What are your Top 5 kino TV shows?
What are your Top 5 kino TV shows?
Other urls found in this thread:
Malcolm in the Middle
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Sealab 2021
The Sopranos, Six Feet Under, The Wire, Mad Men and Twin Peaks
And for comedy it's Black Books, Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm, classic Simpsons and Father Ted
he said kino tv shows not reddit tv shows
black books
hella f*cking epic
The Wire
Mad Men
The Walking Dead
in that order:
2-the wire
4-south park
no particular order:
The Wire
The West Wing
Mad Men
those all feel dated how about the best shows of the last couple of years? i'll start:
Show Me A Hero
The Girlfriend Experience
The Affair
shit, luck was 2011-2012. i'll replace it with:
Mr. Robot
>I watch and enjoy the Wire
White people need to stop overhyping this show.
We get it, it's your first baby black show, calm down.
>no one can enjoy The Wire but me and black people
L O S T is the perfect TV show
As for top 5 kino:
Number 1:Hannibal
Number 2:It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
Number 3:Fargo
Number 4:The Shield
Number 5:The Wire
Literally objectively actually the most accurate top 5 kino list
The Walking Dead
the wire isn't a show about black and white people
it's a show about powerful and powerless people
The Sopranos
The Wire
Twin Peaks
The Leftovers
Deep Space Nine
The Adventures of Brisco County Jr.
you sad you lose
The Knick
The Prisoner (original)
Mad Men
The Wire
Miami Vice
Homicide:Life On the Streets
Mad Men
The Wire
Hey, I am not from Sup Forums, I mainly inhabit other boards but come around when netflix releases shit like daredevil. I started seeing the usage of kino before the batman vs superman shit here but I am not entirely sure of a definition for the word. And "kino" is bleeding into other boards and I am coming to you to enlighten me to the meaning. It is like Sup Forums bleeding out.
Thank you
Game of Thrones
Battlestar Galactica
The X-Files
>series is called The Wire
>that shit barely even works half the time in it
>not even used for whole seasons
literally shit tier filth
>no peep show
>The Prisoner
got to love a show when it's final episode triggers fans so hard the writer/star has to literally flee the country for his own safety.
not him but it's shit
elaborate on this, what happened?
>At the time "Fall Out" was first broadcast there were only three television channels available in the UK and the long-awaited final episode of the series had one of the largest ever viewing audiences yet seen.[1] As VCRs were not available until many years later, some viewers missed the fleeting glimpse of No 1's face, which was only four seconds long.[6] This, along with the intentional ambiguity of the finale, resulted in bafflement and anger among the show's viewership to such an extent that McGoohan had to leave the country for a few days, as dissatisfied viewers stormed his house.[6] Despite the fact that he had to go "into hiding" for a few days, McGoohan stated in a 1977 interview, that he was "delighted" with the reaction, as his intention was to create controversy.
>mfw no one picked Breaking Bad because faggots are afraid they no longer belong on the meaningless "patrician tier taste society of faggots"
Gotta love Sup Forums.
Breaking Bad's last season was dog puke awful.
True Detective
Twin Peaks
The Sopranos
Breaking Bad
>show actually gets really fucking intense for once and characters are at their lowest
>worst season by a mile
End this meme when?
Twin Peaks
Breaking Bad
The Sopranos
Silicon Valley
It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
Ctrl+F Sunny
>4 results
Well that's not that bad, I suppose Sup Forums's taste isn't that bad after a-
Ctrl+F Fargo
>1 result
What is wrong with you neanderthals? Stop watching The Nigger, The Boring Mafiosos and Barely Good and go for the kino
The Sopranos
Boardwalk Empire
True Detective
Always Sunny
Boston Legal
Boardwalk Empire
Gilmore Girls
>True Detective (season 1)
>The Wire
>Breaking Bad
>The Killing
>TV miniseries
The Singing Detective
Berlin Alexanderplatz
Scenes from a Marriage
>TV shows
The Sopranos
Twin Peaks
Six Feet Under
The Wire
>Honorable mentions
The Prisoner (not the remake)
Mad Men
The Knick
Peep Show
>Mildly overrated
The Americans
True Detective
Mr. Robot
>Painfully overrated
Breaking Bad
Television is a trashy medium overall. Binge watching TV makes you dumb
t. dumbass that wasted too much time on television shows
>Cool to hate
Game of Thrones
>Best show airing at the moment
The Night of
>Japanese cartoons
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Serial Experiments Lain
Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Aku No Hana
Tatami Galaxy
Mad Men
Twin Peaks
The Wire
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
The Twilight Zone
Hard to weigh a problem like The Simpsons, which in it's prime could go toe-to-toe with any of those but anything after is basically unwatchable.
1 Le Bureau des légendes (the bureau)
2 Kaboul kitchen
3 Braquo
4 chefs
5 Carlos