>offers girl to bull
>bull refuses to cuck him
>gets so fucking mad he kills the bull
Why did Damage Control Comics decide to make Joker an indisputable, canon cuck in the DCU?
>offers girl to bull
>bull refuses to cuck him
>gets so fucking mad he kills the bull
Why did Damage Control Comics decide to make Joker an indisputable, canon cuck in the DCU?
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He decided to kill him the minute he called Harley a bitch you retard fuckfaces.
He didn't say that. He said "it's yo' girl"
It's an old gangster trick. He was gonna kill him no matter what.
>it's gangsta to be a cuck
oh jesus DCucks are this delusional.
So you're saying he'd be fine with getting cucked as long as he didn't call her a bitch?
If he was gonna kill him no matter what, why let your girl get all up on a bull's face and sit on his lap if not for the degenerate pleasure of being a huge, shameless fucking cuck? She was also doing lewd dances with some other dude before Jokuck arrived
he seems way to excited when she is sitting on him.
>he called Harley a bitch
>PG movie
No he didn't
>Ask him if he thinks his woman is pretty
>gets insulted if he says yes
>gets offended if he says no
It was a lose-lose gangster trick you fucking imbecile.
He literally called Harley a bad bitch right in front of joker.
>Joker needs a reason to kill people
Fucking DCuck damage control I swear
He didn't but suicide squad's full of language that doesnt normally belong in a pg movie.
This site has legitimately made you less intelligent.
dont try too hard ok?
But he did literally call her a bitch right in front of him.
>>Joker needs a reason to kill people
He gets mad at Harley later because he had to kill him since he made him money.
Like the rest of you?
jesus christ you retards it's the oldest gangsta trick in the book. you fucking idiots cant see if he fucked her he would've been killed but if he didn't he'd be killed for insulting his woman like 'why is she not attractive enough for you'. it's gangsta 101 double crossing you stupid idiots
You can't even say "fuck" on PG. You can say "shit" but they have like a limit, twice or thrice for the duration of the film
You people are retarded
>guy calls Harley a bad bitch
>joker calls her over
>has her start teasing him
>starts mocking him
>kills him for insulting her
He had decided to kill him from the moment he called Harley a bitch, he was just fucking with him
the rest of you? lol look at you.. this capeshit fags feel so chased just because i find funny how much you defend a bad movie
Speak English
>joker's heavy breathing at 1:30
>Doing sexual-ass dance with some other dude
>Joker just watching without a care
>Not a cuck
Jesus. So if the bull didn't "disrespect her" he actually WOULD have gone through with the bull fucking her in front him
Monster T was dead at the "YO J".
Bitch is PG-13.
Reminder: in the original script, Common refuses to be a bull. Joker tells him to kill Harley if he wont fuck her. Common realizes he'll be tortured if he kills Harley or if he doesnt, so he sticks the gun in his mouth and pulls the trigger.
Someone had to go in and edit it to be MORE cuck-ish. Thats why the shot of Joker shooting Common is so weird (it was originally him just holding the gun up)
Yeah, the Joker says he's tired of Harley and tells Monster T to shoot her in the head.
>Common realizes he'll be tortured if he kills Harley or if he doesnt, so he sticks the gun in his mouth and pulls the trigger.
Why not shoot the Joker?
He would fail. And then got tortured.
Because people are so afraid of the skinny manlet clown
Its like saying why not just shoot Kim Jong
>Why not shoot the Joker?
Because the Joker has plot armor.
Pic related is a cut scene.
How the fuck would Joker escape being shot from point blank? Joker is notorious for cheating death (to the point it's billed as a superpower) but Monster T wouldn't know that. Also, that a violent hood would take a 100% death chance over shooting the Joker and running for it is just absurd
Can someone link the youtube video for this?
This fucking guy.
Back to Sup Forums.
Found the nolanbabby
you dont want no beef?????
If the guy tried to make a move on Harley the Joker would have killed him. If the guy refused to fuck Harley the Joker would kill him. Basically he just wanted to fuck with the guy first.
he's saying "hunka hunka" as in "hunk"
As if the Joker was actually going to let mr tough black man fuck Harley Quinn.
You fuckers are delusional. Mr. tough black man was a dead man the second he glanced over at Harley and called her a "bad bitch". Joker was just toying with him.
he said "bad bitch" which is a compliment in the wigger world Leto Joker lives in
He's fine with her poledancing and rubbing herself on random dudes' crotches though
>crazy person is irrational
Oh, no.
So you're saying he wasn't a cuck, just crazy? Why do these have to be mutually exclusive?
>Harleen Quinzel ceased to exist, but she gave birth to a far greater insanity than even the Joker anticipated, or could hope for from the once venerable Dr. Quinzel.
>Harley Quinn was very much alive, and she was more than ready to give thanks to her “Puddin’.” With dyed-blonde hair tinged in pink, she was drop-dead gorgeous—in the prison vernacular, high-velocity sex on a stick. She was also as insatiable as she was insane.
>More than that, Harley Quinn was the kind of psychotic the Joker had always wanted as his pet. Sure, he loved to kill. There were few things he enjoyed more. Actually, there was nothing he enjoyed more, but for Harley, killing was only the first act, and she couldn’t wait to get to acts two and three, followed by an extended curtain call.
>So when Joker plopped down into his plush VIP seat, and Harley went to join the club’s go-go dancers for a little one-on-one gyration, he wasn’t all that surprised that his fellow criminal conspirators wantonly stared at her. The question wasn’t, “Who wouldn’t stare?
>The question was, who dared to?
>Pretty much all the guys stared, really. Lots of the women, too, but only for a second or two. Their eyes not so innocently swept the room, only to rest on her for a moment longer than anything else. >Then, if they were smart, they moved on. It was just a little peek.
>He wouldn’t fault them for that.
>But there was a new goon in town who called himself Monster T. He stared, then he kept staring, and Joker felt him heating up from all the way across the club.
>“Hey. Yes! There she is,” Joker said loudly enough to be heard. “The infamous Harley Quinn. You enjoying her, pal?”
>Monster T started to say yes, then realized his mistake.
>“No. No way. That’s your lady, Joker.” Yet he couldn’t help but take another look at Harley, before turning back. “I mean, you an’ me, we do a helluva lotta business. I ain’t messin’ that up.” >Then he fell silent and looked at the floor, no doubt hoping that would satisfy the Joker.
>The Joker stood and stared at T.
>“Are you saying you don’t like her?” he said. >“Maybe you’re saying you hate her?” Joker leaned in, and T tried to push back, but there was a wall behind him. “What do you have against her, T?”
>Monster T waved his hands in protest. “C’mon, Joker,” the goon stammered. “What am I gonna say, brother? There ain’t no right answer.”
>Joker turned to Harley, who was still dancing, and whistled to her. She cartwheeled off the stage and joined them.
>“Mister J?” she said, grinning.
>Monster T knew what was coming next. She was gonna tear him into little pieces. Or worse.
>Joker patted T on the shoulder and smiled. T flinched.
>“Harley, it’s been a good run ’til now, but you’re my gift to this gentleman. You belong to him.”
>Monster T stared. What the hell game was the clown playing? Harley ground her way onto T’s lap and gave an approving nod. “This guy? Cool.” She brought her face close to his. “You know you’re cute,” she said. “So, you want me? I’m all yours, lover.”
>She rested her hand on his thigh. T couldn’t stop sweating as his gaze went back and forth between Harley and Joker. He knew he was caught between two psychopaths, but he didn’t know if they left him any sort of exit strategy.
>“Joker,” T said, pleading with psychopath number one. “I don’t want no beef.”
>Joker stretched his arms and yawned. “Then accept my gift. I’m sick of her,” he said as he pulled his purple .45 from his pocket and held it out. “Or better, shoot her. Push her hair right on back with a bullet. Either way, do me the favor. Please.”
>Harley caressed Monster T’s face and gave him a series of small pecks. It felt really good, he thought, but then he shook himself back to reality. >The gun hovered there in Joker’s hand.
>“Right between my eyes, lover,” she said, poking her index finger just above her nose. “In the good ol’ glabella.”
>Monster T had to take the gun. If he didn’t, that white-skinned lunatic would surely shoot him, even with Quinn sitting in his lap for the whole club to see. So he accepted it.
>“Say thank you,” Joker said.
>“Thank you,” Monster T replied. This had to be a joke, but they’d already taken it too far. Harley edged herself off him and stood, watching intently. T kept praying Joker would suddenly burst out laughing.
>Just a joke, he’d say. Just a big, funny ha-ha joke.
>The Joker wasn’t even smiling.
>What were they going to do to him? If he told Joker Harley was gorgeous, Joker would kill him for trying to step in on his girl. If he told Joker she wasn’t gorgeous, Joker would kill him for intimating that he had lousy taste in women.
>T was sweating buckets. The tension was growing. >There were dozens of eyes, staring only at him.
>“So,” Joker said, “do you know the answer now?”
>He did, and he silently nodded.
>Joker laughed and gestured for him to continue.
>“Time for you to save yourself.”
>Monster T looked at the purple gun, still in his hand, and placed its barrel directly under his chin. He didn’t believe in God, but he muttered a quick prayer, then squeezed the trigger and blew most of his head to hell and gone.
>“Smart guy,” Joker said, and he laughed. >“Lotta brains.”
>Harley squealed with delight as she fingered some of T’s smart-guyness off of her face. She leaned into Joker for a big kiss, but he pulled back.
>“Don’t touch me,” he growled. “This is on you. You know that guy made me a lot of money. We’re leaving.”
>“Puddin’, it’s not my fault I make myself look so good for you other guys can only wish an’ stare ’cause they’re so jealous. I mean, you should think of it as them honoring your great taste in babes—and I am your babe, aren’t I, honey?”
>Joker grabbed her by the arm, and Harley squealed as he dragged her from the club.
>“Yeah, you are, but you keep pushing me, and one’a these days you’re going to cross the line, Harley.”
>“Then what?” she asked.
>Joker laughed. “I dunno. We’ll draw ourselves a new line, and another, and probably cross them, too.”
>in the prison vernacular, high-velocity sex on a stick
I don't know man, Joker has sex on his mind both in the movie and the novel.
>mfw they're on the plane and he tells Harley that a bear skin rug is waiting
>that fucking editing
are they trying to be Natural Born Killers or is this just sheer incompetence?
have to put spaces fuck sakes
Isn't the joker supposed to be some kind of cartel gangster type character in this movie? If he killed the joker he would be probably be tortured and killed by the jokers thugs.
I'm sure that seemed clever in your mind reddit
Hey OP. If you don't reply to this post, you're a pussy. If you do, you're a cuck.
>pointing out how shit DC is means you're a Sup Forumsack
You DC faggots are pathetic
Did you eat her pussy like a lady?
Sorry this film makes fun of the Jews JIDF
I fucking hate capeshit including this movie but you're a retard if you think the joker is being an actual cuck in this scene. he's clearly fucking with the guy. wouldn't expect more from people who genuinely think avenger shit is good though.
Time's up. OP confirmed for pussy.
That he's a fag was never in question.
It's pretty god damn obvious they're trying to be Natural Born Killers. The editing, the relationship between Joker and Harley, Margot's Mallory Knox impression. Come on, guys. How is nobody else seeing this?
Yeah, I got that vibe, too. I almost wonder if some of what was cut has more of that surreal element.
>people think the Joker is somebody who should be looked up to
him being a cuck just makes the cuck nu males mad
Who cares. Made him look like an absolute pussy. They've literally created a Joker with no real identity. Just a pish pash of random bullshit. You cannot figure out if he wants to be a kingpin , insane , or a fuckin softy bitch ass. Eat shit.
Comic book Joker *is* a grab-bag of personalities and psychoses.
this tattoos suit better the character
>OP freaked
English learn you should before post you here do