Is everyone miserable?

is everyone miserable?

>tfw no black gf

I'd make her happy, I'm told I'm quite the gentleman

doubt anyone can make her happy, these people already have everything

>not black
Couple will not last

Fassbender realizing that he really shouldn't have gone back.

she looks depressed af. hope they reconsider that lara croft disastrous casting

i bet he hss jungle fever again.

Happiness is a state of mind, not a list of possessions


prove him wrong

What do you mean? She looks happy as ever!!

>tfw not fassbender, the perfect white Irishman

Using Keanu as an example is cheating, he's gone through more shit than most people would go through in a couple of lives.
Also Maslow's pyramid says i'm right, if she can't be happy with what she has now it won't get any better.

laughed the poorfag

>implying the rich aren't obsessed with amassing even more riches and that's what gives their lives meaning
you sound like the poorfag

First post poignant post

>tfw fass is beaating her up :(

Of course. What is there to be happy about?

Trips. Trips are happiness.


You can do so much better Fassy

Wouldn't you be if you had a camera shoved in your face?

What do you mean by this?

who is she?

Am I the only one who thinks they both look drunk?

>hfw life is all a bad joke

She probably has something on him, otherwise why would he be with her? She's a white fridge, that doesn't fit with his well known jungle fever.