Who will millenials look up to when these Legends are gone?
What are the Nu-Male equivalents?
Who will millenials look up to when these Legends are gone?
What are the Nu-Male equivalents?
Vin diesel, Chris Evans
Seth Rogan
Sup Forums memes are so braindead
Nobody is trying to redefine masculinity, whatever the so-called nu-males are peddling isn't masculine at all.
Cool thread
Who looks up to Bruce Willis?
Bald people like OP
isn't that their point?
Joseph Gordon Leddit
Chris Evans
Trevor Noah
Ricky Gervis
Miles Teller
But it undermines itself because any living creature with testosterone in its veins can tell that doublethink "sensitivity is masculine" bullshit for what it is
Paying attention to them means they're winning half the battle.
>muh Sup Forums boogeyman
you are going to miss your tour bus
This is a pretty good one.
Can't you drop the us vs them bullshit for a single fucking second americuck?
sam hyde
Found the nu male
Braindead as fuck
Can you think in anything other than memes?
Tom Hardy
Bald wasn't frowned upon until recently. It was considered rugged before the feminine generation.
That's literally what you did with your boogeyman.
Leave the millenial action movies to us.
What does this mean? The movie still exists after the man has died.
The filmography of Zack Snyder
Whats Henry Cavill doing there?
>margot robbie surrounded by two black guys
Something suspicious
Lmao, this generation has Zack Efron, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Jesse Eisenberg, Miles Teller, Andrew Garfield.
Holy fuck, this is this generation's "men".
Tom Hardy, Henry Cavill, Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth. Pretty shitty, tbqh.
Affleck looks like he's wearing the mask of himself
Please post a pic of yourself
>implying I look up to anyone
> Implying that young people will watch anything old these days.
Yeah, right.
>allowed a murdered to walk free once his time was done
>cucked by who knows how many women, forced to do shitty films with Kevin Smith
>wanders the streets like the hobo
>talked to an empty chair
Yeah, I'm sure they were just as cool as they were in the movies.
Please post a pic of yourself.
>two black guys
>will smith
pick one.
probably some television actors
a lot of movies catered to millenials are so forgettable
Reminder that millenial applies to everyone under the age of 35
Us vs them is pretty much how america works, within their country and globally.
Not an argument.
>allowing people who serve their sentence to walk free
Isn't that the point?
who the heck looks up to people that work with playing pretend on tv?
Was this post necessary?
Most of these guys ARE who millenials looked up to as kids.
kind of telling that Sup Forums's definition of True Masculinity™ is just hammy overacting from B movies from decades ago
I'm not going to lie that I love most of them, but basing your worldview on how Arnie acts in Commando is retard-tier
No you.
You used the term nu-male, so you must look way better than them.
And we need proof of that.
>rude, douchey
>misogynist, hits women
>rightwing nutcase
I think it is high time for new role models.
That makes me mad because it's true.
Nu males only care about reddit tier quippy quirky celebrities.
>early release for violent criminal
Enjoy worshiping Arnie's dick.
You sound really desperate and frustrated.
And you sound bald and fat.
This. Cunt is the next (current) man's man in Hollywood. Sure he's no Clint but he'll do. Also Jason Statham.
What a bunch of utter douchebags.
Big guy and CIA