Non-meme thread
/lbg/ Letterboxd General
Other urls found in this thread:
>Non-meme thread
>begins with a meme
What did he mean by this?
learn how to link a thread
>What did he meme by this?
>Non-meme thread
That's a big request.
For you
>he doesnt follow me
what am I in for
somethin fuckin awesome
hey guys i'm starting film school next year wish me luck
more like middle school ITV class
>2 stars for Love & Friendship
Sir James hit a little too close to home?
42 people already followed me. Don't be an outisder, join the cool kids club.
look at this shill
Recommend me some shitty movies to watch, I need to pad out list and get myself out of embryo status
This thread sucks
The Thing, Amadeus, Blade Runner, Barry Lyndon
kek. Nah, I just found it to be mediocre and it never exceeded the countless other Austen adaptations. Also I heard it was praised for it's humour, but it never really was funny apart from a few brief moments.
Tie Qi Xu
>Hateful 8
If you're looking to fix your grading curve and make your average rating better, just watch a fuckload of 2000's Disney.
Hateful 8 is Tarantino's best film.
>Hateful 8 is Tarantino's best film.
It is though. Tarantino actually manages to create tension and mystery, which is something he's often failed to. It's also got a modern subtext underneath it's basic elements which while not amazing, is miles better than his other films.
don't bother him
he's the edgy kid
every general needs one
You could do worse.
cinema paradiso is complete trash dude
I've actually been harsh enough to keep it around a 3 average, but I'll keep my eye out
I must admit that I viscerally hated Tarkovsky's "Nostalgia" and completely hated the use of Beethoven in it. I've seen it only once, but none of the Tarkovsky films that I have seen did I think are really good.
I need to revisit Alice Sweet Alice again it's been a longtime since I've last seen it.
It's okay. Tarkovsky is overrated af.
How does one see one's average rating on letterboxd?
On desktop, on your profile page, right under diary on the right hand side
>proud embryos
Tarkovsky is the quintessential embryonic flickmaker.
>this is what embryos actually believe
>this is what embryos actually believe
oh great this guy's back
tarkovsky plebs get triggered so easily.
>this is what embryos actually believe
>this is what embryos actually believe
>this is what embryos actually believe
lmao mad
>this is what embryos actually believe
go back to réddit
>this is what embryos actually believe
finally a good thread
>Non-meme thread
great call OP
>mi cara cuando m_obvs es 5' 3"
shit thread
Cuando aprenderá?
is it kino /lbg/?
most definitely
but the million dollar question remains: is this the greatest kinograph ever shot?
They say the fox smells his own smell first.
Need more fun scifi
QOTD: Out of your last 10 movies watched, which was the worst?
they say the embryo actually believe this
Forbidden Planet
Green Room
I've been on a pretty good streak
They say the fox smells his own smell first.
Green Room was odd to me. Seemed like it wanted you to root for the punks, while also showing them as extremely hypocritical.
The Man Who Knew Infinity.
Jesus fucking yikes.
They say the fox smells his own smell first
Riéndome mi trasero afuera
good banter user
now I want to watch the sopranos again
>Rocky IV
It wants to make more cool antifa quips
Best: Hateful 8
Worst: Cinema Paradiso
My favorite: Oldboy
>Not rating what you watch
>Only using full star ratings
>Writing snappy one sentence "reviews"
>Writing long ass "reviews" without really talking about the movie
>Rating a "classic" high even though you didn't like it just because it's "classic"
>Rating a dumb blockbusters low even though you liked it just because it's a dumb blockbuster
>Rating five stars all the fucking time
>Rating half a star all the fucking time
>Logging a movie on the day you finished it if you finished it five minutes past midnight
>Logging 40 second "movies" from the 1890s
>Having Citizen Kane in your favorites
Why are Letterboxd users so retarded?
>tfw actually do none of these
Because everyone is retarded
>Logging a movie on the day you finished it if you finished it five minutes past midnight
>not going out to the cinema during the day with the bros and heading back to log your letterboxd in the morning
>Worst: Cinema Paradiso
Why is this considered good again?
tweets you mean
>Having Citizen Kane in your favorites
t. embryo
>is away from lbg for months
>embryo posting is still a thing
Cinema Paradiso, but unironically.
What's wrong with putting Citizen Kane in your favorites if it's legitimately one of your favorite movies? I agree with your other >
Leave the Flash out of this, he did nothing wrong.
I'm /ISniffRice btw
It's considered good because of this guy? I'm not sure I follow.
I dont wear trenchcoats and weapons. Its 2k16. Physical violence is not scary anymore. Digital terrorism is whats going to put the world in chaos. Dont ever compare me to those filthy neckbeards again.
I've got a degree in network security, you wouldnt be able to imagine what i can do with a computer in your worst nightmares.
American Sniper
>mfw embryoposting
where are all the shitposters in this thread?
Nine Lives....yes I fucking saw it in a movie theater