>boring kids whose parents just have to be going through a divorce >generic "young, bitchy, cold business woman with no time for family" >generic "he's such a hot motorcycle-riding rebel" >literally retarded military guy with the most ridiculous subplot I've ever seen - raptors in the military dude lmao >boring, CGI action drivel
Was this the biggest disappointment of last year?
>B-but it's better than 2 & 3
Who gives a shit, it's an awful, cliche ridden mess of a movie with a boring, generic characters that nobody gives a shit about. The plot was always going to be paper thin, which even further necessitated likable characters.
They couldn't even give BDH a tighter skirt so I could at least be entertained by her ass for the duration of this piece of shit.
Jaxon Davis
Aiden Morris
1) It made all the fucking money.
2) I liked it
You don't make over a billion from seeing a movie once. People watched it multiple times. And I'll agree there are some generic tropes in this movie and a few lapses in logic but it entertained the shit out of me.
Is world doomed? Maybe, who cares.
Connor Jenkins
In the words of Ian Malcolm, that is one big pile of shit
Jason Smith
Nah. It had dinosaurs. It was awesome. Everyone liked it. Get over yourself.
Adam Lopez
This thread isn't needed nor is it better than 2 or 3
Its cringe and BDH can't act
Jordan Morris
>Get over yourself. What's it like being a brain dead retard mate?
Christopher Cruz
>Was this the biggest disappointment of last year? I'd still say Terminator Ginesys fea. Caloreesi Connor clinches that accolade hands down
Jaxson Phillips
The dinosaurs were literally shit
Nicholas Taylor
some of the shittiest effects I have ever seen, even the hobbit looked better.
Dylan Howard
Everyone liked it; since when dies that mean anything? It was utterly shitty, but what's new? Movies died at least 5 years ago.
Michael Martinez
You thought Genisys would be good? LMAO
Nathan Cox
nah it was all right
Pretty fun movie lads
Benjamin Martinez
I'll take "Things that post didn't say" for 500, Alex
Isaac James
>What's it like being a brain dead retard mate
What's it like being a brain dead retard, mate
Sorry, you missed a comma
James Reed
Owen Diaz
What's it like being a brain dead retard, mate?
Sorry, you missed a question mark.
Luis Davis
Of course the script is generic. Is not complex is just a movie for turn off you brain and enjoy watch fucking dinosaurs fight each others.
I watched in this sense and I enjoying a lot.
Alexander Garcia
the question mark wasn't relevant. lol check mate dummy
Adam Brooks
Connor Morris
Luis Phillips
Too many plotholes and 3 was better.
Jaxon Long
They looked like shit. The effects in the lost world looked better. Granted its because speilberg isn't a fucking hack
I'm embarassed by jurassic world and sad people think its decent let alone good. The raptors and indominous looked like shit. Just take me out of the movie senpai. Shit effects shit horror
Aaron Sullivan
you're entitled to your opinion.
Jaxson Hughes
>interracial athlete daughter flip kicks raptor through window Unacceptable even by comparison In my mind, JP was a one-and-done, the rest being fanfiction
William Bailey
>Sup Forums now ironically defending jurassic world This place has gone to such shit
Jack Wood
Nah it all looked pretty dope
Adrian Ward
Remind me why people dislike 3? I thought 3 was better than 2 and jurrasic world.
Kayden Lewis
>this faggot couldn't kick a raptor through a window the the high ground and adrenaline Utahraptor maybe not but those yes
Wyatt Richardson
The ONLY thing the movie gave us was some dankish memes & paddock threads
Template provided. How do you escape the Indominus Rex?
Kayden Cox
No it didn't the cg is terrible I'm sorry you have bad eyesight. I wouldn't say this unless I meant it. It looked like shit 3 months after it was released for fucks sake. This
Jace Perez
not him but i dont think his post was questioning the plausibity of it, more the reasoning bbehind such a retarded fucking scene
Xavier Watson
slutshaming works every time
Jonathan Campbell
No one who went to see this movie expected art. They wanted big as fuck dinosaurs eating small as fuck people. They got that. And they got it in doses.
Fun popcorn flick, would see again/10.
Joshua Rodriguez
Come to think of it, this is the whitest film I've seen in years.
And it was still meh.
Cooper Fisher
Spino whupped T-Rex's ass and no one could handle it. 3 had some great fucking moments. Never understood the hate.
Nolan Thompson
The plane stuff at the beginning is suspense kino.
Carter Anderson
Aiden Nguyen
It was fine. Calm your tits, lady
And no. There was far worse last year
Nathaniel Long
No it was shit.
>white No sorry chris pratt is a nigger >film No
Nolan Carter
I agree pretty much on this.
Even spielberg said it was ALMOST as if jurassic park had come alive.
Fucking shit movie by shit director. This shit was sci fi channel trash.
James Hall
>9000 minutes in paint Pls no bully
Brody Scott
The river scene was also pretty based. And Spino demolishing Rex. And the raptor in the glass. And the pterodactyl cage. And the Spino leering menacingly at the main cast with a fucking cell-phone going off in his belly, looking creepy as fuck.
I consider it the second best in the series. 1 > 3 > 2 (the good parts) > 4 > 2 (as a whole).
That said, I've liked every Jurassic movie. I can pop in any of them and have a good time.
Noah Watson
The CGI didn't even bother me. CGI is great for things like dinosaur fights. It's only shitty when they use it to create things they easily could have created practically.
Asher Adams
you're entitled to your opinion
David Young
Really wasn't tho. A harmless, fun B film backed by a blockbuster budget. I don't go looking for the meaning of life in summer films.
Brandon Rogers
Kid fuck off its wasn't harmless or fun. It had shit cinematography, editing, directing and acting and a was cliche. I was not entertained. It was not jurassic park. There was zero tension. It wasnt a good movie. It simply existed. The main characters were shit too
Christian Hernandez
Why wouldn't the unkillable Murdersaurus be the "military super weapon" and the trained Raptors be a park exhibit (like trained lions/elephants at circus)
Why have the parents have "marriage problems" but the movie focuses on Sexy Auntie and Memelord?
Why not have the plot be Memelord is a shlub who is separated from his wife who has a cool Jurassic World job...then he goes there and they reconnect saving their kids from dinosaurs? wouldn't that made more sense????
Why was the kid randomly autistic?
Dominic Brooks
This movie was awesome
Only tryhard fags "MUH JURASSIC PARK 3 WAS BETTER" are hating it
Andrew Baker
JPIII was shit that's the point of how bad jurassic world is
You have no vision
John Torres
Jurassic World is unironically one of my favorite films. The first film is more of a milestone but I enjoy World better. It's a nearly perfect adventure film with heavy cues from Xenozoic Tales, the best dinosaur related IP to date. In fact my only complaint with JW would be that I wish they were more creative with the effects, using a mixture of old and new techniques and perhaps even making some new ones for themselves. But I could watch it every week and be happy. Great stuff all around.
Oh, and Jurassic Park 3 is one of the worst big budget films ever released and shits on the franchise in every way. The plot is a recycled plot of maybe a third of The Lost World, the script is terrible, and Johnston had no idea how to film the dinosaurs resulting in some of the worst shit I've ever seen in my life. The speed ramping in the plane scene to attempt to make the Spinosaur not look like total shit with that terrible lighting makes me want to murder Johnston and anyone else involved. The large costs and shit result from that film are probably the single greatest strike against practical FX in the past 15 years, and it's all because those people didn't have a fucking clue about what they were doing.