I keep making bad decisions, God help me I can't deal with making any more mistakes...

I keep making bad decisions, God help me I can't deal with making any more mistakes, it is killing me slowly from inside. How do you deal with making mistake after mistake?

nice doggo heh bork bork!

Realize that everybody makes mistakes, you need to learn to forgive yourself for your mistakes.

that is a nice dog bork bork bork

Easier said than done. I think life sucks then something awesome shows up in my life, some beautiful lady asking me for lunch or something of that kind. But then it seems I just have some kind of self destructive habit of tripping myself up. The thing is.. It seems I can't stop doing it. Figured I would have learned by now, but I keep repeating the same mistakes. Is that not the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.

bork bork bork bork bork

That's just life, man. 99% of human beings are total cock-ups. You must be young or you'd already have known this. It might get a little better but probably not much. More likely it will just get worse.

Pay attention to cause and effect and try to learn something from them.

bingo... me too user.
imma die soon, yay.
see you on the otherside.

I've had high and I've had lows. Some how it must get better, or at least I've got to learn to live with it. But it eats away at me.

You are probably just gonna be reborn or something. I don't think death will be the answer. Glad someone else can relate at least.

In golf, holes-in-one are rare. Most golfers never will get even one, and if they do, it's skill that get the ball close, but luck that gets it in the hole.

Every second, third, whataverth stroke is coreecting for an earlier imperfect stroke. Eventually, you sink the ball.

Life is nothing like that. You'll never sink the ball. You just take an infinite series of disappointing strokes, and then you die.

Kek! Shouldn't come to Sup Forums expecting a positive outlook.

hell would be better than constantly fucking up my own life all the time. Thankfuck, this is hell. I really don't see how it could get worse. I only understand that it so fucking can! Cus I've hit rock bottom about fitty times now, and each time its lower than the last. Its a damn roller coaster bro. Too the moon, then you fall back to the ground holding your guts. Its fun the first idk? million times. but eventually you're just like NOP. NOP
roller coaster is a bad metaphor because you're restrained. But it almost works ya know?
its time to jump off, maybe a fresh start would be nice? i don't care no more yo. least I won't be me.
or ahhahahaha no offense.. but you... cus if I get stuck in a similar boat, we all know I'mma just throw myself off it again.

“Life is like a roller coaster. It has its ups and downs. But its your choice to scream or enjoy the ride.”

Fucking rollercoaster madness, so tired of going up and down. And there always seems to be more down than up as well.

Drugs and pussy is the only thing that gets me through the day.. But good pussy is hard to get and drugs are expensive.

I never really understood how to enjoy things.. so that sounds like me problem. But yea, it has far more downs than up.. I'mma have fun being a drug addict for a bit.. don't really mean to be angst but I see a million futures for myself, and not a single one am I gonna have any part in. Once again
>>sounds like me problem.
did you ever find a way to enjoy the ride? honestly I mean? I always found some solace in scheming and understanding others were miserable as well. that don't work no more HA.

Just get a dog dude. Weed is fairly cheap.

I actually was alone and very happy for a couple of months, was just out walking in nature and smoking weed for 8-12 hours a day. Life was so good for some reason. Never been happier, but it seems to be long in the past. I hope I can reach that point again, I didn't need anything or anyone but myself to be happy. Now I am constantly chasing the next broad and it is driving me crazy because all girls seems to be.. well a bit crazy. And now I suffer because I can't get laid as often as I want, only thing on my mind.

Got weed. Had a dog back home, was really nice. He is moving in with me in about a month. Will be less lonely for sure.

Deal with it and probably don't do it again.

Damn I feel bad for you man. I used to have a life like that. Have you ever considered maybe your main problem is money? Once I started focusing on money my problems disappeared but you really have to put all your brainpower into getting money and forget everything else.

1. You can't change the past
2. Try not to fuck up so often in the future
3. Don't think with your dick
4. Life is a game, money is how we keep score.

weed + dog pussy = paradise

Haha, solid fucking advice fam! Can't seem to help thinking with my dick.. Caused me so much suffering, but at least I got laid, fucking a beautiful woman is the highest pleasure I have ever had on this earth. But the more I hunt, the more I seem to suffer.

Kek. I have a male dog though.

Plan ahead (realistically)

You can't keep making mistakes. It's just not statistically possible to keep it up

Kind of like having a really good run of luck, it doesn't last forever.

Wait it out OP

Wanna bet? But this actually helped a lot, thank you..

fuck money.

fuck money.

To err is human. Our existence is based on trial and error. The fact that you feel badly means you are progressing. This is how we learn. The only issue you have is your morals and worldview conflict with your reality. You need to cognitively reconstruct the way you are. Basically turn a negative into a positive.

Instead of saying you're too fat, you would say at least I have food to feed myself.

Instead of saying I pay too much in taxes, you would say at least I have a job to pay them.

Instead of saying your project didn't turn out correctly, you would say I have found an alternative outcome for the process.

Life is tough because suffering builds a stronger species. You're fine homie.

Kind of pretentious dude, spoken like someone who has never had any money problems in their life.

Nigger Im poor. I live pay check to paycheck. I don't want to fucking hear it.

I was simply trying to give a different outlook. One which helps me cope with the grim future ahead because I too constantly make mistakes. But I know why I do and it helps me realize how to fix it.

Well okay my bad your advice seemed kind of generic so I assumed

What kind of mistakes are you making?

This is life though. That saying 'no plan survives first contact with the enemy', it resonates with me as more than just a military quote. It's a quote about life. The enemy is any adversary or obstacle. No matter your plan for life, you will never be able to execute it as you want. Something will always happen to change it. Maybe the successful people in life never stop planning after every trip-up. Maybe they're just lucky and the universal random number generator didn't give them as much shit as it gave others. Who knows? God might, but it's convenient that nobody can talk to him while we are on this world.

Mostly monetary ones. I'm almost 30. Have nothing in savings, have nothing in retirement, no house, I don't drive and I'm in debt. I really don't want to be 40 and have nothing to show for it. I'm working on all of these things but it's a slow process. I have a job that I love which is a pivotal point in my life. I'm learning things that make me happy. A lot of what I learn, most actually, comes from mistakes and owning up to them. All these monetary mistakes I've made are my fault. But I'm dealing with them now.

Yeah I can see why you think it's generic. It's a cross between buddhism and a general evolutionary outlook on life. I know that I make mistakes because everything is fallible. Since everything is fallible everything is at fault. This cannot change. But we can learn to correct errors which causes suffering which is a major part of buddhism. To ultimately be happy with one's self.


I like it.

You learn from them and make a better choice before said mistakes happen again. What are you new to life?

If you aren't learning from your mistakes I think it's time to off yourself

What bad decisions and mistakes are you talking about?

My best advice is to do a lot of research on local welfare free money type programs then use that money to support yourself while you are starting a side business of some kind. Also look into dumpster diving it saves thousands of dollars over time.

