What does Sup Forums think of this guy?
What does Sup Forums think of this guy?
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I find him funny. His show has gotten more PC and he's eliminated the funny games with porn stars. But I still get a laugh while listening.
This beetle, he is bad as can..he knows he's the best
GOAT in Billy West era, God-tier during Jackie era, God to Great-tier during Artie era, instantly went to embarrassing shit-tier in the last 8 years and gets worse by the minute.
I agree 100%
Still a better show than all podcasts and all other radio shows. DOnt try to give me that Opie and Anthony shit.
Needs to retire.
He doesn't even have Beet on anymore
Yeah if you are a fag into Dancing shows for 45 year old women maybe
Well celebrity x you said it all! Maybe even too much.
kino at its finest
how does such an idiot become so wealthy?
By being entertaining
Not paying the people that made the show
I think I pissed my pants
I listen daily to old shows on my phone. I've gotten to the point where I can't stand Robin and am considering editing her out of old shows (I'll never do this because of how much work it would be).
Her three major annoyances:
>"I was about to say that"
>laughing before she finishes her final sentence so the last 5-6 words are muddled in laughter and you have to struggle to hear what she means
and the worst
>she's not a fucking comedian so she constantly throws out shit she thinks is funny which is either ignored by everyone or Artie or Howard take it and make it funny and she ALWAYS laughs hysterically
These might sound petty, but once you listen regularly and notice these things you'll lose your mind.
This basically. The early years at Sirius were close to perfect. I still find myself going back and listening to those moments. After Artie's departure though and Howard's move to America's Got Talent the show started a steady and rapid decline into mediocrity. The fact that he's on about a third of the amount of time he was when he first came to Sirius doesn't help either.
Not to mention the political correctness
One of my favorite. beet calls that fat heroin addict a " black skinny fatfuck" priceless
It was hard to beat some of the roasts.
The Daniel Carver roast is one of the top three most embarrassing/cringe bits in the history of the show. Bob Levy is a fucking moron.
Fucker deserved it.I'm not really a fan of that fat crybaby
The fact that he apologized to Lena DunHAM makes me wanna kill him
I liked when Jackie would laugh during the news at all the horrible stories of murder and daily horrible happenings.
Smart jew with a dumb fanbase. I love america.
Look at Beets reaction when she is reading his lines back at him
can you recommend me some alternative entertainment sources?
>Ahhh cooh be
I love beet
the jews above him are smart howard is an idiot
that's fucking gold
>since I was fifteen
>when I was six
>same year when I was eight
this is what I love about beet.
Shit. In his prime he was okay, but still not as good as early 2000's O&A. Even they went to shit.
There's no good radio anymore. Everything interesting is gone.
I'm 260 pounds!
Only time I listen now is where he gets a good comedian on the show.
I know
hooked nose jew
I used to watch his show.
he lost his eddgy when get older still better tho then most of the faggots on air
mfw found torrent with 33G of stern interviews with pornstars strippers games and such uncensored now and then watch mostly when eating have like 10g more to watch shit is cash
Got a link? Any good ole ball busting on there too?
could you post the magnet?
He's an unfunny lying wig wearing hump.
>Every day on his show he says he's just a regular guy faithfully married to a non-famous wife.
>Cheats on her. Gets divorced and married a former model.
>Has a joke writer who not only writes all of his funny lines, but is an endless source of comedy for the show with his businesss dealings and personal life.
>Drops the joke writer, and even drops every other joke writer he had and now just plays stupid prank phone calls instead.
>Cheats on her.
I wish I could disagree
>Cheats on her
not true
>Drops the joke writer, and even drops every other joke writer
Benjy still sits in the studio and writes him lines, albeit far less funny than jackie on his worst day
First I watched some fucked up interviews he did and I thought he wasn't a big deal. Then he feuded with Kevin Smith and I thought he sucked balls. Then I watched Private Parts and find him one of a kind.
Benjy is just another of Stern's jewish welfare employees. He just takes up space like the rest of his needlessly large staff.
well i dl it like 1 year ago from pornlab still have the torrent file i dl 5-6 shows from time to time so its still up torrent file name is
hope this help you find it
The guy who invented fire?
>hoo hoo, that was me, Robin. I took two sticks and rubbed them together, none of you would exist without me hoo hoo
His only talent is recognizing talent, desperate enough to interview anyone, and he simply doesn't give a fuck about the people he interviews.
His old videos are cool, I enjoy watching them. Howard is such a petty asshole though and hates when people advance beyond him, going as far as insulting and belittling his subordinates for trying to branch out.
>Billy West
>Stuttering John (he is a traitor though)
Also he abandonned gilbert gotfried to become the stupid PCuck he is now. And no one likes it for him, even mainstream has rejected him. He is going to die irrelevant and forgotten, which is probably his worst nightmare.
I liked his movie. Otherwise I couldn't give a shit less about him.
No one asked for proof, they want the link you retard
i gave the torrent file name and told you got it from pornlab it was like 1 year ago dont have the fucking link go learn to internet if you want to watch it retard
i wont go search it for you faggot i already have it
You seem upset
Impossibru to grab, if its still active you could spit out a magnet link with your client by usually right clicking the torrent, copy magnet link.
like this
Ran the best radio show of all time. Sold out completely after Artie left.
degenerate kike faggot
Show is still better than any radio out there but it's a hollow shell of what it once was.
who wrote this for him?
Not going to listen.
Jackie was let go from the show at the end of the year 2000. So if its done before then Jackie wrote it.
>let go
Jackie quit when they wouldn't pay him what he asked/deserved
i dont think of that old jewish lady
Contract negotiations ended and he was let go. I wouldn't call it quitting.
>spends most of his earlier career bitching about how much of a shithead sellout don imus is
>becomes just like don imus
Hi, Jackie!
We miss you ;(
fafa flunky
No whack packer was ever paid
john got 10k/year
for the first 3 years he was on the show
The most Artie ever made was 700k/year during his last year on the show
Why the fuck did he throw like that?
No really why?
Also where is Chris Rock pitch?
Of course he did, he's a Jew. It's what Jews do: bitch about shit they don't have until they acquire it, then act like they were always fine.
The only good thing about that piece of shit was the Type O Negative/Ozzy cover of Pictures of Matchstick Men on the soundtrack
he fucked up jaime pressly career
made her look like an anti semite
glad shes back on track and unjusted herself.
How is he a half jew?
Is he implying his mom isn't a jew?
Only in his dreams
hi jackie
stop being a bitch.
artie years> jackie years