Tim Heidecker's mad
Tim Heidecker's mad
You epic alt-right bros are the worst. Tim has more humor and talent in his man bun than you have in your entire being.
He was my favorite comedian when I was 14. He's such a fag now. He can't seem to understand that nobody gives a shit what he believes, make it about the comedy. Literally 80% of his bit now in On Cinema is just pretending to be a Trump fan to be le satirical xD.
Nobody gives a shit who you make fun of or what you believe Tim, just be funny about it. You're just not funny when you get preachy like this.
>Literally 80% of his bit now in On Cinema is just pretending to be a Trump fan
You don't watch On Cinema because thats *literally* not the case. Not nearly.
senpai noticed us!
Nigga have you seen the new episode?
Yes Tim, call the "sad losers" out, Im sure that will make it all go away.
Why is everyone over 30 so 'net illiterate? And why the fuck is he mad over these so called "losers"? Because they shit on his gay ass politics? Fuck off Tim, I couldn't care less about your political bullshit but I never expected you to stoop to the levels of every condescending Hollywood Champagne Liberal.
If I met a genie, one of my wishes would be the real Tim Heidecker, tied down horizontally and a breeze block to crush his smug face in to hamburger, which the genie and I would then eat.
Feel free to tell me how edgy I am.
>I never expected you to stoop to the levels of every condescending Hollywood Champagne Liberal.
So much this. We'll keep Scott Baio, thanks.
This is the problem with Tim's style of comedy.
I can't tell if he's genuinely angry or if he's just doing his schtick. He's too meta.
So this is unacceptable but LE BASED Sam Hyde is ok, right?
is he being ironic here? I could never tell
He's clearly joking I knew from the way he said cuck.
lol 'cuck' bugs the fug out of liberals
truth hurts, i guess
it's so painstakingly obvious it's a shtick
rusing Sup Forumstards was part of his plan
He's obviously joking.
I mean, it might be something that actually bothers him, but the outrage is a bit no doubt.
I think he stopped doing his bit for a while now, he's got his music thing going on and he really does have it out for Trump like every Hollywood goober. I think his biggest problem is that he has spent so long in his post-ironic ohase that he's used to people lapping up his every word even if he said something pro-ISIS. Now he's putting his big boy pants on for this campaign and when his fans shat on him, he simply couldn't take it. He's been spiraling since and it's gonna end up in suicide either if Trump wins, or enough people start to hate him.
WTF I hate Timmers Hymenscheckel now
It's time to stop posting Tim.
Tim, we know you are in this thread.
like your stuff man, keep it up
>Tim actually saying "liberal cuck"
What a world we live in.
Nobody really likes Sam tho, and his comedy was always about being an antagonistic edgelord, Tim was more general surreal shit and oniy recently started this nonsense, and it comes across as more sincere and from a genuine frustration.
>it's so painstakingly obvious it's a shtick
Well if that is in fact the case, is it really that funny? In the end, he's the one who ends up looking childish.
>people take this seriously
do you guys even know his schtick ?
Ya blew it, tim
It's literally impossible to take Tim seriously.
wtf I hate Tim now
this is weirdly cathartic to listen to, i've had it on repeat for bout 5 minutes now
Jesus.Taking the bait. Sup Forumstards are the most easily butthurt and gullible people in the world. It is pretty low quality bait.
I want to eat lint from your belly button Tim
Actually I am all of Sup Forums and I see through it like glass
>Jesus.Taking the bait
What bait? He's just making himself look like a faggot in front of the internet.
It's not that funny.
>He's been spiraling since and it's gonna end up in suicide either if Trump wins, or enough people start to hate him.
I can't wait to see this happen. Everyone's gonna laugh so hard at him when they find him dead. We all knew Tim was a pussy cuck this whole time but his corpse will be the final proof. The joke will have been on him all along and the rest of us will all be laughing as the world will be rid of one more SJW nu-male.
>this is a 40 year old married father
It's funny to see all the people ITT (probably like 2 guys responding to every post) try to say this is some like next level irony after he got mad at people with anime pictures on twitter for calling him a cuck
He's 100% right. Alt-Right fags are colossal unbearable faggots. I'd call them out if I were some sort of public figure and had to deal with their retarded "cuck" bullshit.
Yeah, I'm sure that will make them go away.
dumb cuck
Stop pretending the left isn't equally annoying
It's not about making them go away, it's about calling you fags out on your colossal faggotry.
I know how much you hate reading the following sentence, but it's 100% true: You fags are literally just as bad as SJW's.
I wasn't pretending that at all. The alt-left that bitches about checking privilege and accepting you as an otherkin and that we should wipe out all white men are just as bad, no doubt.
But here in Sup Forums, there's definitely more alt-righters than alt-lefters. And I just wish both of them fucked off.
>they don't have the guts to call up here and confront me
He's right, you know. At least Sup Forums could make Tom Green cry on his own show with shitty memes.
You alt-righties are the real cucks, especially when you can't even lambast a guy you claim to hate on his own show.
We probably don't have to be annoyed by him much longer. His career is on life support, all of his fans hate him, his agent has him on damage control. He'll be found lifeless in a gutter in a few months time after overdosing like most Hollywood libs do when they have to face reality.
ITT: Sup Forums autists couldn't detect the thick layer of sarcasm on Tim Heidecker's Republican character and thought he was being genuine this whole time until he started criticizing Trump on Twitter
they're not.
I'd agree if the social/political field was level, but leftists and liberals in general are far more established, so while you have to deal with the "equally annoying" anime avatar fags on Twitter, we have to watch celebrities, the media and even that fucking lizard Clinton, push their crap on us 24/7. Fuck you for thinking it's remotely the same.
I'm sorry, who am I in this situation?
It's remotely the same where it matters, which is this board.
I can easily avoid SJW bullshit. Don't go to tumblr, don't go to Neogaf (Unless it's to laugh at them)
But trying to be on Sup Forums or Sup Forums or /tg/ or /his/ without dealing with an Alt-Right faggot coming in and derailing threads with his complete garbage shitposting at least once a day is nigh-impossible.
jesus christ Sup Forums is so fucking stupid holy fucking shit.
I'm not trying to be a fedora but I think I'm smarter than everybody else desu
These threads always have one or two assblasted people responding to every post like Tim is the funny one here.
Yeah I'm sure nobody picked up on that sarcasm, dumbfuck.
An alt-right fag. Sorry, I just kind of assumed you were one because you used the word "cuck". Maybe you were just fucking around.
Oh, no, we get it. But it's 1. not funny and 2. it also promotes the Jewish agenda. not cool, bro
At this point I can't tell if he's being ironic or serious in any sense anymore.
Tim is probably ragereplying in this thread right now, kek
Check you cishetwhitemale privilege you shitlord, also don't forget to watch the Dark Tower starring Idris Elba and be sure to check out the all female Ocean's 11 reboot or you're a racist misogynist
This has to be a joke
I'm a believer in Tim he has to be joking.
if he's serious than the irony of being this insecure and calling others insecure is so funny.
Maybe that's the joke.
Get a fucking grip, Tim.
Go to ICanHazCheezburger or something it might be more your speed. I don't think your posting is going to change anybodys habits except get you mad
He's right.
Don't forget 90% of news outlets and a good chunk of tv and film, which this board is FOR.
Sup Forums and Sup Forums BTFO
You continue to sound like an alt-right faggot. Someone who spends his time talking about cuck nu-males and how the jews have us all under control. Someone who can't shut the fuck up about politics, even though he's not in a politics board.
>tim saw our thread
You see user, right now I'm in a thread making fun of Tim Heicucker for being butthurt by twitter trolls. Nothing I am posting differs from the topic at hand.
He's right. Those people are idiots who get triggered whenever someone has a different political opinion to them.
Reminds me of a certain other group of people who also get triggered whenever someone has a different political opinion to them :^)
>ITT Tim Heidecker BTFO
>alt-left numales buttblasted
>Trump bringing back America
>Hollywood Jewluminati exposed
best day on Sup Forums in a while
Much like himself, it seems.
You're mother
it's obviously a joke
the character is something akin to that fox guy who talked about neets and anime. the way he empathizes the word basement is pretty telling.
he's basically poking fun at old media people who can't keep up with the alt-right rhetoric. it's why he's talking about how he's such an ardent worker who's always being responsible and doing the radio show on time.
he's a good old american who has a job and these people who are telling him that he's a cuck are basement dwellers without jobs or responsibilities
I have never met a masculine white male Democrat voter in my entire 25 years of life and I live in a blue state.
Except my college football coach back when I played but he wasn't necessarily masculine, just a coach
Does this remind anyone of when Andy Kaufman would bait woman to wrestle him?
that's because you're unaware of your own deeply rooted biases
>He's being sarcastic, guys
Well to me it looks like he's a butthurt fag, but I don't watch randumb humor.
Maybe that's what he is trying to do though? To look like a butthurt fag that is validating twitter trolls
TIDF pls
No, I've had periods of being on both sides of the aisle.
Don't get me wrong I've met many respectable white male Democrat voters before. My cousins and some uncles and work colleagues.
I haven't met any I'd describe as masculine though
He's releasing his shit on Youtube now so it's possible he's amping up the political shit to bring in the Trump alarmist crowd for revenue
That's because Dems don't know how to do real work and care for their families; they just rely on the state for handouts. You can't become masculine unless you're doing the work.
fucking this, he's so clearly fucking with people, pretend outrage.
I mean I have no doubt that he despises the alt-right but this was him having fun
He kind of has a point in that just because I dont agree with him politically, Im not going to pretend I never liked his stuff or never found it funny.
Also, I cant tell if hes joking or not
Democrats have a more female mindset, it's easy to feel that you're right all the time if you say you're fighting for everyone's freedom and your politics are the standard for human decency. It makes you feel entitled to "educate" everyone over the most benign shit while experiencing the high of having a saviour complex.
hey tim what u think about sam hyide
Post yfw these no longer even need to be edited
pic is Tim soon.
Abso Lutelyfags all BTFO
I think there is like 2 or 3 people just monitoring this thread trying to make it sound like Tim isn't a sad faggot for this
>To look like a butthurt fag that is validating twitter trolls
when has he ever played a likable character?
I doubt he likes the alt-righters but this isn't really a takedown attempt or criticism.
Cant wait for Trump to just line up all the mudslimes and march them into the ocean. And I hope he puts Heidecher right at the front of that line.
>make some sarcastic bit about Trump
>twitter trolls call you a cuck
>"Ugh I hate these neckbeards that called me a cuck"
'Wow, Tim is like next level humor. He showed those trolls who is boss'
'You just don't get his humor, he's clearly kidding. No way he could possibly sound like this big of a douche'
Quick reminder that this is a 40 year old married father who made his living off of such classics as 'spaghet'
Any of you that give a shit about this stupid shit are as big of losers as this flabby faggot
nice damage control, cuck
Which side am I on to damage control?
the side of the cuck
It's great that his career is finally ending. A career built on LOL SO RANDUMB is not real work. Watch some Johnny Carson Tim and stop living off of foodstamps.
>career ending
Lets see, 2016 for Abso Lutely has had
>Check It Out Season 4
>Decker Season 4
>On Cinema Season 8
>The Eric Andre Show Season 4
>Vic & Tim Election Special Pt 1, 2
>Currently working on Bedtime Stories Season 2
Yeah, man. He's dried up, not getting anything done.
Tims a legend you fucking faggots