Can you actually get penis enlargement surgery? Or is it just a terrible advert for porn sites?

Can you actually get penis enlargement surgery? Or is it just a terrible advert for porn sites?

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You can have fat injected in your dick which makes it T H I C C.

You can have your pelvis muscles severed and thus have your I N N E R P E N I S released.

You can have a piss pump inserted in your dick, and have your erectile dysfunctional dick working by pressing the extra testicle.

You can pump your dick with a penis pump until it's massive and no longer works.

So yes, there are ways to make your dick bigger but sex will get progressively worse and probably turn you into rectal play loving degenerate.

I'm not an expert but as far as I know there is a procedure that internally detaches your dick from your body.

It will end up looking longer but when you actually want to use it it will just get pushed back into its old position.

oh yeah, and you can have the fat in your pelvis area removed. That too "increases" your dick size.

All in all this shit will cost you some $50 000.

2nd one sounds interesting

i'm in ireland, so that'll be free

na it works
you can also get HOT SEX WITH MILFS IN *enter neighborhood here* TONIGHT!

Public healthcare doesn't cover these things you know. This is because it isn't mandatory for you to continue living.
The only case where it'd cover such operations is if you got literially a microdick and are suicidal, and this is only if you get lucky.

it does if you make up a bullshit story. you just tell them it's affecting your sex life and they'll put you on the waiting list. it's a lot easier than you'd think.

it doesnt if you have close to average sized penis.

sob stories always work, doesn't matter if it's healthcare, welfare or anything else. you'll always get your way in the end if you complain enough

>Complain enough.

Learn to use what you got liberal cuck. Stop wasting people's time and money on your insecurities.

it's my money too you butthurt yankfag

Then earn the money yourself pussy.

No one wants to pay money for your pity penis surgery but you.

why the fuck would i do that when i can get it for nothing?

well yeah, surgery works, I doubt thats what the adds on porn sites are for, they're more about "weird tricks" and pills
Never forget.

don't forget the hot bitches in your neighborhood who want to hook up too.

You sound really desperate playing the morality card. If you wanna be a scumbag that feeds off of other people's wealth and success then go ahead I can't stop you.

I just think you're a pathetic, limp dick Irishman who probably wouldn't know what to do with a bigger dick in the first place.

>scumbag that feeds off of other people's wealth and success

by wealth and success you mean the public health system that we all contribute to? i'm entitled to use it however the fuck i want.

Yea, but your using a system that could be helping save people's lives and keep them healthy because you feel sad about your dick size.

You're putting your penis over the health of your fellow country men. And let's be honest here, the average Irishman doesn't want a dick over them. Especially the tic tac you're probably working with.

we all get our healthcare fair and square, there's money allocated to everything. unlike your shitty country, everyone here gets a chance

And you're using that "chance" because you feel sad about your dick.

I understand that some countries due to size and population can use a free healthcare system. It's not for everyone.

This has been fun, but I gotta go get ready for work. Have fun pleading to your doctor to fix your insecurities like the pathetic worm you are.

If you couldn't tell from your FAS that's both a jab at your personal status, and your dick.

It isn't a chance. I could get it no problem. Best part is, I never actually said I needed it, I asked if it's legit, I said one surgical procedure sounded interested, an user stated that it would be expensive to which I replied I can get it for free. Never once did I see I needed it. Amerifag. Don't get shot out there!

britbong here kys dicklet

Fuck two bitches in one night with MyHotBook?

the americans of europe

All of these give you a floppy dick, unable to get hard enough to poke in the right places. If you want a soft flobby dick, go right ahead

yes there are surgery for it. it think it will make your penis not work, something like that.

>think it will make your penis not work, something like that

this guy's an intellectual, you'll want to listen to him

You're the reason why some socialist attempts have failed. Kill yourself.



Hey, I know most of them got fucked in the ass by people like him. Like early soviet russia, for one. But modern states like Finland, Sweden, and Denmark are doing okay, at least in comparison to even less socialistic states

>implying Sweden isn't being taken over by terrorists

'liberal cuck'
Seriously? Retarded fuckfaces like you are why america is such an enormous shithole. You people are so unbelievably stupid that you attack people with meaningless, usually false, names, rather than actually addressing the points that someone makes. This is what happens when you're raised religious; You're trained to mindlessly believe things without evidence or question. Religion is a cancer that atrophies the mind. Go read a fucking book, asshole.

You can not even be can a man you are not even male get out of here and get your dick cut off and turn into a woman for all the bitching you do im pretty sure you already are one


That's not because of socialism or left wing policies. That's because of giving into multiculturalism at all costs. Conservative muslims should not be allowed in. This doesn't conflict socialist policies.