40 years old

>40 years old

hey i know that guy from inception. he's a shitty actor.



[Brit-rock soundtrack intensifies]

He should just sit outside the sperm bank all day.
Need to breeed

He looks like a clone of Klaus Kinski that went wrong somehow.

I guarantee you all of these guys liberally moisturize with lotion every single day. This is why black people age so well.

Does moisturising with another guy's cum work too?

I wish I could see him in theater, he's more of a theater guy

dont forget to use sunscreen either familia

I never understood why people don't use lotion. Even if you don't have ashy skin you should still use it.

I know you're joking, but on the real, cum is supposed to work wonders for your skin. Just saying.

I probably should, but it's a pain in the ass and i'm afraid I'll look like a muppet. Also it kind of feels gay.

I'm literally not joking. But that's actually great to know, thanks!

200 years old

It's not that bad. It'll become a habit eventually.


Imagine if Saorise Ronan and Cillian Murphy had kids. They'd be the most beautiful children ever.

literally perfect

She looks like a slag I came on once.


a dick up your ass feels gay. having good skin and attracting qts isn't

I saw an interview once where he said he didnt want his children to grow to be Goths lol


What a pretty man.

Why lie?

can you imagine their eyes?

I want to kiss him tbqh



Half the reason I watch PEAKY BLOINDARS is for Cillian, I can't stop staring at him.