>Killer Croc intro
>It Ain't Me starts playing
>Killer Croc intro
>It Ain't Me starts playing
Other urls found in this thread:
>It ain't me didn't play during a chopper scene
>why'd they put you down here?
>I aksed them
Asked them what?
>Killer Croc says barely anything for the first 3/4 of the film
>Last 1/4 is suddenly a gangster ass nigger who puts his nigga two cents in on everything
Why were 100 different songs in the first ten minutes? House of the Rising Sun would have fit the entirety of the Belle Reve opening (even though that whole scene should have been cut)
>leto's Joker is a cuck
To put him down there. I wonder if Killer Croc is content with prison now that he has TV.
>all those awful Killer Croc and Harley Quinn quips that nobody in the cinema laughed at
This movie was the most awkward 2 hours of my life
>that scene at the end where he requests BET in his cell
Was that the "horrifying racism" that some reviewers complained about?
No, people are offended that El Diablo was a gangbanger
Seriously I expected people to laugh at the quips but my theater was dead silent for 90% of it, basically every joke fell flat except some of Will Smith's lines.
First time I've ever seen that
Have you just never heard a southern accent before? He was obviously from the deep south.
Mine chuckled at Will Smith's white people joke and croc saying he's beautiful but the rest was completely silent
Crocodiles are from florida.
>Everyone at my viewing laughing at the shit-tier jokes
>Just me laughing at the bad acting
Fucking normies I swear
Not him, but a southern accent is a nig accent... Ebonics comes from post slavery life in the south mayne.
>only I laughed at 'it ain't me' and 'THIS IS KATANA'
*lingering closeup*
There was only one other person in my theater, an old black dude and even he didn't laugh at anything
I think I sniggered at one quip but I forgot which one
The part with the joker putting his tattoed laugh of his hand in his mouth was so fuckin cringey that i just laugh of the tryhard acting
>gangbanger with full face tattoos
>lives in a two storey house in suburbia
Build wall
>he didn't see deadpool in the theater
Really after the first 20 minutes you could hear crickets
I don't get why he went along with SS after the Bar scene. I mean Diablo, Deadshot and Flag are really good guys. Harley is sentimental underneath and went along. Boomerang was just in for the fun after he got his soda.
Why the fuck did Croc come?
>8/10 wants a date to see Suicide Squad
>i go with her
>realize she likes it unironically
>i still can't take it seriously
>decide to laugh maniacally through the whole thing so she thinks i'm crazy like the Jokeman
>it doesn't work
You just know he had the tatoo just for that and has done the same joke dozens of times. Doesn't really sound like the Joker, more like a wannabe knockoff.
He wanted BET, try to keep up
Back to le Sup Forums with your shitty memes
What is BET?
It's like World Star but on TV
Black Entertainment Television
>World Star
What the fuck is that?
BigGuy Entertainment Television
I see.
Killer Croc approves
Either too new or too old, what is it bros?