this dude can't pull a 10/10 piece of ass in real life. how did he manage to bed Nancy?
CGI alien looked bad and out of place. took me out of the moment every time.
kids didn't listen to joy division and the clash in the 80s. more like journey, mike and the mechanics, madonna, and michael jackson. if they listened to rock, it was hair bands like van halen
plot was predictable, except for the end. elle dies. nancy goes back to the bully/boyfriend. will has alien AIDS
6/10 show
8/10 soundtrack
Grayson Bell
Nancy is hardly a 10/10 plus all you need to get a girl is some confidence
Chase Ward
leave Chad alone
Angel Perez
>spoopy skellington >10/10
Hudson Bailey
show me braces and my dick is diamonds
Leo Moore
this is 10/10, you dolt
Austin Williams
What a handsome fellow. He looks a lot like me. His hair is virtually identical to mine and everything.
Kayden Cook
More like a 11/10
Jack Morales
that bed-head, disheveled drunk look
Julian Butler
Yes, you totally nailed it! This has been the story of my life lately. Good times.
Jeremiah Kelly
>>>""""""implying"""""" Eleven is dead.
yeah, what series did you see to actually think that? literal retard.
Jackson Moore
>elle dies
Confirmed retard.
Jose Davis
jay leno status
Wyatt Gonzalez
But they would listen to the clash because they were misfits and outcasts dumb bitch 8
Angel Stewart
The synthwave-ish opening theme was a nice surprise
Owen Young
>Nancy >10/10
She's cute, but you're a fucking idiot if you think that flatface is a 10/10
Austin James
Jayden Reed
Even with the wig, still looks like a boy
Thomas Rogers
>hair growing from her forehead >10/10
Landon Moore
only college kids listened to edgy shit
Jaxson Martin
>flatface never seen a 3d gril, have you user
Liam Perry
Justin Evans
>kids didn't listen to joy division and the clash in the 80s. more like journey, mike and the mechanics, madonna, and michael jackson. if they listened to rock, it was hair bands like van halen
It is clearly shown that Jonathan is the one who introduced Will to this music. Will probably liked it because of the sentimental value he had associated to it from his brother.
And it would make sense for Jonathan to listen to it; he had a rough childhood, he's a loner, doesn't have a lot of friends....this music suits him.
William Ortiz
Fuck I loved this show
I can't wait for them to inevitably fuck it all up in season two
Dominic Diaz
>10/10 >people find Nancy attractive
Alexander Gomez
Is it ok to like this show or does that make me Nu-Male?
Jaxson Myers
make the alien practical and clean it up with CGI
looks too fake
Aiden Perez
If you're asking for permission to like something, you're already a nu-male
Lincoln Fisher
I liked how it didn't go the cliche route of the girl being with the "creepy boy" at the end and instead stays with the jock kid.
Joseph Jenkins
what about if I need permission to die?
Oliver Cook
>permavirgin >uses 'gril' stop. that word's for kewl kids only.
Grayson Powell
Dominic Smith
Only when Gotham is in ashes
Parker Smith
But I use tv to escape from that
Leo Hernandez
Nancy reminds of a girl I had a huge crush on in highschool. I had no chance with her, but she was gorgeous, she still is.
Kevin Gutierrez
Don't you just love it that chokers are in fashion?
Alexander Brown
She legitimately has a flatter face. Not a big deal if she stays skinny, but they put on weight terribly.
Ethan Hall
I love how the show basically completely forgot about her
Brandon Morgan
I want Mike to be happy and go to school dance with El
Gabriel Torres
is /stg/ ded bois?
Jayden Green
Ethan Murphy
They showed her rotting corpse like twice, didn't they?
Jason Myers
It didn't.
Mason Phillips
>finally finish the show >Sup Forums no longer talking about it
It's like you have to marathon this shit in the first 48 hours or you can't discuss it on Sup Forums
Xavier Perry
no one's stopping you from discussing it here or making a new thread.
Benjamin Reyes
Speaking more in general of Normieflix shows, it's like everyone watches the entire thing in a single day.
Colton Kelly
They showed her dead, but no one ever seemed to bring it up or care
Easton Barnes
Nancy isnt a 10/10 but she is a cute
Tyler Nelson
Stop shitposting on Sup Forums and pay attention to the show you ADHD child.
Jason Gray
this show is complete shit and steve and the cop are the only good characters
Gabriel Taylor
>10/10 piece of ass >Nancy?
This is how I know you're baiting.
Logan Evans
Nancy isn't 10/10. She has a decently pretty face, but not much else. 6 maybe
Robert Wright
That's my fetish, faggot.
Aaron Collins
it's a meme show favored by reddit
Jonathan Rivera
dat aspect ratio
Zachary Nelson
I'm kind of worried for her t b h
Robert Evans
what a qt
John Ramirez
It's very much in keeping with the era that the world would basically stop if a child disappeared (see the abduction & murder of Adam Walsh, which was contemporary to the setting of the show), but nobody really cared if a teenager did - they'd just figure they ran away and would wait for them to come back. It's not the same today, obviously - they'll put out alerts if *anyone* goes missing, whether they're eight or eighty-eight.
Ryan Rogers
And yet when this show was first released all of Sup Forums was in love Really makes you think
Carson Campbell
Yah this show is terrible. This is the problem with people who watch movies all day but don't read a book. They fall for style of substance. This show had no plot or meaningful development whatsoever except for Nancy dying.
This show was absolute horseshit that happens to look fancy.
Aaron Gonzalez
Not all of /tv, I fucking hated it as did many. People who liked it just wouldnt shut the fuck up about it.
Ian Cruz
>Go to the archives back when it was released just a day ago >Almost no people saying they disliked it >Compare those threads to the ones being posted this week >"""half""" of Sup Forums shits all over it I just wish people would stop fucking posting threads about this show, it only attracts shitposting samefags and no actual discussion because everything is already been discussed
Liam Sanchez
Only a redditor would even have a netflix description. The crossposters with low standards watched it day one. The real Sup Forums posters caught up with it a few days later to see what all the threads were about and then the average opinion of this show on this board drastically lowered, and that's by no coincidence.
Kayden Foster
Because Nancy is a 5/10 unless you give her the right angles
Ryan White
>the clash >edgy lmao
Ayden Diaz
Mike was my favorite character.
Isaiah Sullivan
>The real Sup Forums posters caught up with it a few days later torrents for this show appeared the same day
also >real Sup Forums posters
Jace Brooks
for that time, yes
Luis Carter
Any why would anybody have given a shit? If it wasn't for normieflix subscribering crossposters spamming this shit on this board nobody would have even heard about this millennial pandering meme fest.
Nolan Diaz
yeah i edited it should have just made it 720p like the source maybe ill redo it
Brandon Scott
maybe if you were fucking lame
Gavin Smith
>Really makes you think
That Sup Forums inevitably turns on shows & movies when it realizes "normies" like them, too?
Bentley Bailey
style=substance in visual medium
Austin Hall
Except the shows and movies that are hated are instrinsically normie. It's woven into their very DNA.
One of these hated shows could have been viewed by a high level authentic Sup Forums poster who is being kept in a complete cultural vacuum, totally unaware of how the outside world has reacted to a piece of media. They'd still be trembling with rage for the entire running time of Stranger Things.
You can be the first man on the planet to see something and hate it for being normie shit if you're actually educated in the medium.
Tyler Young
>If it wasn't for normieflix subscribering crossposters spamming this shit on this board nobody would have even heard about this millennial pandering meme fest. Sure thing, pal
Noah Carter
Stranger Things had no original style. It just adheared to a meme aesthetic that is popular with the redditors at the moment. "le nostalgic neo-80s revival" shit is done to death.
Jackson Thomas
>meme >reddit >normie
The fact these are valid criticisms of a film or tv show tells you all you need to know about this shit hole.
Tyler Ross
even the AD&D scenes were off
they might have been too young to play it, desu
geeks in highschool and college were all into D&D
it's like everything about the 80s were taken from a few google searches
Brayden Morgan
what's wrong with brazil lads, they keep shitting up every actors social media
Benjamin Hall
I'm pretty confident that all of the nostalgia that the "neo 80s" meme media taps into is second hand.
James Allen
>tfw 11's actress is gonna grow up to be a slut >frogface will be some weirdo, probably gay
Sebastian Russell
Nu-male? The fucks that?
Jaxon Wright
His mom is my fav character. Because without her there would be no Mike.
Isaiah Jenkins
>there's no plot confirmed for not having read any good literature
Christopher Gray
It's not an alien you absolute ninny.
Owen Hernandez
>social outcast doesn't listen to pop music you're saying this is a problem? Johnathan listening to Journey would be like that kid from Chronicle listening to Katy Perry
Josiah Nelson
she's already gay vibed, hard
Bentley Ramirez
implying 90% of Sup Forums doesn't listen to katy perry and kesha
Liam Nelson
im talking about mike's actor
Gavin Hall
she's not trans?
Ryan King
Jesus christ, that must be like having sex with a ironing board
Grayson Cooper
Cuz we want to mug Them all
Nathaniel Ward
>kids didn't listen to joy division and the clash in the 80s. more like journey, mike and the mechanics, madonna, and michael jackson. if they listened to rock, it was hair bands like van halen You were born in 1996, how the fuck would you know?
Joseph Wilson
Bentley Green
Hunter Green
Ian Myers
he also did beat the monster away. That's bound to give him sex points.
Nicholas Myers
>implying the skeleton is a 10/10
Christopher Scott
>geeks in highschool and college were all into D&D
So were preteens. It was wildly popular.
Benjamin Ramirez
They literally discussed it in the show - the police covered it up by saying she ran away, moved her car to the bus station and stopped looking for her