Who is more powerful than Doctor Strange?
Who is more powerful than Doctor Strange?
Dr. Normie
John Goodman
Dr. Manhattan
Tom Bombadil
Mister Normal
Bendthedick Cuminhersnatch
bad company 2
Metal Gear
Silver surfer. Especially after infinity and eternity grant him their power.
u tried
pffhahaha when i first saw this trailer i immediately thought "holy shit, this is some serious cabal propaganda..."
fucking weeb shit
So instead of doing something original and trippy like the Dr. Strange in the comics, they decided to take two Chris Nolan films, Batman Begins and Inception and put them together, then slam the stupid Marvel film formula on it and have Sherlock Holmes and Black Watson fight the same villain that every other Marvel film has just with different name and look. Perfect.
it also looks kinda like Interstellar at times.
Not sure how much it sticks to the standard the marvel film formula though; Doc Strange is far more powerful than any other character yet seen in the MCU
I kind of want to see this movie, to be honest
In the MCU? He's probably the most powerful hero, yeah. Dude can open portals to other dimensions. I'm not sure any of the other heroes can top that.
In terms of villains, I guess Thanos might be more powerful.
Dr. Strange is a portent that there will be elimination of the lavish, stupid normies.
Thor should have been able to do that.
He is able in the comics.
In the movies he has to call it down like a chopper lift.
in marvel
Strange is not as powerful as the likes of thor or the hulk, though im sure he can find ways to beat them
he wouldn't beat surfer or thanos
none of the big guys like galactus, the watcher
Eh, I find the Bifrost a more interesting mechanic. Even in the comics, though, it's a bit of a tossup. Strange is ridiculously powerful there, a lot more than what we've seen in his movie trailers so far.
What Doctor Strange are we talking about here?
Strange would wreck the hulk, Thor and galactus
Strange in the comics once knocked Galactus out with a single spell.
nah I'm pretty sure Thor is stronger
hulk and thor maybe
galactus hell no
what year comics are you talking?
The Watcher is virtually powerless.
Hulk's only weakness is magic, Thor gets his strenght from ancient runic magic and asgardian enchantments.
Galactus is a joke beaten by anyone at this point.
lol I don't read comics, nerd
Strange in the comics has blown up planets and stars before, and gone toe-to-toe with entities a lot more powerful than Thor.
Strange goes toe to toe with guys like Eternity and Shuma Gorath and Dormammu in his own dimension
If she ever comes close to her comic book levels, Scarlet Witch.
what about dormammu
>what year comics are you talking?
That was from John Byrne's run on F4, so, 1980s.
Doctor Strange is Feige's favorite Marvel superhero. Even the TV movie from 8 years ago is rumored to be something he wanted since they could have chosen anyone to be the star.
Well, we don't know if Dormammu is in the MCU yet, but if he is then yeah, Strange is less powerful than him.
can dr stranges spells penetrate captain americas shield?
I don't think Strange ever went toe-to-toe with Eternity. Usually he's helped Eternity. And while he's fought Dormammu on equal-ish terms before, he always loses unless Dormammu has been weakened. Otherwise Strange just holds him off long enough to make a run for it.
>goes toe to toe with eternity
that's stupid, he should be at the same level as thor and Hulk for different reasons. (which is far above most of the avengers)
shouldn't be able to beat Thanos or Surfer.
sure as fuck shouldn't go near Galactus or eternity
the only comic that matters in the infinity gauntlet from the 90s or so where thanos gets the gems
I thought Mikael Madsen was confirmed to be a disciple of Dormammu even in the MCU.
no one can match doom
defeated the Beyonder and Galactus and the Watcher single-handedly.
defeated Mephisto IN HELL
Cap's shield can absorb almost any form of force, but Strange could just open a portal to a Hell dimension right under Cap's feet if he wanted to.
Rumored, and there's a lot of circumstantial evidence that suggests Dormammu is in the movie, or will at least be referenced, but no hard confirmation by Marvel.
Most marvel characters are desu OP
He didn't beat Mephisto in hell. He outsmarted and escaped him. And he did it with the help of Doctor Strange, after Strange had kicked Doom's ass in a duel.
Dr. Pavel
>mah boi galactus is a big joke
fuck this shit fuck you marvel
how great would it be if they just adapted Triumph and Torment for a sequel to Dr. Strange?
Fuck it, time to drop the comic powerlevel meme choices:
Batman with prep time
Silver Age Superman
Superman Prime
Wally West
>defeated Mephisto IN HELL
Defeated in the sense of outwitted/outplayed, not exercised more raw power. And it came about almost unintentionally and would not have been possible without the help of Stephen Strange.
Alas, we have no Dr. Doom in the MCU. Also, while I love that story, it's a lot more Doom heavy than Strange heavy, and I like Strange more. My hope is the sequel is all about Dormammu or Shuma-Gorath.
with prep time DOOM could wipe the floor with all 4 of those clowns.
they need to just buy Surfer and DOOM from Fox. they need both of those characters for the Thanos stuff.
What are they doing here with the warping and the refraction?
Looking at slices of time within their own dimension?
Shouldn't there be another, alternate version of Dr. Stange (or whoever is the Sorcerer Supreme) guarding every parallel dimension he visits? Does he often encounter himself in the comics?
The One Above All
similar to what you are asking, in Millars run on FF, Reed Richards ends up meeting a "council of Reed Richards" that are all alternate universe versions of himself basically ruling over the multiverse.
>implying wally wouldn't infinite mass slap doom's girlfriend's ass at the bar
4u xD
HNNNG. I want to drop acid and see this movie while I stroke my erect cock.
>drop acid
Thor does do it in the movies. They mostly tone him down for dramatic purposes but in his own movies, he's fairly powerful
didn't Galactus had some kind of mental match with Odin who by far is more powerful than Thor?
One-Above-All, Living Tribunal, Beyonder, Eternity, Franklin Richards, Cyttorak, Phoenix Force
Is Dr Strange going to have a role in Infinity War?
straight edge nerd detected
It's hard to say what exactly Mads is trying to do there. Destroy the building? Warp it into another reality? Teleport it to another location within the same country? Warp it into a new shape? It's hard to say.
The reality-warping visuals we've seen in the movie trailers so far, while surreal and weird, are very different from the sort of surreal and weird imagery one usually sees in the Dr. Strange comics. There's no clear way to compare the two.
Almost certainly.
maybe he is travelling through time/space like the characters in the Amber books
wait Mads is in here? automatic watch then.
who is he supposed to be? Baron Mordo?
Nope. Chiwetel Ejiofor is Mordo. Mads is a minor villain from the comics called Kaecilius, who was a minion of Mordo's. In the movie it seems Mordo is still good and will fall to evil at a later point, while movie Kaecilius is something of a composite character, taking elements from multiple Dr. Strange villains.
Who'd win in a fight - Benedict Cumberbatch or Tilda Swinton?
My dick is very confused by this prospect.
Beyonder LT or dr doom take him
they are using the "mystic arts to harness energy and shape reality"
that is all they said about it AFAIK
Well, to be more specific, they don't rule over the universe, they've simply all come to the conclusion that Doom is the single largest threat to reality that will ever come to be. So they all banded together and started collecting him from each universe in an ongoing mission to imprison them all.
Reed's dickitry to Doom exceeds dimensional boundaries.
is this inception?
This guy.
That is a teamup I would like to see. Strange & Strange.
i forgot about that whole aspect of it
fucking cunt Richards.
Did they ever explain why one of the Reeds looked distinctly asgardian? I imagine that at least one of them would get hold of the Odin-force.
>Well how was the vision Doctor,Strange?
WTF i hate Marvel now
Madara Uchicha
>impying Doom can handle speedforce
Wally becomes literal speed god.
>Doom is the single largest threat to reality that will ever come to be
Except for Reed and Tony.
Dr. Stranger
why is doctor doom so based
Because he is THE Anti-hero.
>Daniel Bruhl is in this?
>Mads Mikkelson is in this?
>Sylvester Stallone is in this?
>Taika Waititi is directing this?
It's funny how many of us watch these movies just for the stars they attract.