seen suicide squad yet?
Seen suicide squad yet?
>inb4 300 replies
>someone unironically wrote that
yeah, it was pretty shitty
SJWs hate DC cinematic for some reason.
>that article actually exist
cringy as fuck
Considering that Suicide Squad alone had more diversity and women doing shit that the entire MCU series of movies, i really don't get it.
Maybe they are all racists...
It's funny because Ghostbusters 2016 is the Donald Trump of movies
I took one for the team
Early in the film, Deadshot says he plans to kill the government agents who have temporarily released him from prison. Mere seconds later he reverses his position, urging the Squad of supervillians to keep operatives Amanda Waller and Rick Flag alive. Did Trump write this script? The Republican nominee has flipped-flopped positions on an array of topics -- from abortion to the Iraq War to nuclear proliferation. At least Deadshot is acting for a logical reason -- he knows he'll be killed if he lets Flag die.
Insulting Women
"You one of them deaf hoes?" Deadshot asks a female operative who fails to immediately respond to him. Trump also has a habit of insulting women by comparing them to animals. And as for the deaf part, Trump also mocked a disabled reporter.
Objectifying Women
As strategically-directed camera angles remind audiences throughout the film, Harley Quinn wears little more than a pair of skimpy bottoms. Trump thinks plenty of other women exploit their looks to succeed. "It's certainly not groundbreaking news that the early victories by the women on 'The Apprentice' were, to a very large extent, dependent on their sex appeal," he wrote in his 2004 book "How to Get Rich."
>be me
>don't like Donald Trump
>think he's too liberal and rude to be president
>liberals also hate Trump
>don't blame them at first
>then it starts to seem like they hate more than he deserves
>find myself defending Trump sometimes
>the late night comedians have plenty of material to rail against this guy, but they pick the stupidest things
>get angered whenever someone makes fun of Trump like this without addressing his actual policies
>when I see AIDS Skrillex yell "YOU'RE, FUCKING, A WHITE MALE" as though it's a reasonable argument, Carl the Cuck comparing Trump to Hitler, and acting shocked that he's asked to back that claim up, I'm just sick of it
>long story short, the liberals have convinced me to vote for Trump
Enchantress may have suspected someone rigged her earth-destroying spell -- just like Trump has already started arguing that the November election will be rigged. After she employs her dark magic to take over the planet, she sticks around to fight the Squad. But why fight at all? Couldn't she just go to Fiji or somewhere and relax while she waits for her nefarious voodoo to finish its job?
A Money Man
As TheWrap pointed out, Donald Trump's chief fundraiser, Steven Mnuchin, is a producer on "Suicide Squad."
Mnuchin raised eyebrows when Trump named him as his lead fundraiser in May: He pocketed money stolen by Bernie Madoff; and Relativity Media, the studio behind "The Fighter," once accused his bank of "violating bankruptcy procedures."
>the situation is literally the opposite of the webm
>Trump spouts inane shit and Hilary's popularity goes up
>"The Wrap"
Literally who?
>Ghostbusters and Sony got Hillary Clinton to help promote the film
>Suicide Squad made more than Ghostbusters in its first week
I think that writer really doesn't get what she just unintentionally implied.
Is Donald Trump the new Dark Souls?
>A Money Man
>As TheWrap pointed out, Donald Trump's chief fundraiser, Steven Mnuchin, is a producer on "Suicide Squad."
If i remember correctly one of the actual Big Guys in charge of Marvel also donated money for Trump...but i guess its ok if Marvel/Disney does it.
>not even an article
>a carousel of pictures
Why does Sup Forums obsess about the clickbait of some pooinloo who works for 2 cents a post?
That was Perlmutter and he got taken down, now Kevin Feig operates independently.
People literally find Clinton revolting as a human being.
They are either voting for trump or against him. Not a single person in America likes her
SJWs believe on segregation and they believe colored people aka people of color can't catch up with normal people aka white people so they must be protected. That sounds pretty racist
Are these regarded as insults here?
Yes. It's a good movie. I might go again this weekend.
>That was Perlmutter and he got taken down
No he didn't. He only got removed from involvement with the films. He still controls TV, comic, and merchandise.
>reviewing/judging a movie based on personal political views
When will this meme end?
Thank you for Correcting the Record
I'm just saying. Why post this webm when Hilary is the one laughing right now? Just comes off as butthurt.
I watched it and thought there was no reason to hate it if you enjoy capeshit overall
Hell yeah I did. It was pretty damn good. The Mexican banger was fucking cool as shit.
No. Tell it to me straight: did Suicide Squad, of all thungs, save the DC cinematic universe? Or did they just dig themselves a bigger, deeper grave? Honestly, why does DC even try?
>I support Trump not because of his policies but because it pisses off liberals
also there's plenty of legitimate criticisms of Trump, but the fact that you admit you focused just on what late night comedians and a Sup Forums meme said about him shows you're happy to ignore them and go for the low hanging fruit
you don't like when you see blacks telling whites to go to the back and the DNC being a Dunham-tier gender-chauvinist fuckfest, mexican patriotism and black racial jingoism parade and white men only being allowed if they're sweet little Kaine people defering to trannies, cripples, gays and all his superiors while berners are told they're stupid?
jesus, you must be some nazi who cant see we're all equal
because it feeds their victim complex.
If some Z-tier clickbait site made a lazy attempt at insulting Trump, it's proof there's a war on conservativsm, masculinity, etc.
>Trump shuts up for one week and makes one teleprompter speech and his numbers explode
>immediately crashes himself with a controversy trash talking Clinton or a Clinton surrogate
>meanwhile Clinton's popularity continues to slowly, net trend downward
>Trump shuts up and makes teleprompter speech
>his peak and the gap between them is bigger than last jump all while spending jack shit
>crashes himself again
This has literally happened 3 times in the general. We saw it being tested in the controlled environment of the primaries, where he was always leading, now I guess it's in full swing. Shit is fascinating to watch as an analyst alone.
And your media sees it, but dismisses it as a publicity stunt, as though a major candidate needs publicity. At this point I think they've decided a Trump presidency is better for ratings and are playing his game for him. And with all that money left over for election week, as a foreigner I have no doubt that he'll win.
>On The Wrap of all places
>The Wrap
More like THE CRAP!
She had a crazy mom from the start. Never stood a chance. Surprised not a hyphenated last name
>warning: contains mild peril
What are the benefits of being a white guy with a STEM degree to vote Democrat
There's an agenda behind it.
If you follow any of the major movie news sites they've been running a ton of anti Trump articles barely related to movies. They're trying to influence the goyim come election but the goyim are fighting back by making things they deemed bad (suicide sqaud) successful so they get upset and double down on the stupid articles.
not having to pay off the extra trillions in debt Trump is going to add by wasting money on a wall and slashing corporate taxes
>muh identity politics
yes, definitely an intricate conspiracy from the highest echelons of power to the lowest forms of media
definitely has nothing to do with shitty clickbait articles trying to get ad revenue with "provocative" links. It's definitely the Jews trying to sway people's opinions with such powerful arguments as "Trump is just like the Enchantress"
So increase my taxes now so I don't need to increase them later?
Also the US corporate tax rate is literally the highest in the world.
And >muhh identity politics is obviously a big issue nowadays considering its the Dems bread and butter
If Republicans stopped worshipping their Jew-on-a-stick deity and spent more time making and spending money on movies, things would be different. Instead they just whine that they're losing that particular battle.
Notice how no one talks about the Dr. Strange legitimate racism shit anymore
And Im sure Rachel McAdams will have a great empowering female role of hero's girlfriend who has barely been in 2 trailers
If I had the ability to go back in time and prevent myself from seeing any 2016 movie, it would definitely be Suicide Squad. I spent the second half of the movie contemplating walking out.
>So increase my taxes now so I don't need to increase them later?
no one is increasing your taxes, just like Trump isn't cutting your taxes unless you happen to be a billionaire or a hedge fund manager
>Also the US corporate tax rate is literally the highest in the world.
but that's not true
>the Dems use identity politics so I should stoop their level
are you 8? Do you really think this is a valid argument? At least try to deny it or rationalize it better than "waaah the other side does it"
Was this post trying to be as cringe as you could make it?
it's disingenuous of you to pretend that these writers are apolitical blank slates that are "above it all".
that in itself is part of the Left wing belief system anyway.
they aren't "above it all", it's the opposite
they're willing to slink to any depths to get their ad shekels, and identity politics is the best kind of bait
Really, the Dems won't increase my taxes?
also 'durr Kazakhstan has a higher tax rate.' What a fucking joke you are. US corporate tax is a fucking joke and you're too stupid to realize it.
Sorry I missed out on not caring about identity politics. I guess i didn't hear it in Trayvons mom's speech at the DNC kek.
You're arguments are bad bro
I'd rather vote for the side that has voters that dont actively villianize my existence as a way to get more votes from brown people
Was this post trying to be as Reddit as you could make it?
Ugh, can you not?
Coming from the 'jew on a stick' commentator that's rich. And I'm an atheist
which is why ghostbusters was such a huge success?
their ID politics articles generally get the least hits, they're primarily motivated by ideology.
same reason ghostbusters reboot existed.
>Really, the Dems won't increase my taxes?
>also 'durr Kazakhstan has a higher tax rate.' What a fucking joke you are. US corporate tax is a fucking joke and you're too stupid to realize it.
well with such powerful arguments and goalpost moving you've definitely convinced me
>Sorry I missed out on not caring about identity politics. I guess i didn't hear it in Trayvons mom's speech at the DNC kek.
>I'd rather vote for the side that has voters that dont actively villianize my existence as a way to get more votes from brown people
ok cool, just say you're in it for the identity politics from the start and don't pretend that you're actually interested in how this country is run or what the Democrats policies are
List the countries with higher corporate tax rates than the US.
>ignoring effective tax rates
>ITT: wont you please think of the megacorps!!!
smdh, chummer
>their ID politics articles generally get the least hits, they're primarily motivated by ideology.
are you fucking joking? Ghostbusters alone proves that you can have half of Sup Forums clicking your shitty clickbait identity politics "journalism"
Sony used feminism as a cheap way to divert criticism of a shitty cashgrab reboot, and the online media was more than happy to be useful idiots and spam stories that generated outrage from retards on Twitter of every political stripe
If you really think there's a cabal of elder Jews sitting around a table saying "yes, the time has come for a female Ghostbusters movie to increase the power of women and finally destroy the white male" you're nuts
But Dems will raise my taxes. Directly or indirectly I'm going to have less money than now.
Tell us countries with higher tax rates.
And your party demonizes me (us) as a way to rile up brown people to hit the polls. That's more apparent than their policies H1-Bs
But keep being a white guy that votes Democrat while they jeer your ass
Go ahead and list it man, you seem well versed in the topic. Tell me how much American companies are BTFO other competitors
The new Spider Man is more diverse (vanilla british boy,mexican jock and abo female lead)
>If you really think there's a cabal of elder Jews sitting around a table saying "yes, the time has come for a female Ghostbusters movie to increase the power of women and finally destroy the white male"
that's exactly what happened and it's the main reason ghostbusters even exists.
the jewish executives (pascal/lynton/rothman) at sony are willing to lose some shekels if they can send a fuck you to the goyim.
UAE for sure, otherwise it gets a bit tough depending on how you want to define things because pretty much no country has an absolute flat tax rate for corporations
At any rate, it doesn't really matter because each country's individual economic climate is more complicated than 1 factor. Western Europe has some of the universally lowest corporate tax rates but their economies are stagnant
"we'll cut taxes" isn't some magical silver bullet that instantly revitalises the economy. Republicans have been preaching the same thing for 30 years and it doesn't work