Ask a Freemason anything.
>inb4 illuminati
What do you want to know Sup Forums
Ask a Freemason anything.
>inb4 illuminati
What do you want to know Sup Forums
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Can you bring me a taco?
I'm hungry.
If you are going out to grab some Mexican food get me a burrito
No Mexican food tonight. Only salmon, potatoes and broccoli.
If you had any brains you'd be a Paidmason. My brother is a mason and he makes bank. Not like a welder, but really good money.
Are there such a thing as lodge fees?
Also, what is 5/86?
Also, what is counting?
Why do you groups think that they are so god damn important in an age of and unknown expanding universe
>Are there such a thing as lodge fees?
Yes, we all pay dues.
>Also, what is 5/86?
>Also, what is counting?
What makes you think we're not?
why do you hang out with just men? Feg?
fellow freemason here with a fellowcraft degree. Its hard :////
We all have lives outside of lodge activity. We often host events and invite our ladies.
When did you join and were you in any secret organizations prior?
ALSO, is there any real reason why the catholic church should still hate you?
How will you be tried?
Oh god don't even start with that shit im starting to study fellowcraft tomorrow
Who is better Ganesha, Prometheus or Jesus?
How'd you like riding the goat?
user, don't fucking embarrass the brand and say something stupid
Why do not women enter
What exactly are you and what do you do? I know you guys are hush hush about certain shit just tell me what you can
Go to bed Scott
Is the book "Duncan´s Ritual of Freemasonry¨by Malcolm A. Duncan accurate at all?
What can you disclose? Is Freemasonry as secretive as it's often told?
>When did you join and were you in any secret organizations prior?
Not long ago and no.
ALSO, is there any real reason why the catholic church should still hate you?
We respect the plurality of the religious experience and I suppose that this flies in the face of the Catholic establishment who longs to return to its days of global empire.
It's not fucking hard, just memorize the little damn book. Wtf. Takes like 4-6 hours.
°Where is the Imperial Guardian?°
Never understood the Mason's. What are they about? Y'all learn about mason history? Goal? Why are they so important and are they really all over the govt like national treasure? (Just an example)
What is the point of your stupid gay bullshit?
If you learned your EA, FC should be a cinch. If you need help, I'll honor my obligation.
In all honesty its a brotherhood that practices good morals and charity. The group has religious themes and its required that you believe in some sort of deity to be allowed to join. The members are just supposed to help out here and there to the general public, when they can, to the best of their ability without damaging themselves.
People who have no knowledge often claim most owership of it.
They all serve thier purpose.
I don't need your charity, faggot.
Also, how it is structured?
In theory, yes. In practice, plenty of lodges however, require you to acknowledge a specific deity.
To be real I just haven't tackled it yet. I won't even be reciting my proficiency next lodge.
Where are you guys from anyway?
are you the Ra from the law of one?
I don't really get all the hate. Is there something I'm missing?
Why do you lie to yourself? Explain.
So this thread is lie and shit because I'm mason and we do not accept really religious people.We used to pretend to be religious but that is sure as fk not required to join us.
I know you probably feel pretty powerful by trying to derail threads, but nobody is believing your bullshit.
OP could have said he was a lifeguard and he'd receive the same amount of hate.
Ok wait so are you like a Christian denomination? Cause you're telling me you promote good morals and values to help out but another user saying you DONT have to worship the Christian god or Jesus Christ?
How do you explain the third degree ritual then?
In the lodge I'm from my friend told people that he believes in the flying spaghetti monster and that was a valid religion to them.
You have to be acknowledge a god, and have religious type morals. Not be religious
60 lb. Mortar Mix for $5.20 at home depot.. Is that a good deal??
Did you rig the last presidential election? What was the payoff so that Shillary was never persuaded to be put in jail like was promised, she just kinda went dark.
A mason friend of mine told me that in his lodge meetings, holy books of the religions of its members were placed on an altar or table thing in the middle of the hall, so there was always a bible, koran and torah.
No you're probably a prince charles mason. You motherfuckers share wives, gang bang, and are generally rejected amongst the ranking masons.
So as long as you say you believe in something or other you can apply and join? So atheist are a no go?
If you paid $40 for 500 lbs, you got ripped off.
What so wrong about us sharing womin?Rest of masons is just jelly that we have fun and they gotta pay fee.
No go at this station Super Troop
atheists and agnostics are a no go, but you have to be recommended by two current masons to join. Theres a whole application process I went through about a few months ago. I only just recently did it because I only just recently became eligible by turning 18
Why do niggers do as there told by you all the time by you fags or is that the jews?
The lodge I belong to only has a bible. Probably because of the ratio of whites to minorities.
What are the different Rites? Like Scottish Rite ... are there others?
Should I join? Some guys at the lodge down the street invited me for fish and chips and a family social gathering this week, but having studied a thing or two about symbology over the last half dozen years or so, I'm not so sure I want to join.
Of course, I'm going to go eat their food. Wouldn't want to be rude.
I see. Well shit, that's all I needed to know
My grandfather spent 50 years with the Georgia F & A.M. but never lived in Georgia. How does that work?
You're probably gonna meet a bunch of old guys and talk about history/ make connections to people/ gain some new friends if you were to join. I'd say its worth it if you're like me and have zero passion for anything.
Glad I could help
Yeah thanks user
French Canadianfag here(relevant to the story) and i swear on my fucking head i'm not making any of this shit up
>inb4 leaf
Last year i was working in a renovation center in the lumberyard
This dude comes over with his car(Lumberyard had a drive in which was pretty well maid for all the merchandise), really smiley and joyful dude who seems full of pep with an older man
I ask him for his receipt, shows me his receipt, tell him to go meet me at the treated wood section(cause that's what he came for)
Go there, he reaches me, start helping him choosing the most straight and as less knots as possible pieces of treated wood
All of a sudden i spot this gold semi bulkish and squarish ring with the freemason logo on top of a full red circle
I ask him if it's a freemason rings, he just switfly lift his head up and death stare me for what seemed like 3 long seconds and i just smirk
Then he starts answering me in english for the rest of the time he was there:
>how do you know that?
Then i tell him that i'm just a really curious guy
The older man(which i believe couldn't speak english) turned to him and asked what was the freemason and the guy basically evaded the question saying quickly and rather passive/aggressively "nothing interesting"
Then it didn't take a few seconds and he told me that he doesn't need anymore help and that he'll be able to do the rest on his own(still had lots of pieces to load)
So i make him sign the double receipt as proof as he came pick up his shit and i left
What was the guy's deal? If you guys are just a bunch of regular joes attending some brotherhood(supposedly) why did he had to change language and seem to be butthurt about a simple question?
Are you familiar with the practice of gematria?
Scottish Rite & York Rite. Both have great history and charity but they aren't required.
Go and have a meal on meeting night. Get to know the guys who are members and ask them questions. That's the only way you'll know if it's a good choice for you.
what does the black and white checker board symbolism ?
Maybe he has aspergers or something
Most likely he wasn't a member and was wearing it anyway. It's a good way to piss off members if you are sporting the sign of a Mason without being one yourself.
Look up King Solomon's temple on google or wiki.
Yeah but how do you explain him getting his panties in a bunch, switching language and not answering the older man he was with if he was a poser?
That doesn't add up
when will you become a member of the Good Neighbor Lodge?
Tubal Cain? Anyone?
We got a jedi master on our hands here
Mahershalal- hashbaz
Do you guys participate in any Gay stuff op?
Just found said ring i was talking about in my story, i thought it was a red circle but i guess my memory was a bit fuzzy
Also any blood sacrifices op?
do you believe in telepathy? if so how and why?
and what do you think about weed?
whats with all the weirdo shit on the media?
what would you recommend to make my life better and or the universe go in my favor.
if you know anything else that interesting feel free im down to learn...
The truth. Watch Alex Jones or choke on a million zombie dicks.
do you serve the almighty Scorpion King
what do you think the main differences between this generation/age (age of aquarius?) is and where do you think society is going?
this isnt really the shit yall talk bout is it....
Looks like the freemasons got to op before he could answer. Rip op!
hurr durr freemason are illuminati
nobody actually believes this unless they have a very limited view of history. freemasons go all the way back to Solomon's temple.
Illuminatus were bavarian courts held by jews and "enlightened" jew cohorts.
It's the jesuits you need to be worried about. and this is coming from a roman catholic
why are you called freemason and have some kind of elite between them
that doesn't make you some kind of less free you fuckin nigger?
Not only the Jesuits, the Saudi Arabia oil barons, the Rothschilds family and other "royal" bloodline, multi nationals, jews and the list goes on
Also tits or gtfo
how can i support my local masons?
bring the holy war on I say. I stand in the light
Got a Newsradio fan here.
Arkansas M.M. here.
Joining if you are able and of good heart.
If you can't or don't want to join, you can go to your lodge and make a monetary donation. We are a non-profit organization and your gift is tax deductible.
is it ok to be satanist and be a freemason?
How have you benefited form being a freemason?
Like paid sticker price and got a free undercoat because the car salesmen was a mason?
>>unironically supporting NWO operations one due at a time
it has to be mental illness, right?
>is ok to suck cocks and get fucked in the ass
What is the overall goal and use of freemasonry in the modern world and in mens lives today?
Is it worth joining you? Is it what you expected
How would one go about joining?
Yes and no.
We're about making good men better, and being charitable to our communities. The "goal" is stated above, we try to leave the world a better place for us having lived in it. In the past Masons were very prominent and important in politics, not so much anymore.
Like a typical organization
Technically yes, but you'll probably feel out of place since much of the ritual references the Jewish/Christian God, Jehovah.
Yes, the experience and knowledge of being a mason is something very valuable to me.
Personally I have never benefited monetarly from masonry, but my best friend (also a mason) had some financial trouble due to a divorce and our lodge game him over $1000 to help.
Is it worth joining, yes. Is it what I expected, no. To join you need to ask a mason. You can usually find your local lodge via google, you just have to show up and ask. This is what I did. You can also look up your state's Grand Lodge and call them if you are having trouble finding a local lodge.