I am an American, 30 years old. I have a family...

I am an American, 30 years old. I have a family. I am wanting to move to Poland to escape the current climate of degeneracy and social justice retardation so I don't have to raise my kids around niggers and faggots.

Any Polandbros help me out here on what I need to do?

native speaker in language school it s protip, nice money because y re not pole

Social justice retardation and cultural marksism is getting stronger in Poland. Our media are pro American culture. Few more years and it will be similar to US. I dont think moving here is good idea. Better find good "white" spot like in small town in white state and go there.

I'm from Poland, moved to the states for school. First don't take what people say as the truth about Poland being shitty or whatever, it's the samesame stage if not a but further then the US developmentally. The poor areas are bigger then the US that's mostly it but there is good support for everyone. Most important thing would be to learn polish honestly or at least something other then English or Spanish or whatever as well. Ummm yeah that's pretty much it, but when moving somewhere be sure you have enough money, like for real and think realistically of what kind of job you'd be able to do as well.

polish here

what this guy says is total bullshit, I mean total fuckin bullshit, my god, it is just huge fuckin propagand

>it's the samesame stage if not a but further then the US developmentally

what the fuck man, is there some other coutnry named Poland I am not aware of

yeah, we could be in much worse state, but we pretty fuckin far from USA

if you want to see your level of life drop significantly, then yeah, come here. It's not like we are Romania or Ethiopia, but it still goddamn pretty far from murica

if you work in some kind of finances, it, consulting etc. you dont really need to speak polish, we have pretty international environment here

Polish right wing here. Come to Poland, you'll feel welcome here unless you make mess.

We are friendly people, don't even read or listen to whatever leftist pussies say about us. Intolerance, "polish camps", dictatorship... All this is just bullshit :)

As we say - if guest is in the house, the God is in the house.

Also, Polish Hussars pic (yes, we invented the selfie stick 350 years ago, you're welcome)

also remember that those guys are fuckin ape monkeys
they are basically white niggers

what ethnic are you
and how long ?

MAGA biatch

Bump for Interest.

Our YT girls are hot.

i went to wroclaw two weeks ago
perfect, 99% white, safe, no niggers or shitskins, beautiful women

this part of Europe will be the FUTURE of the EU, all the white people in Western EU tired of the cultural enrichment will go there, mark my words

>believing in the Sup Forums memes

Poland is a shithole

Who is she?

hahaha I like these stories
>rich western man try to move to east-euro because it white
>after one year he move back to west (silently)
because he realises that east-euro is a shithole, low wages, hostile/neutral environment, frustrated people, shitty services (health care, infrastructure)

zesrałem się z forsowników polan strąk chcących opierdalać gałę "uchodźcy z ameryki". Zabijcie się multikulti śmiecie.

fuck off we're full

hey fucknut, i'm a programmer, i can work anywhere

that's right, future jobs don't need to be near to the location

i just want a place with cheap housing to raise a family with no niggers around,

Just like any country, Poland has their assholes and close-minded idiots that won't be very welcoming, but the majority of the people are nice. We're nice people in general, we just can't be botherd helping others unless we benefit from it ourselves.

yeah, but about 90% of people around you can't even speak English...is it good for your family?
Stay home, and move to a rich white middle class us suburb...

A better thing to do would be to kill yourself, maybe then your children would have a chance of not being retards like yourself

Why the fuck would you wanna move to Poland ?
othing but alcooholics retards. Country is ugly as fuck, cities are ugly as fuck.
Only good thing is the girls. But since you have a family, you're just plain stupid for wanting to move there in the first place

so chavs?

i went to warsaw and i have to say it was pretty nice.
there was a nice shopping mall, most of the pepole in the stores / coffeeshops etc speak english ( many university students)
public transportation was alright, sure the trams /busses are older than in germany but who gives a shit ?
and i didnt see a single nigger

stop saying bullshit you faggot

Poland is a poor ass country(more so than the US).Plus there's a fuckton of furfags and SJWs there too.

thats what polish guy in switzerland says: ""
What you have niggers here?"