you can actually bring women home. Good luck God speed