Hey Sup Forums, ADC main here. I´m looking for high elo LoL player...

Hey Sup Forums, ADC main here. I´m looking for high elo LoL player, who would be able to tell me what on my gameplay is wrong, according to match I would linked him to rewatch. Since I know Sup Forums is full of trolls, contact me on [email protected]
Post your op.gg player profile and I´ll contact you. Thanks

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CS better
Trading stance
Ping more
Know when to back
Kite in team fights
Finally, remember that it is a team game and you are relying on others to win the game. You won't win all of them especially with how weak ADC is about to be

Always know your support in ranked . Also , Taric can be bullshit af as a support

well, and if i get camped so hard that i get oneshot, wherever I´m positioning myself?(4 people dive under my turret)..I had recently 80% of my games like this, couldnt do absolutely nothing and still- not sure if that situation didnt have some solution.

Elo and region?

Play another roles too


yes, i know what ppl say when they see silver 2, but i dont play rankeds at all... you can say whenever you check number of rankeds played this season...

also, match history looks horrible, but behind that stats, there´s lot of pain from getting oneshotted by fed enemies...literally doesnt matter where and how safe i play.

Nobody to comment or kek on me?

You play since season 3 , and still silver ? C'mon ...

Start playing another roles , that's what you have to do. Or elo boost

Please anybody... before thread is gone

I play couple of rankeds at end of year and get to gold V and literally dont care about rankeds anymore...

dont play normal, only ranked, back more and accept the little wins like denying their cs and making them b when the wave is at a bad position for them, dont get greedy and the rest is pretty much covered by other anons

its not about my rank... here nice example. This is my "smurf" account, where I ONLY played placements and got same rank as on main account. eune.op.gg/summoner/userName=PentaFox263

Really all adc is about is csing in lane well. remember a lost lane is not a lost game. position well in team fights always be looking where you could be getting farm at. jungle camps anything really to up your cs. i'm a plat 4 adc main its hard in this meta currently and with the shit position that adc is in currently but if you have good cs you can take yourself to plat easily.

as you can see from matches, my cs aint too bad..

Soo, why are you asking for help if you don't care for rankeds? No sense ...

But anyway , idk if I get can give you any tips cause you're main ADC, and I hate that role despite I love playing Lucian.

All you can do is , start warding more and paying attention to mini map.

Because if mid didn't mia and the enemie is not mid , you know he's coming botlane rape you.

And if you're getting one shotted , buy GA or steraks, it helps. Don't be afraid to waste your money on it.

Also, before thread is gone, I want to ask you guys to add me on one of my profiles and play ONE game with me and tell me wth is wrong with me. THANK YOU


this is my main account look me up and kinda see what i do compared to you in games.


thanks :) Im trying to check minimap every 5 seconds, but not always doing so.

I´m not jungler, and it actually worked

Unfortunately I don't play in eune, I play in EUW but got permanent banned 7 times already , so atm I'm playing in NA

thanks buddy, will do


Kek'd , there's plenty guides for newbies.


No, Eric.


What a warmful meeting. Can any of you make level 1 account on EUNE and actually play game with me? I need someone to see it from first hand or nobody will ever believe me

I was actually trying to help you fucking nigger.

Stay in silver faggot

it wasnt me replying to your comment bro

I don't think I can , you don't have a friend that can I borrow his account for 1 ranked or normal with you? If not , keep lurking.

I mean, i can borrow you my smurf stated upper in this thread

just tell me how i contact you, its 23:54 where i live so i would rather play tomorrow or anytime you can

Yeah I know.

btw Diggi, on your 16/6 lucian game, your jungler got weeeeeeeeeeeell carried :)

Do you have Kik or email?

daamn i hate to post my real mail on Sup Forums, but... [email protected]
I dont use him these days anymore so you guys can spam how much you want

mobafire wont help him retard, it'll make him worse, you'd know that if you weren't b3 hardstuck

Ok, my email ends in [email protected]

I know , but I mentioned it just for masteries and build examples you fucking b5

thanks... really appreciate you want help random fag on Sup Forums