If you had a backdoor into every single iphone and you can see if person is talking with the phone against ear...

if you had a backdoor into every single iphone and you can see if person is talking with the phone against ear, you could remote explode 1 iphone and it would be a fatal kill, who would you choose?



myself if i ever decided to get an iphone


I don't have an iPhone so I would need to buy one though.

lol kek


old horse

Jay norris: the guy from lifeinvader


you are a dolphin! nightmare dolphin...
dolphin murder a people in 2002

Rost a Peply

d - deal


sry guys, using android.

Jeroen - doll

Heil Stier!


No use bothering thy mind with impossible scenarios.

i would want it to be my ex. hopefully it would blow her head off. Then i would show up and fuck her lifeless corpse.

all great ideas but names please.

>brain meme
>asks the most retarded, needlessly specific question i've ever heard

you guys should 100% stop what your doing and check out
> Snapchat "Y" .me
as soon as you can lol

this must be the worst ad ever.


kys .