Strange YouTube Animation

This might be incredibly obscure so I doubt anyone will know what I'm talking about it, but I'll give it a go anyway since I've been looking for it for like a year and I'm starting to feel hopeless. About 6 years ago (or maybe more, could've been 2009/2008) I watched a short animation on YouTube, it was really strange, it featured some sort of creature that I think was on wheels? I don't really remember, it made weird sounds and stopped in the centre of the screen if I remember correctly, and then a bunch of butterflies or some other insects (I seriously don't remember) flew from nowhere and either made the creature disappear or killed the creature... or it could've ended there (honestly, I don't remember that well, but it was so surreal that it just stuck in my mind). I tried typing in weird titles such as "wheeler/butterflies/animation/creature/surreal animation/etc" but I could never find it. I included a VERY rough sketch by myself to help get an idea of the animation, I know it was set at night time and just had a weird surrealistic vibe to it.

If no one knows what the hell I'm talking about then feel free to make this into a /essential youtube kino/ thread and post some other obscure/weird animations. Thanks in advance if anyone at least knows what I'm talking about.

Other urls found in this thread:

This is pretty strange to say the least, I have no idea what animation you're talking about though OP - if anyone knows I'd be interested too.

It's a shame everyone is ignoring this, I have a few weird channels i could paste here...

Not what I was looking for but thanks for contributing! I like weird animations :P


ask on /x/, they have creepy youtube threads from time to time

What kind of animation was it? 2d or 3d? Amateur or professional-looking? I probably haven't seen it but some more details might help.

>post some other obscure/weird animations
Hommer Simpson is true art and everyone should watch it.

It was 2D, the face of the creature was like pretty well detailed though I think, it was quite creepy looking. Not really sure whether amateur/professional, when I was a kid everything was "professional" to me. It might've been a bit choppy, but yeah, does that help?

Also, thank you for sharing that Hommer Simpson one, it's fucking brilliant, I love shit like that.

Sorry, I probably haven't seen it.

>that Hommer Simpson one, it's fucking brilliant, I love shit like that.
Yeah, the series gets amazing as it goes on.

It's a series? Oh man... I'm in for a treat. I like finding new stuff to watch, especially if it's "weird", since most of YouTube nowadays is unoriginal and generally just such a shit fest.

not what you are looking for but I think this fits the "obscure animation" theme

Holy shit, loving the vibe already, thank you so much for sharing this!

you're welcome, he has so many more


Shit, I'd forgotten all about this guy.

Mr. Ando a best.

fuck off you pleb this is a good thread

is youtube on topic for Sup Forums? If so, why are there never youtube generals?

I'm happy that I have some new stuff to watch :D

self-bumping again... please guys, someone must know maybe possibly???

>why are there never youtube generals?
you fucking retard. half the board is shilling for youtube faggots at this point.

fuck you.

pretty sure he meant for actual good content like the stuff posted in this thread.

also you don't have to be a dick.

>It's an "everyone promotes their shitty animations" thread

I really wish someone could recognise the thing I'm looking for though...

Super long shot, but maybe you're thinking of this guy, he's been around a long time.

Otherwise, enjoy these during your quest.

anyone know the name of an animated anime-ish-style music video were it's like terminator apocolyptic and a girl get's shot and then there's a girl with a gun on her leg and it's depressing and stuff.

someone played it in a tinychat room i was in once.

I thought it might've been Cyriak too but nah, thank you for trying to help anyway though!

I'm familiar with Chriddof, I love David Firth's stuff, but the others I'm not familiar with so thank you for sharing!

How about some vintage old animation?
heres a comfy little film

Oh shit I remember this, kooky stuff, I like it B)

'Where The Dead Go To Die' was pretty shit, but 'When Black Birds Fly' looks kind of promising?

>'Where The Dead Go To Die' was pretty shit
it really wasn't your opinion is just infected by some prude autistic cartoon reviewers on youtube

No, I actually watched it, it was just really crude animation attempting to be disturbing and when something tries to hard to be "disturbing" or whatever it annoys the hell out of me, I prefer subtlety or at least some purpose when it comes to horror/shock value.

*too hard

Also I haven't watched any reviews of it so...

wrong again
it actually has a ton of deep meaning and if you didn't understand that crude animation is supposed to make it more disturbing there's something wrong with you.
>quick take his hands and cut yourself with his fingernails so it looks like he attacked you first
>he doesn't have any yet

Yeah, I got all the "meaning", it's not exactly hard to decipher, but I wouldn't necessarily call it "deep" or "profound". So let's see, terribly crude animation (don't say it was purposeful), trying too hard to be edgy/disturbing, and in-your-face visual metaphors that any edgy teenager could come up with.

Pretty sure I'm allowed to dislike a film.


I'm going to bed now because it's 5 am soon, don't try and persuade me on how I'm "wrong" about a film I didn't like. If this thread is still going in like 8 hours see you all then.

I bet u like "Begotten" too lmao

woooo w dude, so deeeeep and, and scariee!!!!!!!