The Night Of

Why the fuck did Sup Forums tell me this was a good show?
I am only 20 minutes in and already I see
>poo in the loo multiculti settings
>race baiting
>race mixing
>girl being unrealistically interested
>girl being bossy
>boring annoying lead

Why did you make me start on this piece of shit? Someone here had the audacity to say this was the most decent thing since True Detective S1.
Are there even good tv shows being produced anymore?

are u okay?

It's NY, what did you expect?

>mfw Sup Forums is literally reverse-tumblr.
Get triggered harder you fucking faggot.

>mfw Sup Forums is literally reverse-tumblr
No one is trying to impose their views or shut down institutions. I think everyone can do what they like. I can handle others having different opinions.

>poo in the loo multiculti settings
>race baiting
>race mixing
>girl being unrealistically interested
>girl being bossy
>boring annoying lead
hahahaha, when idiots list imbecilic reasons for not appreciating quality sequential narratives.

More importantly, why did this shit turn into a prison drama?

Nas is literally so timid he can barely talk to the black guys at basketball practice, spills his spaghetti hard with the chick and acts like a total beta who has no control over himself. Gets caught, is still a total beta loser, goes to prison and suddenly he is a totally confident alpha.

Then in the newest episode he kicked the shit out of that black dude and is going full American History X no fucks given badass. Completely unbelievable character ""development"".

There's only fucking 8 eps of this show TOTAL. Maybe by ep 5 you should start focusing on solving the case and maybe going somewhere with the investigation?

There's going to be a whole ep dedicated to the actual trial probably so they basically have 2 hours to get the whole investigation and trying to prove Nas's innocence thing going in depth, whilst spending half the time on Nas playing gangster with Omar. Seems like a waste of time

Except that the aspect of those two meeting and their unrealistic circumstances has implications for plot quality.
It's not just the pussywhipped crap that triggers me personally. It's also the fact that it's poorly written.

this might be the most pathetic post of the day

>goes to prison and suddenly he is a totally confident alpha

Have you or anyone you know ever been to prison? I mean real prison. You harden the fuck up fast or end up either someone's bitch, or dead in the showers.

Also, Nas is hardly "totally confident alpha." Look how nervous he was about getting the coke in. He didn't want to do it at all but knew he had to. Pay attention.

>browses Sup Forums all day
>calls other people and objects pathetic

I think the execution of the first two episodes was a lot better than the content. The way it conveyed the horror as one night of excitement turns into a nightmare was fantastic. The actual case and drama isn't that interesting in retrospect. I'm praying this shit with the black guys is a red herring, it seems so obvious.

And I'm sick of these fucking feet

I dropped after pilot.

A chick doesn't just fall into your lap like that.

poorly written? mate, you've only seen the first 20 minutes by your own admission. no, there haven't been any verbal fireworks, but half of the first episode is all set up. it's okay to dislike it, no fault there, but you're fishing for reasons and coming up empty besides biases and prejudices. also what is so unrealistic about a kid taking his dad's car to go to a party, getting lost, and picking up a hot girl? this is fiction. no real stretch of the imagination to believe that happens. suspension of disbelief is necessary in all fiction but, jeez, man. jeez.

>also what is so unrealistic about a kid taking his dad's car to go to a party, getting lost, and picking up a hot girl? this is fiction. no real stretch of the imagination to believe that happens. suspension of disbelief is necessary in all fiction but, jeez, man. jeez.

You know, after all the threads on The Magnificent Seven remake and people insisting black cowboys didn't exist, and then saying they couldn't possibly have gotten along with a white cowboy, I'm pretty sure half this board doesn't understand this concept. Or refuses to because they need to be bothered by something

well I dropped after 20 minutes. I couldn't stand the cringe

>A chick doesn't just fall into your lap like that.
you have to get out more, mate. shit like this happens all the time. i've met hot chicks on buses, trains, libraries, walking the damn street as much as i've met at clubs, bars, and through friends. maybe you don't have much experience or there just aren't many hot girls where you live. advice: move.


But what about the fact that le mysterious girl suddenly gets in his cab and flirts?
That simply doesn't happen.

And I don't like main characters who's sole existence is pandering to women and trying to get laid.
I just can't pass through that barrier and suspend belief.
And what about the race baiting? Too annoying

>Do you get a lot of comments like that?
>Now and then
Yeah right fuck off Pajeet, literally no one that looks like you gets comments like that in the average western country

dude, i'm shocked by the really juvenile and idiotic stuff i read around here and then the posturing that comes after certain posters are called out on their stupidity or ignorance. is basic viewer comprehension too much to ask?

You and no one you know has been to prison either. BecUse no prison has Been like that in the USA since 2003. Prison including state county ad federal are soft now and literally anyone can do time now without getting raped or killed. Don't believe tv faggot

clearly not m8

>That simply doesn't happen.

But it CAN happen. It's not outside of the realm of possibility (especially in ny at night) nor was it some ridiculously farfetched scenario like her offering him a million dollars whe she got in the cab.

>But what about the fact that le mysterious girl suddenly gets in his cab and flirts?
>That simply doesn't happen.

i've had girls hop in my car and make out with friends without saying a word. i've had girls at shows turn me around and stick their tongues down my throat. i had a girl get naked in a club bathroom. yes, flirting in a cab happens, mate. ask the next Uber driver you talk to.

also are you asking me questions about your own biases and prejudices? think i give two shits what you think about race baiting or race mixing?

>And I don't like main characters who's sole existence is pandering to women and trying to get laid.
I can't figure out what you mean by this. How is Naz pandering to women? You mean how he's painted as an awkward guy with limited sexual and social experience that sets him up to be led along by this clearly unstable girl?

>show discusses themes of racism and prejudice, all tied into the story of a supposedly innocent man made to look guilty.
>race baiting
And then you go and say racist shit yourself, what is your angle here?

It CAN happen. And it's fiction. It's an unusual event, fiction isn't focused on the mundane aspects of life.

You really think it's too outlandish to think that a fucked up, drugged up party girl (with probable underlying psychological issues, goes hand in hand with drug use like that) doesn't get some sort of satisfaction from totally controlling and jerking around some shy guy who is too much of a beta bitch to even say no?

THe show hasn't pandered race yet. It is a distinct feature of the show because you know.. New York is a ridiculously diverse place and it adds to the actual perspective of the show itself.

Lol you're delusional if you think prison violence has been phased out in the us.

>there's no such thing as a druggy slut who fucks any dude who puts up with her nonsense

Sup Forums autists demonstrating once again that they don't know anything

It is pretty shit but not shit enough to keep me from watching it through to end. Acting is pretty decent except for that district attorney cunt who sounds and seems to actually be drunk all the time.

What annoys me the most about the show is how they keep shoving this NOT ALL PEOPLE WITH MIDDLE EAST ORIGIN ARE TERRORISTS -shit and how they constantly remind me about the attorneys feet condition. I fucking get it, I am not racist to begin with nor do I give a fuck about feet diseases so shut the fuck up, whoever wrote this shit.

>he fell le tumblr NWO cabal meme

At least the whiny babies at tumblr don't have your persecution complex.

>the frustratingly stupid tweens on here are starting to notice the night of

Oh boy.

This really hasn't come up much. Bodie is a shithead who taunts him because he can, the media immediately sensationalizes a crime made by a Muslim, and the other cab driver comments on an obvious fact of life for American Muslims. Other than that I can't recall too much

I told you it would happen.

I've enjoyed every episode desu. I think John Turturro is a good fit for the attorney role. Can't see how James Gandolfini would have pulled it off better.

>nor do I give a fuck about feet diseases so shut the fuck up
well, i guess that's as valid a reason as any to dislike a show.

It was going to be DeNiro once Gandolfini died, but scheduling conflicts prevented it and Turturro too the role.

lol. he's like them little bitches on the chessboard.
yeah, i agree. the show hasn't been hitting anyone over the head with Muslim stuff. yes, it deals with it because that's the premise of the show, but it's not sjw shit.