>Pitt, who’s returning to star in and produce the “World War Z” follow-up, recently met with a handful of other directors, but is said to be zeroing in on Fincher for the project, which is expected to start filming in early 2017.
According to sources, Fincher and Pitt met two weeks ago to discuss the possibility of Fincher boarding the zombie tentpole. The talks were initially lukewarm but sources now tell Variety negotiations are much further down the road and no one else currently has the offer to direct.
david fincher has a great history with sequels. :^)
Anthony Baker
David Fincher was a fledgling filmmaker back then. He's got a lot more credibility and power now, and he'll be backed up by Pitt. Artistic control will not be a factor.
This will be great.
Aaron Turner
come the fuck on, who wants to see that? a sequel to a shitty zombie flick? fincher could do so much better... i feel like brad pitt is at a career low point by now, he already wants to do a fight club 2 apparantely. at this point i'd rather see the strangers on a train remake with ben affleck that they planned... and by the way, when will he make the sequel for girl with the dragon tattoo?
Mason Reed
>at this point i'd rather see the strangers on a train remake with ben affleck that they planned... Affleck's too busy with the DCEU, that movie won't happen for a while.
Kevin Robinson
Might be cool, I love zombie movies. WWZ was a shitty movie though.
Hudson Bell
Brad Pitt probably just wants a competent director that he trusts so that it doesn't turn into a huge clusterfuck like the first movie did. It was a complete miracle it ended up being as decent as it did considering they had to completely re-shoot the last third of the movie.
Jeremiah Perry
Can they just scrap the first movie and make a TRUE adaptation of the book?
Dylan Jones
>come the fuck on, who wants to see that? a sequel to a shitty zombie flick? fincher could do so much better...
he is one of the most technically gifted directors in hollywood right now and his last few projects have been complete bores. the last really good thing he has done was 'zodiac'.
he needs to be focusing on something with a bit of substance to it. no one gives a fuck about this shitty franchise.
Jack Sanchez
is Fincher broke or something? He said earlier this year he would be interested in a superhero movie.
Charles Sanders
>the last good thing he did was Zodiac
Have you seen The Social Network? Have you seen The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo? Have you seen Gone Girl?
Parker Powell
all three.
they were well-directed. that is about it.
Brayden Reyes
The first one is one of the all time Hollywood shit shows.
Got fucking 3 time Oscar Winner all time god tier Cinematographer Robert Richardson banned from the studio.
Absolutely sunk careers. One of the most expensive re-edits and re-shoot projects ever too.
Fincher is stepping into hell. Even more insane than Alien 3: What Insane Shit Does Sigourney Want Today? Edition.
Christian Walker
Will Fincher ever pick a project worthy of his abilities again?
Christian Thompson
if he is doing this it's because he really needs that cash.
no sane man at his level would do hack work like this if there wasn't a big pay day coming from it.
Carter Bailey
Why a sequel?
Ya dun goofed finchy
Dominic Hall
He wanted 5 mil for Jobs.
This would have to be like a fucking ten mil payday.
Cooper Sanders
>Cinematographer Robert Richardson banned ?
Thomas Turner
>5 mil
Directors make their money on the back end. QT says he made 30 mil for Django from the backend
Justin Stewart
Zodiac is god-tier, but so is The Social Network in my opinion, i think it will be hailed as a masterpiece in the future if it isn't already... it just captured the spirit of the generation growing up with the internet and the disappearing of real human interaction and communication
Carter Gutierrez
Some do.
Big Finch according to the Sony leaks wants that cash up front (probably because he's worried they'll flop)
Nicholas Miller
Have you got a single article that details the whole story? I am very interested now.
Jackson Price
>the battle of yonkers will never be on screen >r9k jap escaping tower will never be on screen >shot down Russian pilot will never be on screen
Alexander Garcia
directors are not that powerful nowadays, especially guys like fincher who aren't afraid to argue with producers over budgets etc. he already ruined his relationship with Sony, the film studio he made social network, dragon tattoo and gone girl with... apparently he was too stubborn about the budget for the Steve Jobs biopic when he was still involved in it. Scott Rudin mentioned what a dick fincher was about the budget issues in the leaked sony mails. he's getting fucked by the studios regularly... HBO just tanked 2 shows he planned that were basically ready to shoot (Utopia and that one about music video directors) because of budget issues... Nobody is giving him money anymore for a project...
Jacob Flores
Gone Girl was Fox, and Social Network was Columbia.
Sony is fucking retarded anyways. They should be sucking his dick, Dragon Tatoo is the only good movie they've made in like 8 years. Though I personally enjoy the Jump Street ones alot.
Wyatt Barnes
>no aussie spaceman >no autistic utilitarian racist >no canadian cannibalism
Eli Kelly
The book is a fun read with lots of nice stories but, since I am fairly sure they dont mention zombies running, (unlike the ones the movie has) that battle makes no sense, one just need to go on roof and there you go.
Too many weapons are effective against them, mines, tanks, 1 tank, flamethrowers, grenade launcher, animals, napalm, nukes, predators that will prey upon them like for instance, rats. Bacteria too, since air is necessary to develope a protein that lets muscles move they have to breath something.
John Sanders
They need to cast MEW.
Aiden Roberts
ATP is not a protein bro...
Jonathan Gray
>Gone Girl was Fox, and Social Network was Columbia. you're right, my bad.
Hunter Carter
>they were well-directed. that is about it.
What the hell does that even mean?
if you thought the movies were bad then how could you think the director did their job well?
they don't just tell actors how to move
Logan Clark
Isn't he better than that? And aren't zombies kind of, for lack of a better word, dying off?
I don't know if I should be annoyed that a filmmaker of his caliber is reduced to making schlock or if I should be excited that we might, for once, be getting a good tentpole movie from a genuinely great director.
Julian Perez
My Nig those are my fav stories. >no military trained dogs who kill zombies >no scene in India where monkey pisses in guys face after blowing up the mountain
William Jackson
>What the hell does that even mean? >if you thought the movies were bad then how could you think the director did their job well?
stop posting any time.
Jace Morris
The movie is already ruined >running """"""""""""zombies"""""""""""" The worst fucking thing to ever come from 28 days later The zombies DONT fucking run AT ALL in the book. The only "zombies" that ran were the quislings (people who were in so much shock they thought they were zombies)
Cooper Nelson
The last third in the CDC place was easily the worst most retarded sloppily written part though