Tonights episode of Mr Robit will be the "best one to date" and he says we should see it live if we can or we might miss out on something. Who can stream this shit?
Mr Robot
>shilling so we can help boost their fucking show ratings
I really hope nobody is stupid enough to fall for his twitter sham.
so this is how low mr. robot has fallen...
YESSS tonight based tyrell returns for his little frog boy
show is pretty bad, it can be good as a comedy though
Can you tell me what time it airs? I need to convert it to GMT so I wake up in time. NO WAY am I missing the threads.
i swear us brit bongs always get fucked by american tv
It's on at 10:00pm in America so over here it'll be 3:00am? Wish I could stay up but I got work
Maybe it's the different timezones hmm?
Waking up early to read the threads is pointless anyway, there needs to be a live stream.
I'm getting up at 6am to watch it then probably look through the thread, been a good system so far
more like Mr. Normie
How are the live threads on Sup Forums these days? Haven't been in one since season 1 of Fargo.
it's not bad, it's actually very well-written and shot/edited, you just don't agree with its politics.
It makes a mockery of shot composition in my opinion and I found Season one to be exhausting, especially during Elliot's rant on the fat guy. I like the writing and editing however.
We agree though that S2 is being much worse than S1, right?
Nope, much better. The normies wanted more hacker bullshit storylines that were way to predictable. This season so far is kino.
Yeah right...
you should take a look at season 2 if you haven't. the shots have been immensely improved, especially at the end of S02E05.. jesus
More like Mr. Reddit
its funny how far he's come from that gay kid to mr. robot
I am 100% correct
>Angela x Darlene
>Tyrell x Elliot
Which is better?
the latter
>shot composition
The framing decisions are part of the show's M.O. It's a peripheral yet isolating kind of shot that evinces certain emotional aspects i.e. loneliness.
I like that the show is playing around with stuff like that
I have been. The painting in the shot here helps with the balance (both color and negative space) and it's not just a head in front of a plain white wall like parts season 1. Both final scenes of S02E05 were incredible, the FBI agent's storyline is turning out to be my favorite.
>guys our ratings are slipping please watch ;_;
This season has actually been great. Shame they have no audience anymore.
excellent taste user
darlene has strabismus and it bothers me
Oh no he'll never grace you with privilege of acknowledging his existence!
>Elliot looks like a frog
>Darlene looks like a frog
dunno man, her eyes look pretty standard
Everything about her bothers me. I hope she dies desu.
>watching Mr Reddit
Good casting
Pepe incarnate
literally, ugly people: the show
Nope that's Stranger Things
Rami a cutie
havent see that, is it any good?
I hate how Angela looks. So fucking annoying looking.
Im in middle europe.
What time and what stream do I watch?
Thanks, user.
Northern europe here. Would love a stream too. I'm watching it mostly for the puzzle they have in every episode.
more like normal people. They didn't wanted a cast where everyone looks like a 10 and it's far better that way. Also it's the 80s
Not even the school princess is hot. It's a realistic cast.
what puzzle? And on what channel will it air? I'm from germany but I would like to watch it live too.
He played a gay kid?
>ywn have your own personal frog boy
Why live?
the only good thing in a bad sitcom
What the fuck, he looks really young
Rami Malek always looks like he's completely fucking bonkers
1 AM east coast american't time means 7-8 AM european time which means 8-9 AM torrent
Think he was in his early 20s
usa network in america I think, not really sure
about the puzzle every episode so far has had an ip somewhere that actually works where there's some puzzle to solve
thank you, mr. skelatal
Apparently, tonight's first 19 minutes are must-watch.
Still holding out hope for a Tyrellus Maximus appearance.
plot is kind of weak
but most of the kids can actually act
they are some uggos though
no kid models in that shit
>watching commercials
Hilarious and original joke my friend!
slightly decent show for intellectual hipsters
Psst kid. I found a stream.
i'd rather watch the entire episode start-to-finish without ads
than have to endure 3 hours of painful american't ads for a 1 hour episode
Any anons doing based quality streams like last time?
>implying I will watch the stream those 3 hours
I'm just going to put an alarm clock on my phone and tune in when the fun starts
fuck off wagecuck
What? It's definitely not 1:10AM lad, you can trust me on that.
>To continue browsing, NO ADBLOCK
alright, fuck off
I'm going to bed and I'll just pirate the damn thing tomorrow, fuck your commercials Jewi Ismail
same t b h
good night eurolads
tee hee
Tyrell comes back tonight, we find out he's an AI
book it
my son needs to stop blowing himself up
>see it live if we can or we might miss out on something.
I might be interested.
I think they might be cousins.
>tfw no qt FBIfu
so much this desu desu
I'm giving up as well
I've been tricked by tv too often
So whats up with this E Corp messaging app they are releasing?
>reddit messenger
Man, he's such an alpha, he brings a tension in just a 2 second shot
If you're in this thread jp-finch, will you be streaming tonight?
Its been p. gud so far.
I look forward for the weekly 2am torrent.
>tfw either have to wait an hour for the torrent or watch it with the 40 minute of ads
you American really have a ridiculous amount of ads. incredibly frustrating.
Ill never get to kiss those big ol bug eyes
>that actors round table
seems cool as fuck
Fucking Latza
Has it started yet? Good streaming sites?
why would watching a show with commercials improve the experience in any way?
i admit i dropped this show after episode 8 of season 1, but the best character by far and the most memorable performance was by the drug dealer guy. he was fantastic. everythign else was shit. does he ever come back?
maybe they have more cool """fake""" E Corp commercials.
but realistically it's because the show is haemorrhaging viewers and last week's episode was the lowest rated in its whole run at 0.2 million. It used to do 0.7 average.
Esmail desperately needs a bump. I don't even think S3 has even been greenlit yet.
>but realistically it's because the show is haemorrhaging viewers and last week's episode was the lowest rated in its whole run at 0.2 million. It used to do 0.7 average.
the neilsen rating jew must be stopped
it was 0.71 though, why would you lie like that?
oops I meant 0.2 in the key demo, not 0.2 million
it used to do much better.
Well, it's well received critically and does really well on Amazon too, so dunno if that matters much.
>Mr Robot will be cancelled due to an utterly obsolete kike ratings system
>NCIS will be greenlit for the next thousand years
>I don't even think S3 has even been greenlit yet.
That's a shame. I love the show. I'll be sad if it ends.
shows with higher ratings have been cancelled before. It's shaky territory when a show drops more than 50% of its viewers season over season.
He'll be looking for a significant bump if he wants a 3rd season, let alone his planned 5.