How do i redpill my friends into liking death grips? Ive been trying without success

how do i redpill my friends into liking death grips? Ive been trying without success.

you get off Sup Forums and stop trying to force ppl to like your shitty music.

>says death grips and redpill in the same sentence
You don't have any friends, OP

I'm surprised you have friends at all to be honest

This has literally nothing to do with Sup Forums

idk what a fucking redpill is(been seeing it, and i don't want to know) but just tell them that they are one of the few acts in hip hop that are actually experimental, and that they are probably the only act ever who can seamlessly do rap, as well as hardcore punk, without being corny.

redpill came from Sup Forums

why should they give a fuck about experimental or listen to some offbrand hardcore punk. when they can listen to actual hardcore punk

the real redpill is not listening to death grips

No it didn't. Sup Forums just uses it way more than anyone else. It's been a common phrase on Sup Forums for years.

KYS retard

I have one good friend, and my lady friend, who I have forced to listen to me sing the praises of Death Grips for hours. They've both just smiled and nodded throughout.

This is how I know they truly love me.

no it hasn't.

Like better music that's how

A) Start them on Bottomless Pit
B) Show them DG in chronological order
C) Stop trying to convert your friends and enjoy the fact that you're more patrician than them.

Yes it has

stop trying to force them to listem to shitty meme music
your friends are smart

no it hasnt

You're mentally retarded

the real redpill is listening to street sects instead

nigga the term was added to Urban Dictionary in like 2004

Sooner or later some hardcore punk band that you like is going to experiment slightly and use rap verses. You may as well bite the bullet now to know if you like this particular band.

Imagine being this new

You cannot make a friend like death grips, it's a personal experience.

This, I really hated them at first, the only song I liked was I've seen footage. As I eased myself in I began to love them, now I love all their albums and don't skip a single song. They all scratch an itch, and some in a different way. It's weird, there's nothing else like it.

enjoying Death Grips doesn't make you more patrician than anyone


dumb post

Trips don't lie

Please just kys

you're damn right they don't

>how do i redpill my friends into liking death grips?
>redpill my friends into liking death grips
>redpill into liking
second, don't fucking force people to listen to something like death grips that's abrasive as shit and alienating you autistic doofus
OP, do you even like death grips unironically, or are you just a fan because "O-OH JEEZ I WANNA BE HIP WITH THE MEMES TOO..." because its really seeming like the latter

For the record, KPop General stole this brave user's second set of trips by literally less than a second.
Can we exile these faggots already?

>tell your friends you're having a party
>what they don't know is you're actually going to take them to hell

>get the worst people you know to come: drug dealers, criminals, general assholes
>get a whole lot of girls to come thru, 8-9 should be fine
>you'll need that 1 guy in every state county who is probably an undiagnosed psychotic who makes anything a party wherever he is, and is liked by a lot of people because of this

>release this all into your house, extra points if it's in the middle of the woods, no need for hassle from neighbors

>play tracks from Government Plates and The Money Store in the background all night. You'll have to play some normie rap/EDM to keep the crowd interested, but whenever it's getting really crazy, like when that 1 guy we were talking about earlier starts picking up lamps and swinging them like a sword at random people, you can switch on You Might Think, for serious effect.

wtf do we do to get rid of these cuckolds

>play their "catchier" songs in car with friends (fever, get got, known for it, etc)
>warn them beforehand its hoborap and they might not be into it
>only play two or three tracks in one sitting as to not overwhelm
>at first slightly uncomfortable as they grasp how crazy shit is
>slowly come to terms with craziness start noticing rhythms and melodies that werent there
aaaaand thats about how the 'introduction to death grips goes, no turning back. my friends arent obsessed like me but ive heard them play some dg on their phones and shit and we can jam to it together now. but they have to be somewhat into punk/rap type shit beforehand and theres a lot of people who just arent into it, you cant force people to like something subjective no matter how arguably/objectively good it might be. give it a shot though!

Congrats, this is possibly the most autistic thing I've read all day