All set for a night in by myself. What kino would complement my meal?
All set for a night in by myself. What kino would complement my meal?
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Is there no cheese on that 'zA
who needs cheese when you have triple 'roni on your 'za
Shut the fuck up, Jack
>Shit candles
>Fake fruit
>Steel reserve
>Thick crust
This pic is some kind of plebian tableaux of the highest quality. The allegory of a poor, tasteless, likely fat american
That's worse than the 'ver 'za Ramsay had to eat.
you sound so pretentious. It looks like a good time.
>he has dough in his pizza
All those pizzas look absolutely fine and delicious and he's calling them terrible? And after seeing all the horrendous "food" he makes? What the fuck
That pizza looks disgusting
>all that extra pepperoni
>no cheese
>ITT: diarrhea
Should have ordered the pan pizza.
This, what kind of tasteless imbecile would unironically order that kind of a meal?
Yeah, they look like your basic pepperoni pizzas.
I don't get the point of that video, he's just bashing pizzas based on his own tastes? They're just cheap pizzas that will serve their purpose. It only makes him sound like a jealous fat fuck.
>"California can't make pizza lol see"
>it's just pizza hut and papa johns
Triggered hard
all those chains are essentially the same nation wide. his comparison was retarded and pointless and not indicative of the quality of local california pizza at all. that being said, california does generally have pretty sub par pizza compared to, say, the northeast.
I've lived on the far east coast, the midwest, and now in Ca. All have good pizza places and bad places. To say an area has better pizza than another area is snobbish. In any city you just find the good places and eat there.
>cheap pizza
>paid 15 dollarydoos for the first one
I think hes mad sincei ts not east coast massive greasepile 'Za
Got enough pepperoni there
>no one in California can make pizza and I'm gonna prove it by bashing fast food that no one considers good in the first place
Jesus this guy is a moron
Also anyone who consideres themselves a half decent cook should be able to make fresh pizza dough from scratch, which will always be better than pre frozen chain garbage.
>Fireball and a 40
Why? Seriously why?
I always found pizza joints run by indian/paki/mexican to be shit. The pizza is way too thick and bland tasting.
Italian/greek joints are great.
pizza hut is the worst i agree but how the fuck do you bash west coast pizza by judging national pizza chains? the strength of the east coast pizza scene is in the hole in the wall family businesses. then he doesnt even do a taste test but instead judges it by scraping the toppings off? what a joke
when your primary goal is Cultivating Mass™ total topping volume is most important.
i actually do the same thing
>1 40 isn't enough to get adequately drunk
>2 40s has a high chance of hangover
>take a quick couple of shots to get the buzz rolling strong
>buzzed up to not mind the malt liquor flavor
it's cost effective
hey guys i just had th e most awsom 'za from pizza slut, it's sperms my wiener and wicks the sweat from my ballls
>orders a pizza with nothing but crust and pepperoni
you're disgsuting brother