Have there been any rumours or early warning signs that pic related will be a critical failure like BvS and Suicide...

Have there been any rumours or early warning signs that pic related will be a critical failure like BvS and Suicide Squad?

>directed by and starring a woman

the movie is therefore immune to all criticism.

Other than the fact no one alive gives a fuck about it?

Yea the fucking trailer, and not to mention its directed by a woman, show me ONE fight scene directed by a woman thats good.

Does Lana Warchowski count?

>Jewish Skeleton who can't act
>A character that people pretend to care about
>Directed by a woman

Recipe for a flop.

are they changing her outfit to red blue and gold now?

well Sup Forums is ironically shilling for it so that's usually a good sign

Punisher: War Zone
Point Break

Yeah, two early warning signs, in fact. Suicide Squad and BvS.

Sup Forums thinks it'll be good.
Sup Forums is always wrong.

Trailer looked better than Justice League's although that's not saying much

Where's snyders action gone? It seems like he lost his balls after Man of Steel!

Man of steel had the grestest fight of all time Justice league better level half the world in a fight scene or im literally done with capeshit

>early warning signs

Yep WB's track record and the casting.

Call me a reddit pleb but when the WW theme started playing at the end of the trailer I got an erection

>2010's DC
>Not kino

kek. you better start apologizing right now

what do you think

that's not Wonder Woman

it never will be.

That scene with the secretary is a good warning sign

We all did pham

I doubt Gal Gadot will be able to carry a movie by herself.

hell, she can barley carry her groceries home.

Why would she, she has an Arab slave for that sort of work

>early warning signs that pic related will be a critical failure
Yeah. Its a DC movie

i'm hoping for a capedzieƂo, but if it turns out to be a capekino I won't be mad

all I've seen seems fucking lame. lifeless blue trailer, uninteresting character, unexistent villains.

This thing is bulletproof user.

>Property is about feminist icon even if casuals don't know shit about Wonder Woman
>Lead actress is a Jew
>Supporting character is fat
>Directed by a woman
>Current Hollywood climate favors worshipping the political left

I don't know. I don't think there have been, but I've got a suggestion that might help satisfy your curiosity. It's this:

Why don't you obsessively scour every single movie and comics site you can find for any and all information you can find about it. That's the sort of things mildly curious film patrons do, isn't it? That's got to be what motivates people to be so obsessed with theses films - appreciation and friendly curiosity.

>Can't think of 2 other words that start with W

>Patty Jenkins was in talks with WB but they chose Michelle McLaren because "their vision weren't compatible"
>Michelle Mclaren drops out because it's not what WB really wanted
>Patty Jenkins talk to WB again and suddenly "their vision were compatible after all"
>Zack Snyder came up with the WWI just because he thinks it's cool (see: Sucker Punch)
>Script was being pitched by several different people
>Pan writer was supposed to be the writer
>Press Release for the movie doesn't list the writers
>Movie finishes production and still no idea who the writers are
>One week before comic con it's revealed it was written by the same guy that wrote a script for a Wonder Woman TV show that CW refused because it wasn't that good
>Script likely written very close to production, possibly during production as well.
>Very possible that changes were made from the initial pitch to make it more light, after BvS critical reception

I'm pretty sure it's written by 3 men so the Disney-paid critics could take the misogyny angle what with Gal Gadot being an attractive lady in semi provocative clothing and in the DCEU no less, which according to most critics is the Donald Trump of Cinematic Universes.

it was red blue and gold in BvS. At least before they washed out all the color.

Yes, it is a DC Comics film in the age of the Avengers. It has to be literally perfect, an indisputably PERFECT film, lest it be eviscerated by critics.

>early warning signs
It's a DC movie

Why don't people like female superheros, Sup Forums?

>no name director
>actress who has never headlined a movie
>almost certainly heavily altered after the critical disaster that was bvs
>having any faith in wb after they absolutely butchered ss
Probably not

Jesus fucking christ her hands are like a werewolf's

People are already criticizing it cause Gadot is Israeli.

The Batman warehouse fight was brutal.

from the thumbnail i thought she was holding the sword between her legs

>lead actress is a Jew
A Zionist Jew. You know that that's bad now to them right? They're all about "Muh Palestine" and "evil Israel"