Yup, I just met Karen Fukuhara. Ask me anything!
Just met Karen Fukuhara
does she have a boyfriend?
I didn't ask but she was really funny and lovely. Very kind to me too. I'm assuming she does.
Should I go out today or stay home and relax with movies?
What do her teeth taste like?
I was just out and about today, kinda yucky out honestly. I'd say stay home and relax.
What was she wearing?
Didn't get to ask or find out. But she had really nice breath and teeth. Plus I got her to laugh so I feel good about my life now.
She seems easily amused in interviews, user. But take whatever joy you can I guess.
What did you/her say, if anything, about Suicide Squad?
Pretty casual clothes. Nothing flashy. Took me awhile to realize who she was. Didn't get a huge crowd or anything.
How did you meet her?
They arr rook the same.
What did you expect?
where did you meet her? also, did you say that Suicide Squad sucks?
Yup! That's actually what I started with. I was wrapping up my work (I do film reviews/interviews for websites no name dropping) ran into her randomly at lunch. We apparently get carryout at the same place.
I noticed her, I did an awkward "hey... aren't you Karen?!?" She was in a bit of a rush but she lit up a bit. "Yes!" I told her she stole the show from The Joker in Suicide Squad and that Katana had the most humanity of any of the characters. Right then she started cracking up. "So I did good huh?" She playfully punched my arm. We talked a bit about food (sushi mostly), music (she's apparently a diehard Florence + The Machine fan, I had a Talking Heads shirt on) and our work (film stuff). Before I had to go I told her I wished her the best of luck. "You too!" And we parted.
There you go that was that.
What a shitty petty little thing to say.
I'm sorry, user. I take it back. I'm glad you made another human laugh today.
did you have sex with her
she clearly wanted the D
did you get a quick look at her ass?
Thanks, bro.
This is the most made up bullshit I've ever read on this site. Holy fuck This is how you imagine this is how strangers interact within the span of what, 2 minutes? Jesus chirst man, get out of the house and experience life, get laid, ride a motorcycle.
>(I do film reviews/interviews for websites
The doxxing is coming
Why is that the commission are looking and I will send it to the first place and time of the day and night??
Eh it was more like 15 minutes. Be jelly.
holy fuck, try again?
Shes coming to a local convention, should I try to make it so I can meet her too?
I mean.. You could? I feel like the convention scene might freak her out a bit. I dunno user go for it. I just ran into her and chatted for a bit.
How much did you get paid for this shit thread advertising a shit movie?
Sure OP, sure. Nice story.
>she had really nice breath