Sup b

sup b,
my boss sent me home and said I can get back to work when I have solved this math exercise here. I have no idea. Can you help me?

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29 kg i dunno fam its just a picture lol yolo 420 blazeit


Dog is 17, cat is 7 rabbit is 3 total is 27


its 27 ya mong

It's 27. Have fun.


How? What?

1) x+y=10
2) x+z=20
3) y+z=24

1) x+y=10
2) y=24-z
3) x=20-z

2 and 3 into 1:

solution into 2 and 3:




The good old days when all you had to do is these shits...

*fuck engineering

You can do that in the head.
Add top 2 pics: 2 rabbits + cat + dog = 10 + 20 = 30
Subtract cat and dog (lower left): 2 rabbits = 30 - 24 = 6
1 rabbit = 3.

That problem is solved by modelling it with a system of linear equations. Let Cat, Dog and Rabbit be denoted by C,D and R respectively. Hence:

(1) R + C = 10
(2) D + R = 20
(3) C+ D = 24

The goal is to find the value of C+D+R. For that, subtract (2) from (1) and you find:

(4) D - C = 10

Now sum (3) with (4):

2D = 34
D = 17

Now that we know the value of D, just sum it in on (1) and you will find:

D + R + C = 10 + 17
D + R + C = 27


dog = 17
cat = 7
rabbit = 3

>mfw middle school level math is "trolling"

Rabbit = 3Kg
Cat = 7Kg
Dog = 17Kg

Right ?

dog > cat = 10kg
dog > rabbit = 14 kg
cat > rabbit = 4 kg
rabbit is 4
cat is 6
dog is 16
total is 26 - you bunch of fucking retarded trap cock sucking cunts

>cat is 6
>dog is 16
So, 6 + 16 = 24? Congratulations, you've just redefined math.

Prior to
> the BRC Breed Standards state that a Dwarf Lop should weigh between 1.93kg and 2.381kg.

I would say around 3kg for the rabbit. It looks a bit bigger than a Dwarf Lop.

And since the dog and cat together weighs 24kg, the rabbit would add that up to 27kg - as already stated in the posts in here.

However, take note that the weight can be off by a kilogram or two..

you niggas suck at math, please dont reproduce

How do you get a rabbit to sit on a dog like that

yes, my parents are cousins

dont know my cat already ate mine, when i was tryna weigh them like in the first pic

You could stop fapping to others gfs and instead go to s.n.a.p.c.h.a.t.y(.)me and fap to nudes.


Your boss sent you home, until you figured out a simple math problem? What a bullshit intro.

A lot of people noted the correct way to solve this but, this is also for, like, fucking third graders. Guess and check or common sense get it for you.

Dog and cat in one pic = 24kg. Dog and bunny in another = 20kg. Dog is a constant. Cat weighs four more kg than rabbit.

Easier way to do it is that the cat is 4kg more then the rabbit so for the cat and rabbit to be 10kg the cat must be 7kg and the rabbit 3kg. Then you an find the dog and the sum of all three easy.

Cat + dog + rabbit = chinese food

i dont think anyone eats cats ...

think again

are u working as 'murrican finance consultant?

There you go, now get the alpha of that pic. If the rotation is glideless


dog is 17 wabbit and cats are 10 = 27 fam

see cat is 4 more than rabbit
rabbit 3
cat 4
But I guarentee you that is not good enough for any class except maybe some intro to math shit.
So you should use algebra, and your MTH 090 teacher will think you're smart, and flirt with you after class.

And i dun goofed z=17

woops, fucked that up
see cat is 4 more than rabbit
rabbit 3
>cat 7

Solve this shit, acceleration of the point A when the disk starts moving

Smart nigger.

Yes or you could be lazy.
1) x+y=10
2) x+z=20
3) y+z=24

Find: x+y+z

Add equations 1-3 together
x+y+ x+z +y+z = 10+20+24
2×(x+y+z) = 54

x+y+z = 27