Unexpected Kino
>adam sandler
please stop, i beseech you.
It's still one of my favorite cinematographics
thats why it was unexpected dumb fuck
I don't think you understand.
unexpected kino because of the sad ending? does that make something kino nowadays?
Funny People is also Sandlerkino
except it sucked
>no ones posted it yet
would you care to elaborate?
Mitty is fucked in the end
No job, skills that are not useful nowadays, sold everything to pay for his trip, yay he has a gf, but she has a kid, but yay he is on that cover, so what? Sean Penn is still getting payed, he isnt
So you construct your whole judgement of a film on its ending? It's a shame because it's a great film overall
I think you need to watch more cinema instead
This was expected senpai
Punch Drunk Love is pure kino dude
This is not patrician. This is pure trash.