Why are most Liberals so ugly?
Why are most Liberals so ugly?
no idea
Because they are slobs and have low self esteem.
>Because they are slobs and have low self esteem.
He is british. Thats unfair.
You should be posting a picture of literally any good looking movie star instead. They're all super liberal.
Why are there no conservative intellectuals?
Most people in general are ugly, OP
You certainly have extensive experience with that fact
Ben Carson = first Doctor to separate twin brothers connected by their skull
Bill Nye = Man who doesn't even have PHD, never invented or discovered anything, has 0 actual experience in science
One of those two guys Liberals call ''The science guy''. Can you guess witch one?
>Ben Carson = first Doctor to separate twin brothers connected by their skull
This isn't true at all.
Where do conservative women hang out? I keep getting cunts
It amazes me that anyone so fucking bat-shit crazy could be a highly successful brain surgeon
Cutting someone apart doesn't make you a scientist you moron. It's no wonder conservatives are so stupid with thinking like this.
Who is Milton Friedman?
....? i disagree. a neurosurgeon is most certainly a scientist.
I hope this is b8
Why do leftists think they're smart when they've never actually explored political philosophy?
the guy on the right
William F Buckley Jr.
Chomsky is a bumbling old man that finds a way no matter the issue to blame America
>political philosophy
I wasn't even referencing Bill Nye, you fucking hick.
it's what you call a self answering question
A greedy Jew.
Your idea of an intellectual is a talk show host?
the same reason most republicans are ugly.
because american's are all ugly and obese.
I don't think anyone has ever advocated giving money to rich people. Friedman just wanted us to stop robbing them. And it did work, does work, and his philosophies are still practiced today.
Your idea of an intellectual is a stuffy linguist in over his head about political concerns
Yeah, man. Keep robbing the poor and cuck ourselves to the rich.
Liberals are ugly both inside and outside in most cases
Again, who is robbing poor people except other poor people?
Liberal "science" tells us there are 20+ genders
Liberal "science" has no qualms with manipulating data
Liberal "science" says what if we are right when arguing for climate change regulations
Liberal science banned DDT and killed 50 million people
Liberal "scientists" consistently misrepresent the skeptics argument against climate change. That is, they choose to lie.
It is,you can literally Google it.
Truth hurt, does it,Libtard
Same reason why most of any group are so ugly.
Most people are fucking ugly.
lets play a game
leak your ex gf
thank me later
>not fighting for autonomist marxism
>not settling for maoism
Carson also believes that the pyriamids were grain silos and that a belt buckle can break a knife
When a rich guy tries to sell you something and you turn them down, they change their tactics and try again
When government tries to sell you something and you turn them down, they threaten you until you buy it.
Who's the cuck again?
I would like to see any scientist say this. Surely you have a source
John Oliver is ugly because he's british, but to answer that question, liberal people tend to be too relaxed about things and generally lack a sense of urgency so they allow themselves to get out of shape and have shitty eating habits. Pretty simple actually. This woman is an example of a faux conservative. Basically she is a person who claims to be conservative but in reality has no self control on an individual level and is a fat cunt that voted for Trump because she "loves God" and hates THEM FOREIGNERS taking our jobs.
left or right, you are all a bunch of extremist faggots. Ever consider being moderate and subscribing to your own beliefs instead of party lines?
Still the businessman since the government can't have a wife to fuck
In other words, shes a conservative
This. Both sides are at record lows for party members too. Independent is the what I go
Liberal. Conservative. doesn't matter much what you label em'.
If someone is a mindless follower and spouting mouth cancer then they should be identified as an idiot, not 'democrat, libral, conservative, republican, ect'
At the end of the day i think a majority of people just want whats best, but who REALLY knows what that even is??
Labeling ourselves and then throwing hate at the other side reminds me a lot of divide and conquer...
Average Liberal is arrogant, irrational and emotional
Yeah. For people obsessed with controlling everybody because tolerance, they are some of the most vile, hateful people I deal with.
Their bigotry and hypocrisy are hilarious.
Hahaha that's so obviously fake
Cuz these ppl r so attractive
what is the average conservative in three words?
I have Republican friends that aren't this retarded though. They may have faith but they practice what they preach and are generally sensible people who don't blame all of their problems on da gubmint.
Implying independent voting is voting for yourself
Government is too large at this point for anyones vote to really matter. There are teams of people paid by your tax money to argue for every position in an argument. It's a cancer with no idea what it's own purpose is anymore
This is why corn is the most subsidized crop in America, which makes corn syrup insanely cheap, and instead of thinking we should maybe stop subsidizing it, we decided to tax corn syrup. The cancer will only grow.
Sources pls. Looks interesting
>Average conservative and liberal is arrogant, irrational and emotional
Fixed it for you
So liberals want to help people with climate change and single payer healthcare but they are ugly? What makes conservative less ugly or hateful?
>Liberal "science" tells us there are 20+ genders
Liberal "science" tells us that gender is a complex matter, and saying "there are only two" completely confuse what we're even talking about. The "there's only two" statement is not even true if we're only talking about -biological- genders, and when we're talking about sociological, psychological or cultural genders it all gets fuzzy really fast.
citation needed
At no point in your worthless post did you point out why it's bad to be an independent.
>literally admitting it's not science
There is 2 reasons the left LOST.
And? What does that have to do with liberal values? Clinton was a centrist btw not a liberal
nah Iiberal putang is best putang
Insurance companies and healthcare. Banks as well
I agree the whole "more than 2 genders" nonsense IS retarded. However science in general shouldn't really be affiliated with the political spectrum since it's just an objective view of the world and how it works. Something either is or it is not in the realm of science, opinions and emotions should not be associated with it, like what's the point?
I think you are confusing scientists and sjw's
No, that's not what the word literally means. But you know that, you just don't care. Just like with all the knowledge you have but don't give a shit about.
That's the problem with conservatives. It's not that you're stupid, it's not that you don't know about stuff. It's not that you don't read. It's that you value the continuation of a perceived status quo over doing the right thing. You just simply do not value knowledge. Do not want to handle complexities. It should all just be cut and dry, like it used to be.
In short, you're scared. Mostly of change, but if right wing pundits tell us anything it's that we should all be scared of mostly everything ever all the time.
You back wards, cowardly fucks.
USA liberal or Europe liberal, I can't tell.
Bill(?) Clinton was a lot of things. I heard he was denied a patent for his cigar humidor. Dunno.
Maybe that has to do with the objective behind the post. It was not to say independent is worse or better but the same since you still have no idea what you're actually voting for due to the bloated size of the government. This leads to people voting only to defend policies which benefit them, rather than attack policies which hurt them. The corn farmer will vote to continue to subsidize crops and not care about the tax on it in the end because it does not harm him as much as a subsidy going bye bye. The point of the post is that you don't actually have a complete say in what goes on anymore, and therefore there's no reason to pretend your opinion matters. There will not be a one guy that will get everything you'd like done. Pretending that independent is any different from Republican or Democrat is insane when the fundamental structure of our state inhibits a person to vote truthfully
Hey look! It's another dumb fuck conservative that isn't even clever enough to come up with some good isults.
Can John Oliver be deported? His toxic Liberal propaganda is getting too annoying.He is worst then even Jon Stewart and that's hard.
AAAAnd that's why you LOST.
>I don't like the truth.
No they are not. I have never heard of a hospital threatening anyone for money actually.
Never heard of any of them threatening people for money either.
Perhaps provide some evidence?
>Liberal "science" has no qualms with manipulating data
Implying conservative science isn't also manipulated. Tobacco is probably too obvious to mention. Politicized science is politicized both ways in a partisan society.
>Liberal science banned DDT and killed 50 million people
As one of the researchers on the World Health Organization Report on Pesticides, my answer to this is: kinda?
The report specifically recommends DDT for African nations as the benefits of killing mosquitoes by any (cheap) means possible far outweighs the *very* minor drawbacks from Endocrine Disrupter Chemicals (EDCs). DDT is harmful but very very very very mildly so, but first world nations can afford to minimize risk I guess?
At any rate, "liberal" science does acknowledge that liberal hippies are exceptionally stupid about science- particularly in regard to GMOs, Vaccines, and Pesticides/EDCs. I once heard of an exterminator who would spray his own chemicals in his mouth to demonstrate safety. Given what I know about how pesticides attack insect anatomy, I'd be willing to do the same.
You lost too, you just haven't realized it yet.
We only have his word that he's a successful brain surgeon. I couldn't find any evidence that he's actually performed any surgery. On the other hand, I have found evidence that suggests he bought his degree.
Then bloated government idealism is a mind state. You have to believe the government can't handle the job while some feel the opposite. So your ideal is already partisan to the conservative side which tells you over and over that the government is bad and unneeded. Well I'm a strong fan of regulation. Not all regulations but the good ones like the clean air and water act that trump killed a bit ago. Government is here to fend off foreign invaders and make sure the people arent fucked over. That's not how it's been working lately but I don't throw away my car when the whippers don't work, I fix the car. Same analogy works with the government. I'm all for a more efficient government, not necessarily a smaller one
What do you call debt collectors?
Buckley himself said he was not an intellectual.
Government, Companies dealing in natural resources. It's illegal to collect rain water in some states and those laws are tightening. This is ridiculous because water is necessary for every human to have life, so it's not okay for me to drink water? Even if it falls on my property?? If you look into Nestle you will find that they are also taking water away from communities around the world that are too poor to do anything about. Nestle then bottles the water and sells it to those who will buy it. Purelife is their biggest water brand
>worst then
>he thinks i'm conservative
Cute worldview. I'd hate to ruin it for you.
Most Liberals are rude and vulgar.Very egoistic and arrogant.They often do opposite of what they pretend to preach. Double standards are nothing new for them
Who? Perhaps those people signing all those worthless IOUs.
And liberals rewrite the facts if they hurt anyone's feelings. Your move.
So many generalizations in here.
>condescension made flesh
And you wonder why people don't like you anymore.
>Liberal "science" tells us there are 20+ genders
You should stick with linguistics, then. Only five or six genders there.
Thank God it's not Hillary's America.Then we would actually have to move out
I'm sure this thread is full of rational, logical, civil, individualistic thinkers who think critically whilst trying to avoid their biases.
Man you just described humanity
Isn't this the "no-true-scotsman" fallacy?
At any rate, you're gerrymandering and cherrypicking your ingroup to only include paragons. We could do the same with liberals, so that pretty much all millenials are garbage fanatics and the only true liberals are rationalist elite who seek adversarial collaboration of their ideas (thus abstaining from rhetorical mockery) and have a strong historical foundation for their political philosophy.
In which case there are like maybe 1000 liberals worldwide and just as many paragon conservatives, and everyone else runs this country de facto like a blind idiot rampaging toddler.
you're actually brainwashed af, you should stop having conversations in general, and just off yourself already