ITT we describe a movie in a few lines as shitty as we can and try to figure them out.
>Play a human version of tinder to get my parents to meet and fuck
>Play a concert
>Get struck by lightning and go back home
ITT we describe a movie in a few lines as shitty as we can and try to figure them out.
>Play a human version of tinder to get my parents to meet and fuck
>Play a concert
>Get struck by lightning and go back home
Back to the future
>Almost get killed in line of duty
>"Bitches Leave"
>Kill Red Foreman
> man steals a kids high school essay and makes it into a movie script
>Man doesnt acknowledge kid when making movie
>Kid and his friend perform 'Home Alone' esque pranks in order to get revenge and acknowledgment
fuck thats a hard one
>Paid lots of money for this job
>No ones ever done it before
>Excape the cops and get the cargo back
Big fat liar?
smokey and the bandit
Good job
>adopt little girl. wtf, this little girl wants to fuck me. oh shit, that's a crazy midget woman!
>everyone is asleep
>I can see the world for what it is
>Fucking beat on a nigger for 10 minutes
Star Wars?
They Live
>Fail to kill myself
>Stupid kid almost kills me
>Kill myself
American History X
>find a whole shitload of money
>can we keep it can we keep it
>kill a whole shitload of people to be able to keep the money
>turns out can't keep the money
>woops =(
Gone in 60 seconds?
no country for old men?
Dude thinks its not real but its real, suddenly its not real but its real again, then its not real after all but it's real again for some reason. Eventually no-one knows if its real or not.
No, good guess tho
>The machines have turned against us
>there is little hope of turning the tide of battle
>One dude has a sick idea and saves everyone
The Matrix
the holocaust?
Lost Highway?
God bless America
If its inception, i just want to say that movie sucks
>main character is a super fan of some mediocre band
>on a dedicated journey to meet one of the members
>zany antics ensue as they cross the country to attend a show
>finally get there and manage to steal a backstage pass
>the vocalist of the band in retaliation literally shits a warm, creamy log of shit down the main characters throat
The matrix
A Simple Plan?
What the fuck
way off
A Beautiful Mind
Star wars
Nicely done.
>stranded on island
>dude tries to hang himself and fails
>dude finds a corpse and uses it as a multi-purpose tool
Fucking good movie man, gotta watch that again soon.
Cast Away?
The matrix
Perfectly normal man with abnormal hair settles down and lives with his beautiful wife and alien fetus.
That weird movie with daniel radcliffe
No one gonna guess mine?
Bingo, but what's the title??
That fucking pregnant Arnold movie
Swiss army man
Haha yeppp! Just saw it last night for the first time. What a fucked up movie that was... ending left me feeling incomplete..
Vanilla Sky?
The number 23
Ill give a hint
It was terrible and based off a book
The matrix
Hivemind to the max.
I have no clue but I have a feeling I've seen it
The matrix
Just watched it for the first time last week, loved it
edge of tomorrow?
> robot pedophile has existential crisis
> wanders earth for decades
> creates upgrades to bring about singularity
> fucks identical granddaughter of the little girl he used to take care of
>Guy finds hole in a wall
>temporarily becomes celebrity
>tells his wife
>lots of weird sex
>guy becomes the celebrity long term
>I don't even know
Haha bicentennial man I love that movie
Being John Malkovich
In Time with Justin Timberflake
This one has to be the matrix
That is a good movie. I like that movie.
The journey to the centre of Andy Sixx?
>Working hard in circus
>Hey Hannibal
>Need a bit of a sleep
That'll do donkey
Any other guesses? Kinda thought this would be easy to get.
lol i didn't even realize i was kinda quoting donkey. You've seen that movie too many times.
>Bitch gets unexpected train trip to poland
>Staff member makes her choose one of her children
>She goes to california to live with a schizo junkie
>Fucks some random dude that comes to live with them for some time.
Being John Malkovich
the astronauts wife?
>My life is a big lie
>Someone blew my cover
>I just want some fresh air for fuck sakes
No but am curious
Is it the matrix
Only seen it all the way through once actually. I just have an insanely good memory when it comes to movies.
The same One Republic song like 15x
Truman show