>yfw Based Gal BTFO Marvel
How will they ever be able to compete?
They can't.
>yfw Based Gal BTFO Marvel
How will they ever be able to compete?
They can't.
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Who put in the big head mode?
why is she holding her arms like this.
post the video of this happen
I like Gal. She seems nice.
>post the video of this happen
Nice try skellington
Find your own videos
>dat feel when my dog has bigger tits than gal
also more nipples
Hello Adam!
Dude stop fucking your dog
>WB casts a chick who's biggest part was as a supporting character from a Fast and The Furious sequel for their female solo movie
>Marvel casts an Oscar winner with perfect nipples for their female solo movie.
I think Marvel will do fine.
don't you just love it when itty bitty titty women wear outfits that show off just how itty bitty their titties really are?
Hollywood has employed the itty bitty titty committee in much of their recent hirings
>tfw she will never punch you in the face with those sweet hands while looking at you in the eyes saying "you're mine"
you can make up for the lack of tits tbqh
but thats not the case for gadot
Trips are useless without nipples pics
leave sole kino to ME
I think that she has hot, elegant soles.
>WB's saving grace is a model turned actress who can barely speak english and only has 3 facial expressioins
based evans does it again
haha post a picture of your dog? haha
those are big feet
for my tongue
For my face for her to trample.
>DC plebs daring to show their face on this board after Suicide Squid
Where the ass at?
wow she's cute. does she have any nudes?
>he's a butt guy
no she is pure
she is pure
No, she probably looks sickly naked.
you still have time Sup Forums and Sup Forums. apologize now to the Amazon Goddess
i'm sorry ratface
The DC shill is much more desperate than the CTR shill.
Will the suffering of DC fans never end?
Those are some serious Sideshow Bob feet.
Meme. Gal has hot toes.
>gal gadot